All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1303: Arts and Crafts Association

The other participants were also interested in disappointment. Originally, this meeting was intended to divide the foreign exchange earned by Xiao Lei's family, but if you look at the situation now, is it time to talk about this? So the people dispersed.

The leaders of the state-owned enterprises left the meeting room and left. "Well, let's go, the family of Xiaolei has found the United Nations as a backer, and they can't afford it!" We thought we had enough leaders in the province. Fuck, then know that people move directly to the United Nations to support themselves? If this is the next time, then the Emperor Jade Emperor must be invited to help?

"Dongbao, we are here for work, don't go to your heart." Jiang Lao whispered pulling Shen Long, afraid that he would say something out of place in front of Sun Zujie for a while, didn't this affect the image of our province?

"Lao Jiang, I am not very talkative, would you like to stare at me?" Shen Long used to scare the province with the flag of the United Nations. Now he still wants to bargain with Sun Zujie through the power of the province. But he was unwilling to go alone, and he had already seen the consequences of being alone.

Of course Jiang Lao would not refuse, so he hurried people to pack up a small meeting room, took Shen Long and the comrades of the provincial foreign affairs department into it, and talked with Sun Zujie, "Little Sun, when will the UN people come ? Want us to do the coordination work? "

"This document says that they will send people to China next month to go to Xiao Lei's house to see Comrade Lei Yonghou's handicraft works on site, and make sure that those works that were sent to the United Nations were made by him. The honorary certificate of the folk handicraft master was awarded to him on the spot! "Sun Zujie handed over the official documents of the World Handicrafts Council, and after Jiang Lao's secretary took it, he nodded to Jiang Lao, and then handed over to Shen Long.

"This is not only the honor of Xiao Lei's family, but also the glory of our province. We have to do well where there is any need to cooperate." Jiang Lao Ke did not want the UN staff to go to Xiao Lei's family.

Sun Zujie is also an idea. It ’s easy for people to come here. We have to get the job done and let them take a good look at the changes after China ’s reform and opening up. “I ’ll come here in advance to discuss with you, Mr. Jiang, You need to help us check this matter! "Jiang is a senior, Sun Zujie still respects it.

"Comrade Dongbao, this is after all your little Lei's family, and you have more ideas." Sun Zujie looked at Shen Long again, after all, it was because of him.

Shen Longxianan quietly listened to Jiang Lao and Sun Zujie discussing without talking. He was a small brigade secretary. How could he speak freely in front of these two big leaders, waiting for them to discuss for a long time and finally asking himself when he finally asked him? Pretending to be careful, "Lao Jiang, Director Sun, and a few leaders, I don't know if I'm thinking about it right ..."

"Comrade Dongbao, don't be restrained. If you have anything, just boldly say that you are young and working at the grassroots level. Even if there is something you can't think about, we can still embarrass you." Jiang Lao said, and Sun Zujie also nodded, just Both of them look a little unconcerned, but this is a major foreign affairs activity, what good idea can you have for a large party secretary.

"Eh, then I will say that." Shen Long waited for this sentence, and he finally came up with his plan. "I was thinking about it. If people come from New York to China, if they only come to small Is the Lei family too wasteful? How expensive is the travel cost from the United States to China? "The words caused a laugh at the scene, and people at the United Nations would still feel distressed about this cost? Are you the UN, your little Lei?

"So I thought, since I came so far away, it should be in our China, look around in our province, and it seems that we are hospitable?"

"Well, Dongbao makes sense, it is time for them to take more walks and see more." This view is exactly the same as that of Jiang Lao and Sun Zujie, "but how should they be left behind? People came back from the office this time . "

"Aren't they going to look at craftsmen? We don't lack craftsmen in China? I met so many people outside the Canton Fair. I didn't lose all my craftsmanship to my second uncle. Oh, it's Comrade Lei Yonghou; Let ’s invite a group of craftsmen to come to our little Lei ’s house and give these performances together? Then ask them to go to the local area to investigate, so that they can spend more time in China, walk more and see more? ”

"I am thinking that if they only do one thing on a business trip, it would be a waste of travel expenses. Anyway, it is better to look at it. It is better to look at more, and give us more certificates of folk crafts in China and our province. As the Canton Fair opens next year, we can hold a sign and put it in front of the stall. It can attract more foreigners and buy more prices, right? "

"Eh, Dongbao! Your solution is good! Let's take them to see others. They may not want to go, but see craftsmen. That's their job!" Jiang Lao and Sun Zujie's eyes lit up at the same time. See the benefits of this program.

"Dongbao, what else do you think of? Tell it all together." Jiang Lao urged, so that other provinces can also be divided into the titles of some master craftsmen ~ ~ But there is definitely more than one in this province; Sun Zujie I nodded again and again, I had to think about the list carefully, and choose some good places for them to see.

This time, Jiang Lao and Sun Zujie ’s secretary took out the notebook to prepare the record. Shen Long continued, "I also heard about the wines abroad, and there are related associations responsible for managing internal affairs and unifying external quotations. I wondered how we can Can't we also establish a crafts and arts association? Everyone coordinated internally before going to the Canton Fair, so as to avoid competing for prices, let foreigners pick up cheap, and get support from the United Nations? "

The China Arts and Crafts Association was established only in 1988, and it has several committees such as jade, artificial flowers, flowers, lacquer ware, jewelry branches, carpet clubs, special arts ivory clubs, and embroidery clubs. There is one more bamboo committee. The chairman of this association does not expect it, but the chairman of the bamboo branch must be our family.

"The way is a good way, but the time is too tight!" Sun Zuji frowned, establishing such an association is undoubtedly necessary, but such a large movement can not be completed in a month.

"Can I hang out the name first, put up the shelf, and fill it in later? Now there are so many talents who are familiar with this in associations from all walks of life." Jiang Lao expressed his support, and he also reacted. If you build slowly, this province will not have an advantage.


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