All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1276: Mother Fool

For such a long time, her daughter ran to Xiao Lei's house when she was fine. After she came back, she could laugh for a long time. Can Song Jishan and Song Mu know her thoughts? And they also met the young man named Lei Dongbao. This young man spoke well, was neat, and could see that he really liked Pingping.

What can be rejected in this way? Although Xiao Lei's family is poorer, his family's conditions are worse, but now it has been reformed, Xiao Lei's family has gradually improved under his leadership, I believe with him, Xiao Lei's family will be better in the future And, Song Jishan and Song Mother are not snobbish people. In this case, as long as the daughter likes it.

"Old Secretary, sit inside. I'll cook two dishes. You and Ji Shan drink two cups!" Song Mu happily went to cook. The old secretary was highly respected, even in the Red Guard Commune, she had heard of old people. The name of the secretary, such a large amount of matchmakers who came to the door, Song Mother also felt that there was light on her face.

After drinking two cups, the old secretary mentioned the topic just now. This time, Song Jishan did not refuse. He only said that he would listen to the meaning of his daughter. Although Song Yunping was embarrassed to say yes, he did not refuse, but covered his face and went back to his house. Now, the big guy understands it, and he settled the matter with a smile.

"Brother, my family Pingping can marry your little Lei's family, I am also happy about this, but you also know that my family is still studying outside, it is estimated that it will take the summer vacation to come back, so can we have a wedding time? To the summer vacation? "Song Jishan also mentioned this requirement, and now it is only two months away from the summer vacation. Can the old secretary of this little thing agree? So this is what happened. Song Jishan didn't even mention the wedding.

He did n’t mention it. Shen Long was already prepared. Although his family is poor now, he ca n’t afford much money, but he ca n’t blind the Song family. So he put Sibao, Shi Hongwei and others just The wages I borrowed were all borrowed, and I went to find some bills and sent some new furniture, a sewing machine, and a radio to the Song family.

After the news spread, the young people of Xiaolei's family were both happy and worried. After so many years of happiness, the girl from the outer village was finally married to Xiaolei's family, and the worry was the gift from Shen Long. It's so heavy, what do they do when they look for a wife in the future?

In this regard, Shen Long told them that the brick kiln in the village is about to expand production, and the long-haired rabbits in Angola are about to cut their hair. The pigs raised by each family are growing well, and if they continue like this, Xiaolei ’s life will only get better and better. You do n’t have to worry about this gift at all, as long as you work hard and wait for you to get married in the future.

After this word spread, everyone's enthusiasm for labor went up a bit, it seems that no matter what age, the girl is the best way to inspire male fighting spirit!

Shen Long also adjusted the salary calculation method of brick kilns with Riesgen, simplified the KPI assessment of later generations, and realized the piece-by-piece remuneration. In this way, the more you do, the more you get. If you do less, not only do you get less money, there are even The danger of being expelled, so even those who have been married and have a wife do not dare to be lazy.

Since the two have already agreed on their family affairs, according to the rules of the village, before marriage, Shen Long and Song Yunping were not very good to meet in private, so they can only secretly send Song Yunping to the county TV University when they sign up. See last time.

"Dongbao, I have two things to discuss with you." Song Yunping said in a hurry when she came back from TV University that day, before she could say it, she blushed.

"What's the matter?" Shen Long actually already knew it, but he asked it pretending to be ignorant, um, it was really interesting to see the little girl blush.

"What do you think is the most appropriate major for me to study? Is it literature? Is it political or economic or normal? Should I read accounting? You are not always saying that four-eye accounting is a bit confusing?" This is not married. Crossing the door, Song Yunping started thinking about him.

"Wife-in-law, if I do business in private, I am the boss, and my own wife is the best accountant, but our Xiaolei family is a collective enterprise. It would be a little inappropriate to do so." Unclear, Shen Long will not make such a low-level mistake.

"Why don't you go to the teacher class, and wait for our little Lei family's money to be a little rich, then reopen the elementary school in the village, you go to be a teacher, and then teach a few more college students like Xiaohui." Hey, how did I arrange my wife to be a teacher? Shen Long thought of Qinling.

However, in the current rural areas, there is really no better choice for women than being a teacher. This job does not require any physical work, and is also respected by all households. Song Yunping does this than raising rabbits at home. Much better; and when she was a teacher, she had less time to contact Lei Dongbao's mother, and the probability of conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was smaller.

"Well, I'll listen to you, so I'll go to the normal class." Song Yunping agreed, and she also liked to be a teacher.

"Also, there is ... Dongbao, let's ... can we not have children after we get married?" Song Yunping started to talk, his face was hot when he was talking, and he said it before he even passed the door. It ’s really embarrassing, but it ’s not good to say, "I ... If I had, it would be inconvenient for me to study in the county, so I have to do it two years later?"

"Okay, what's the matter?" I am a man with the talented skill of "into the soul", when I want a child to get it, this is a hurry.

"Oh ~ ~ That's right, but don't let my mother know about this. My mother hurried to hug her grandson as soon as she heard that I was going to get married." The conflict between Lei Mu and Song Yunping was caused by This thing happened, of course, Shen Long will not repeat the same mistakes.

"Ah? What should I do? When I cross the door, talk to my mother-in-law?" Song Yunping said quickly. She did not want Shen Long to scold her.

"I can't just say that my mother is old-fashioned, she can't turn this corner." Shen Long has figured out a way, "I'll solve it. Keeping my mother will not only object, but also have to support you. Do this! "

After two days, Shen Long packed up and was ready to go out. Before leaving, he told Lei Dongbao ’s mother, “Mom, I ’m going to gather tomorrow. You can go to the commune to buy some cloth and sew the blanket? Here it is. "

"Rest assured, this little thing can still be done." The son is about to get married. Lei Mu is very happy. How can she know that there are other people waiting for her in the commune.



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