All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1277: Food for pig

Shen Long just went to the county seat by car, and Leimu went to the commune to catch up with the back foot. She took the money and make up the ticket and went to the supply and marketing cooperative to pull two quilt covers. This was about to prepare to go back and sew the quilt cover. , Your family has been doing something good lately, but I ca n’t help you figure it out? "

Looking back, I saw a sneaky old man shrunk on the corner of the street. This rural area was reformed. Those bulls, ghosts and snakes who had been beaten down also appeared, but he still dared not fan the fanfare and secretly solicit business in the corner.

Lei Mu was a little hesitant. She was getting older. She was obsessed with this kind of nagging things. But she was worried about the things in previous years, but she couldn't help it. She sneaked in and she didn't know this old man. People can see at a glance that her family has a happy event recently, which shows that she has real skills.

The fortune-telling old man touched his ribs secretly, even if it was n’t your son who came to the door and beat me, let me do as he said, it ’s up to you to hold the red back like this, no one can guess that you have Happy event?

Pretending to pinch the finger of Lei Mu for a long time, and fortune-telling the old man to pat the thigh, "Oh, congratulations, the daughter-in-law you married your son is very good, and it is very suitable for your son. I will definitely be able to marry a husband in the future!

Lei Mu was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, but when it came to fortune telling, the sudden remark turned, "But it's not too good, they got married a little too early, and they can't have children for two years, Otherwise, the child would be the father and mother, and the house would be troubled. After two years, it would be fine, and it would definitely give birth to Wenquxing! "

The mother Lei was fooled by the fortune-teller, and thanked her with a lot of gratitude. She gave him a dollar in her teeth, but she was still fortunate. If she had n’t met this true fairy, our family would be out of luck. Must tell him, don't want a child so early.

Waiting for Lei Mu to leave, the fortune-telling old man was also relieved. This time Lei Dongbao could be considered as an account. This young man is really ruthless. If this matter is not done for him, he must not be lost. Go to the river?

Shen Long did n’t know that the fortune-teller had successfully completed the task. He only knew that when it comes to holding grandchildren, you and the old lady ca n’t make sense. You can only take the roundabout route to let the fortune-teller go. Fooling her, in this way, it will not be Song Yunping's good words to beg for not giving birth to children, but Leimu's turn to ask Song Yunping in turn, and naturally the messy things in the TV series will not happen.

Right now he has taken the train to the provincial capital, came to the door of Anyun University, went in and asked about it, and soon found Song Yunhui ’s dormitory downstairs, let someone help up and shout, Song Yunhui came down soon, Song Yunhui Seeing his mouth open, he didn't know what to call him.

If you call your brother-in-law, Song Yunhui is a little unwilling to call him by his name, and he seems to have a bit of life. In the end, he only shouted vaguely, "When did you come to the provincial capital? Why didn't you say it in advance, I'll pick you up at the station! "

"Oh, didn't you come to see you just now! There is something to discuss with you this time!" Although he didn't call his brother-in-law, from the manner of speaking, Shen Long already saw that he accepted himself as his brother-in-law.

"Have you eaten yet? I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat." Song Yunhui took Shen Long and went to the cafeteria. "Yes, there is a good thing to tell you. The social survey you helped me to modify last time Report, my teacher has helped me deliver it to a national authoritative sociology journal. They have decided to publish it. Some newspapers and magazines will also reprint the news when they receive it. I will mail you a copy when it is officially published! "

"The teacher told me at the time that the part you modified was the essence; I also told me to let me go to Xiaolei's house again during the summer vacation to see what else the Xiaolei's family has changed and try to get another article. Come out. "Song Yunhui suddenly flashed a thought in his mind to be able to publish articles in this level of publication. Is this definitely not literate?

"Then the relationship is good. I just want to marry your sister in the summer vacation. After getting married, you will live in Xiaolei's house for a while, so you can save two ends and run back and forth." Hey, don't you want to call my brother-in-law? Then I will remind you a few more times.

Song Yunhui was slightly depressed. Fortunately, he had arrived in the cafeteria. He hurried away by playing dinner. When the meal came back, Shen Long talked about another thing. "Pingping told me that since your family wears After wearing the hat, a lot of relatives haven't communicated much; they didn't feel anything before, after all, they are used to it for so many years, but now Pingping is going to marry me, the two old people don't want Pingping to marry so coldly, neither do I Pingping is willing to be wronged, so I came to you! "

Shen Long took out a stack of money from his pocket and handed it to Song Yunhui, "This is not suitable for the elderly to come forward. You just happened to be a junior. Write a letter to your family's relatives and say that Pingping is going to marry me. As soon as I say, ask them to come and drink wedding wine; these are the stamps you bought, and some of them can't be contacted by writing letters. It may be necessary to call and ask. "

"I still have money. You can take it back. This is our family's business. How can I be so kind to make you pay?" Song Yunhui was also moved when he heard Shen Long being so careful and caring about his sister so much. It must be agreed. He did not want his sister to be wronged, but he did not want to use Shen Long's money.

"I'm going to be a family soon ~ ~ What's your money? Why do you divide your money so clearly? You still have to study now, but you still have to keep your money to buy books!" Hear this Then, Song Yunhui's face was green again. Can we keep saying this? Looking at all the students in the neighborhood, he had to accept the money.

If I continue to quit and wait for trouble, I am afraid that the whole school will know his adult uncle tonight, "You can rest assured, I still remember the contact addresses of those relatives in the family. I will start writing to them tonight. . "

"Thanks to you, otherwise Pingping will definitely be sad." It would be nice to have a little uncle, how much trouble does this save yourself?

"Aren't you specifically looking for me for this?" Song Yunhui asked. Wouldn't it be a good idea to write a letter for such a small thing?

"This is one of them. In fact, there is another thing to ask you for help!" The private matter is finished, and then Shen Long will say the right thing. "Our little Lei family started to raise pigs this year. There must be pig feed, but now the pig feed on the market is not only expensive, but most people ca n’t buy it. I wondered, can we do this by ourselves? "

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