All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1275: Propose marriage

What's the matter? As long as the uncle can help you, just speak. "The old secretary is now very satisfied with Shen Long. The life of Xiao Lei's family is getting better and better, which shows that he has read the right person, and Shen Long also respects him in ordinary days. He felt that the days of the most recent period were more comfortable than at any time in the past.

"Hey, I'll treat you as you promised. As for what's going on, I'll tell you again in a few days!" Shen Long touched his head and smiled. This matter can't be said yet.

Called Lao Zhen and told him to send him and Sibao away from the station in the county, then Shen Long ran to the county magistrate Xu to report to him the recent changes in Xiaolei Village, Xu County After listening to it, I was very happy, "Does this mean that you are on the right path? Your village party secretary is doing a good job. If the village branch secretary of the whole county has you so capable, it would be great! In this way, I do n’t have to worry that Jinling County cannot get out of poverty Get rich. "

Um, you are really a bit greedy. There are 14 communes and 215 villages in Jinling County. If every village has a traverser like me, do n’t say get rid of poverty and get rich, you can give it in three years. Believe it or not, you are number one in the top 100 counties in the country? The province will be very different in ten years.

"Don't be afraid to do anything. What needs to be supported by the county, you can speak up." This time Shen Long's position in the county magistrate Xu was raised again.

"The development of Xiao Lei's family is naturally inseparable from your support. I will definitely come to you if there are any problems in the future." But Shen Long still intends to be self-reliant in his heart. The county magistrate Xu is not bad. He was transferred from Jinzhou Chemical Industry to Jinling County to become the county governor. He lacked grass-roots work experience. After arriving in Jinling County, he was constrained by many factors. Many ideas could not be smoothly developed. This county governor was a bit difficult.

After a few days, Shen Long went to the county's supply and marketing cooperatives and bought a Phoenix brand of women's bicycles. Phoenix is ​​a big brand, getting a new Phoenix car to ride, and the envy of the streets is definitely not as good as driving a BMW in the future. There is less dangling on the street, even more so than the later BMW.

It ’s just that the big guy looked at Shen Long riding a lady ’s car. It ’s weird. Some big girls and young wives looked at them with envy. They must have bought it for him. Hey, when can my family give me one? The Phoenix is ​​back!

If you want to buy this thing, you ca n’t do it with money. You have to have a bicycle ticket. Although it ’s difficult to save enough money to buy a car, it ’s not impossible, but it ’s difficult to get a bicycle ticket. Shen Long asked him to come here Yes, but he was n’t as stupid as Lei Dongbao. He bought a 28-bar man ’s car and gave it to Song Yunping. Is that easy for her to ride?

After buying the car, Shen Long was waiting on the road from Xiao Lei's house to Hongwei Commune. He took Song Yunping to the village for class this morning, and it was almost time for her to go home.

Before long, Song Yunping appeared at the intersection, and Shen Long pushed the car to meet him. "Yun Ping, since you reported to the TV University, you have to go to the county to take classes frequently. No car is inconvenient. You can take this car back. Use it! "

"Dongbao, this is not suitable. How can I collect such a valuable thing for you?" After this time, there was only one layer of window paper left between the two, and even the name of the other changed. Too.

"Yun Ping, I will just say it. I like you very much. We have known each other for a short time. You also know what kind of person I am. If you follow me, you will definitely have a good life; originally, Two days ago I wanted to invite the old secretary to go to your house to raise relatives, but think about it, you must first discuss it with you. If you agree, I will let the old secretary go. "Shen Long said sincerely, holding her hand .

Hearing this, Song Yunping lowered her head shyly. Why did she not be attracted by the man in front of her? But a girl's family, after hearing such a hot confession, still can't accept it. This is not a later generation.

"Then ... what if I don't agree?" After a while, Song Yunping whispered. When he was talking, he wanted to draw his hand back, but his strength was only a small half?

"If you don't agree, it must be that I haven't done enough in place. I will continue to work hard until you agree!" Sister, don't pretend, you see your face is almost red to the neck. Is this not acceptable? If I don't agree, can I still hold your hand? I'm afraid it's a big ear slug.

"You ... you let me think about it again!" Song Yunping said in a fine mosquito's voice.

"What else do you think? In these ten miles and eight towns, can you find a better guy than me?" Shen Long bragged bravely for himself.

"How can you boast about yourself so much?" Song Yunping was amused by him.

"Okay, let's do that." Shen Long let go of his hand. "I counted to three. If you agree, you will stand still. If you leave, I'll take you home first, and then continue to work hard." At that time, the girls were all thin-skinned. If you want her to speak, it may be difficult. Then just use Lei Dongbao's method in the TV series.

Shen Long's voice lengthened, "One ... two ... three!" After three shouts, Song Yunping still stood there, and he looked up to see his hot eyes and quickly waved his hand, "It's not counted, this time Not counted! "

"Haha, it's not too late to say that now!" Shen Long stepped forward and hugged Song Yunping. Song Yunping began to struggle, and slowly stopped, his head leaned on Shen Long's chest, with a smile on his face, Tears of happiness came from the corners of my eyes.

The two held each other for a while ~ ~ before they parted reluctantly and walked to the Song Yunping family together, "When I go back, let the old secretary come to raise my relatives, and I can't get too much right now for Caili, but You can rest assured, at most one year, I will make up for you, the radio, the sewing machine will move to your house! "

"My parents are not that kind of people, and they didn't marry their daughters just for the ceremony!" Song Yunping said with his head down. "However, we are the rules of the family, we have to follow the rules of marriage, and it is better to do it again in the summer vacation At that time, Xiaohui could also come back. "

"I know, I know, I all know that I recently planned to go to the provincial capital to find Xiaohui. By the way, I told him about it." Now that the breeding pigs have been bought back to start breeding, it is also time to start my own One step planning.

When the Song family arrived, Song Jishan and Song Mother saw the new bicycle, and they realized something in their hearts. Then, the next day, they saw the old secretary of the Xiao Lei family come to the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Haha, I came back here for Dongbao and Yunping. Brother Song and sister-in-law, you two must agree!"

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