All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1304: Dongbao, you are too righteous!

Lao Jiang finally found space to play in the province, "Actually, this nationwide association, headquarters and inauguration ceremony must be placed in the capital, but now the time is tight, let us be here if we do n’t have the ceremony!"

"Yes, yes, we can meet now to discuss this issue, and we will be able to hold this ceremony beautifully and make all the leaders and guests of the United Nations satisfied." The staff of the foreign affairs department of the province also quickly echoed, which is also their A good opportunity to perform.

"Xiao Li, you can call our comrades who are familiar with handicrafts and handicrafts." Well, it's very useful to bully people but few people. Jiang Lao is going to call for reinforcements, so it must be ours. province.

This is the advantage of Shen Long asking Jiang Lao to participate in the conference. If he is the only one, even if the association can be established in the end, the Xiao Lei family will not get too much benefit, but with Jiang Lao in, he will definitely not let himself this The proposer and the people of this province suffer a loss. Think about it. This good thing was caused by Dongbao. The proposal was also put forward by Dongbao. You can't cross the river to demolish the bridge.

After a while, a crowd of people rushed into the meeting room, and Sun Zujie also enjoyed the treatment that Shen Long had just received. Someone complained to him. Director Sun, where is the old revolutionary base in our province? Only some handicrafts are doing well, you can give this opportunity.

Also has the qualifications to rely on the old and sell the old. This must be supported. I was a soldier under who I was, and he always cared about his hometown. I went to Beijing to find him. He definitely hopes that this association can be established.

Some people even talked about the specific plan. I think the inauguration ceremony will be placed in our auditorium. The place is spacious and we can arrange it for more people.

Shen Long shrank back at this time. He had spoken out the key issues before, and he was no longer required to speak at this time, and his team secretary was indeed not suitable for more talks on such occasions.

Under the siege of everyone, Sun Zujie's forehead began to sweat. I had originally planned to pick up a sesame seed. Who would have thought that you lost a big watermelon directly!

But in the bottom of his heart, he is still very supportive. Accompanying the United Nations to award an old man the title of folk craft master, and witnessing the establishment of the Association of Arts and Crafts, and granting the title of folk craft master to a group of folk craftsmen, that is quite different. Yes, the benefits the country receives are completely different, and it is also his achievements.

"Lao Jiang, everyone, I feel your enthusiasm for work. In principle, I certainly support it, but I still have to communicate with the superior department and the Global Handicraft Council." Sun Zujie said.

"That's definitely necessary. Do you always comply with the principles of organization? Oh, Xiao Sun has been busy working for half a day just when he arrived today. It's really sorry, and I'll have two drinks with you later." See Sun Zujijie Songkou, Jiang Lao After the meeting ended, well, can we also go to communicate with superior leaders, although other provinces will certainly participate, but it is absolutely different to stay one step ahead.

Shen Long was also pulled to dinner, and he also sat at the first table, except for him, the lowest one was the vice hall, but others had no opinion at all. If he was n’t, then it would be such a good thing. child?

The big guy who drank the wine had a good drink. After finishing, he arranged him directly in the guest house in the province, and lived with Sun Zujie on the first floor, so that his name was convenient for Sun Zujie to consult with him.

After a while, Shen Long lived here and could only understand the work of Xiao Lei's family by phone. As for foreign exchange, it was easily solved. Comrade Lei Dongbao brought such great benefits to the province. Are you embarrassed to deduct the hard-earned foreign exchange?

The import and export company approved Shen Long's purchase list as quickly as possible, and asked David to send the goods over, and transferred several highly skilled experts from the province to study these equipment data in advance and wait for the equipment to be delivered as soon as the equipment arrives. Go to Xiaolei's house to help them install, debug and train workers.

Calculating the time, the arrival is almost exactly the winter vacation. When the time comes, Song Yunhui will also go to learn more. These equipments are not the most advanced in the United States, but they are certainly much more advanced than the domestic ones. How many students from Anyun University go together, I believe that for many people, operating advanced equipment by hand is more attractive than going home for the Chinese New Year.

With the joint efforts of Sun Zujie, Jiang Lao and others, the arts and crafts association passed quickly and the basic framework was put together. Shen Long, as an advocate of this matter, got the Bamboo Branch as expected, and the rest Most of the clubs belong to units with outstanding skills in their respective fields.

For example, the piece of wood carving was replaced by a representative of Dongyang wood carving. The cloisonne piece was returned to the Jingcheng enamel factory. The porcelain was naturally in Jingdezhen. It took so long for Shenlong to envy the original Xiao Lei family. Dongyang's woodcarving was sitting on an equal footing, and when he went to the Canton Fair next time, how could he mix a seat in the exhibition hall?

Has also benefited from the province. Several branches have been obtained. In some branches with insufficient strength, some people have occupied the position ~ ~ In the future, the way out of the province's handicraft products will be much better.

"Dongbao, you helped us a lot this time. Our province's economic development is average, and we haven't done such a beautiful thing for many years!" Jiang Lao lamented and praised Shen Long several times.

"Little Sun told me just now that the World Handicraft Council welcomes us to provide more candidates for folk handicraft masters. The next step is to select handicraft masters with excellent craftsmanship as an alternative. Your Erbo is definitely the first one! Didn't run, if you still have the right person, you will also report it by the way. "Picking up such a big bargain, you have to give some benefits.

"Eh, I confirmed some people at the Canton Fair before. I asked them to bring the guys here, let you old and Director Sun help them to check!" Shen Long thought of Li Sansan, if they could With this title, it is convenient to join the Arts and Crafts Association in the future.

So Shen Long took out the newsletter and called Li Sansan on a phone call. After listening to Shen Long's speech, Li Lisan was stunned. "What? Do you want to give me the title of UN Master Craftsman? Let me Join the China Arts and Crafts Association? "For him, it was more than just dropping a pie in the sky. It was a drop of a roast suckling pig, which directly smashed him.

After confirming that everything that Shen Long said was true, Mr. Li cried wailingly, "Dong Bao, you are so righteous!"


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