All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1278: Look down on

After 1978, the spring breeze of reform blew the land of China, countless people joined the market economy, and emerged countless rash heroes, and the four Liu family brothers in Shu are undoubtedly the best among them. Once on the throne of the richest man in the country, the road on which they started was similar to that of the Xiao Lei family.

Liu Yonghao, together with his three elder brothers, resigned from their public offices in government departments, educational institutions and state-owned enterprises, and started businesses in rural areas; they sold their watches, bicycles and other household products and raised RMB 1,000 as an initial investment in entrepreneurship, starting from planting and breeding , And then entered the feed industry, laid the title of his feed king in one fell swoop.

Xiao Lei's family now has an aquaculture industry, and now the villagers are still planting fruit trees in the mountains and fields, but these industries are too basic, and the added value is not high, so Shen Long thought of the feed industry, and now the countryside has liberalized The breeding of economic animals, especially pigs, is the old practice of rural people.

Therefore, it can be predicted that, for a long time in the future, pig feed will have an extremely broad market. Think about it, China now has a billion people, most of them are farmers, and how many people raise pigs. ? According to official data, the number of live pigs this year is nearly 15 million heads, and it will grow to 30 million or 40 million heads in the future. If you seize this market, you will definitely not have to worry about the future of the Lei family.

Moreover, this field is not subject to strict control like steel bars and cement. Dry pig feed is much less risky than policy interventions in board mills, and profits are never under prefabricated board mills. More importantly, this industry Shen Long has the ability to get it. The pig feed belongs to the feed chemical industry. Song Yunhui studied at the Anyun University is the Department of Chemical Engineering. Asking someone to help out a formula should not be a problem.

Of course, Shen Long can come up with his own formula. He not only has the chemical ability of Lao Bai, but also has various materials brought from later generations. He has all the pig feed formulas that the four brothers Liu Yonghao used to make a fortune; It's a bit difficult to explain to people, so I found my little uncle's head.

Song Yunhui ’s eyes have always been on large-scale chemical projects such as synthetic ammonia, and now Shen Long has said this and it has responded. "This method is good. The feed industry is indeed very promising. I think the teachers will have research in this area, and then Come and visit with you. "

"If you want to get rich, policy, science and technology and your own efforts are indispensable. Now that the policy is good, the people of Xiaolei's family are willing to work hard. I have a headache in science and technology. Fortunately, you are here. Otherwise, I wouldn't find any way to find a way. "Shen Long said with a smile.

"I'll inquire for you after I've finished my meal." Song Yunhui pulled out his meal in two or two, and then hurried to find someone to inquire, and Shen Long returned to the guest house to rest.

Early the next morning, he found Song Yunhui again. Song Yunhui said happily, "I have heard that the situation of feed chemical industry is relatively complicated. In terms of subject classification, there are many pharmaceutical chemical industry, daily chemical industry, nutrition, food science, etc. The majors are all involved, but the current major division of Anyun University is not detailed enough, and there is no discipline specializing in feed chemical industry. "

"So we can only go to teachers in the pharmaceutical chemical industry, daily chemical industry, nutrition, food science to talk to them." Song Yunhui handed a piece of paper to Shen Long, "This is my book yesterday The materials found in the library are all the teachers who published papers on animal feed in our school. We will look for them one by one today. "

"Okay, I'll go buy something." Shen Long is not a simple scholar like Song Yunhui. He went to find someone to help him empty-handed. He bought something like canned tobacco and wine and came to the school's family building with him. It happened to be a weekend today. , The teachers should all be at home.

The first one, Professor Liu from the Department of Chemical Engineering, gave Song Yunhui a lesson. At first sight, other people let him in. But when Shen Long said something serious, he shook his head again and again, "Xiaolei, Your idea is good, but my research in this area is not deep enough, and I am currently in charge of a ammonia synthesis project. I am afraid I have no time to do this. "

After a few words of courtesy, they drove them away without saying a word, and things were confiscated. Song Yunhui was discouraged, but Shen Long was still calm, "No way, Professor Liu is an authority in the domestic chemical industry, and he is responsible for big projects. It ’s normal for our small projects to be overwhelmed. ”

"I was negligent. It is really inappropriate for this kind of project to ask the professor to help, then let's go find a few lecturers and try our luck first?" Song Yunhui felt embarrassed by himself. Professor Liu has always been It is to cooperate with a large state-owned enterprise. If your village-run enterprise comes to your door, how can others agree?

This time they found a young lecturer. When they heard that they were here to seek cooperation in pig feed, the other party was still interested. "I do have a little research in this area. It wouldn't be bad if I wanted to cooperate. Oh, yes, you are The factory? What is the factory level? Provincial or divisional factory? "

His wife has not yet officially worked. He wonders if the other party ’s unit level is okay and can help solve his wife ’s work problems, he is willing to do this well.

"Yeah, we are from the Xiaoleijia Brigade in Jinling County, Liangxi City. Recently I wanted to start a village-run enterprise ..." Shen Long introduced.

"Village-run enterprise?" The young lecturer grew his mouth, and I was happy with it. What problem can the village-run enterprise solve for me? He waved his hands impatiently ~ ~ The feed industry is not as simple as you think. How much feed do you use in a small village? Just work harder and get ragweed and you're done; I have another article to write. Why should you go? "

They could not help but push them out of the dormitory door, slamming the door closed, and whispered when closing the door, "Village-run enterprises with big sesame seeds are also wasting my time!"

"Why are you guys like this!" Song Yunhui was angry, you just became a lecturer, and Mao's research project couldn't be turned. Now we are taking the initiative to send you the project, do you dare to look down on it?

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go find the next one." Hey, this time the township and village enterprises are difficult. When they get there, they are looked down upon, and Shen Long has been mentally prepared.

However, what Yun Yunhui did not expect was that they searched all the teachers in Anyun University. They were surprised that no teacher was willing to agree.

"What can I do now? I don't know much about feed chemicals." Song Yunhui was a little bit blind.

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