All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1309: Broke out

"Our new Lei's new house also only has the right to reside, and cannot be sold and transferred; according to the method of the state-owned enterprise, the points are calculated based on the criteria of seniority, contribution, and position, and the order is set. I will move the last Lei Dongbao." This is also true of the house in Huaxi Village. When I first saw this news, Shen Long didn't understand it, but then I understood it later. If the house is really allowed to be transferred, some people will have more than one house in the future. Some people do not even have a place to live.

The house of Xiao Lei's family is used to live, not for speculation, and he also intends to implement the plan of one house per household according to the hukou book, in order to break up the existence of large families. For grassroots management, large Family is not a good thing.

"I have already drawn the drawings." Shen Long took out the plan from the briefcase. "You see, the new residential area is here. Now the village has not enough money. You can only develop it for the first period. This is here ... It is expected that it will take several years to move all the villagers in. "

Of course, the drawings of Shen Long ’s paintings will not be the same as Song Yunhui ’s. He uses a West German style villa. He refers to many later generations of new rural construction models. According to the specific situation of Xiao Lei ’s family, he chose the modern Huizhou architectural style. The tourism industry has developed, and each household can also make a bed and breakfast at home, increasing the income of the villagers.

"Oh, Dongbao, your drawings are beautiful enough! I didn't expect you to have this hand." Seeing the pink wall Deva and the striking horse-head wall, Lao Xu really likes these buildings Too.

"I used to be an engineering soldier." It's still too early. If after another 20 years, after the technological level and architectural level are more advanced, I can come up with more amazing designs. Now I won't take them out. First, the cost is too high. High, second come, at today's building level, even if you take it out, you can't cover it.

"Now Xiao Lei's family has just started to develop, we need to build a new home for the entire brigade. Are your funds enough? I can say in advance. I won't grant you a loan for this matter. The loans in the county can only be used. In development. "Lao Xu was already tempted.

"No problem! You haven't read the financial statements of the last quarter. The income of our Xiaoleijia Feed Factory is so high! It's more than enough to build a few houses. Besides, I didn't plan to finish it all at once, just Leave a thought to the villagers so that they can work hard. "Shen Long knew that Lao Xu said yes.

Accompanying the old Xu couple spent a few days at Xiao Lei's house, let them relax while visiting, and after they were sent away, Shen Long privately found the old secretary, vaguely ordered the brick kiln, and then asked him to take this After making up his mouth, and then reporting the list of customers who stuffed him with money, Shen Long couldn't bear to deal with the old uncle, can't he clean up them yet?

"Dongbao, I'm old, I can't do things well, and I will ignore Xiaolei's affairs in the future!" The old uncle took out the cigarette from the cigarette case with shaking hands. Light.

Shen Long took the lighter to help him light up, "Uncle, you have worked hard for our little Lei family for so many years, and it is time to rest. You can rest assured that Wei Guo, now there are more and more opportunities to work in the village. Just give him a job! Let him change this temperament. "If it weren't for the uncle's son Lei Weiguo to be lazy, how could he do such a thing?

"Also, I ’m not working right now, it ’s not as good as those of you young people ..." The uncle is now in a complicated mood. He is grateful to Shen Long for letting him go, protecting his face, and quitting his complete withdrawal for himself. The political stage of the Lei family is sad. I have done so much for the small Lei family. Is it because of this little thing?

"Uncle, you have done so much for our little Lei family. We juniors remember it in your heart. Look at this." Shen Long took out the drawings again. "Now all the companies hand over to the village. With more and more profits, I wondered, and now many people in the village are thinking about building new houses, then the village will simply do this for them! "

"We have a brick factory in our village, and we have good labor to build a house. It won't cost much money to build these, and it will also allow many people to get a salary." Shen Long pointed to the drawings. "This year we will build together, according to the county The practice of those national units in the country is based on seniority, contribution, position and other points. The points are the first to move in. The old uncle you have taken care of Xiao Lei ’s family for so many years. You must be the first to move in. With this house, Wei Guo The daughter-in-law probably won't complain? "

The old uncle's daughter-in-law is also an uneasy guy, yelling at home every day, what's wrong with which village, who, who is the leader outside, how much the house is cleaned up, Xiao Lei's family is so rich, why are you Lei Wei Is it still poor in the country?

"Dongbao ... I ..." The tears of the old uncle suddenly came down. He felt a little wronged just now, but now it's the other way round. I did something that couldn't bear Xiao Lei's family. You still miss me it is good?

"Uncle, this is all you deserve. In the future, you can help Wei Guo bring grandchildren in a new house with peace of mind! The things about Xiao Lei's family include me, Shigen and Hongwei ... of course ~ www ~ If you encounter a major event, you have to ask the old man to help us check it! "The old man must not be able to continue to be in charge of specific affairs now, but other matters can be discussed with him.

I went back and discussed this matter with people such as Lei Sigen, Shi Hongwei, Four Eyes Accountant, Laowu, Sibao, etc. When everyone heard that the village had built a new house, they would be very happy. They secretly calculated the points to Their contribution to the Xiaolei family must have been at the forefront.

However, they still have some concerns. Rashigen said, "Dongbao, it's a good thing to build a new house for the big guy, but a few of us will live first, and the villagers are afraid of scolding their mothers."

"Well, there is indeed such a possibility. Although reform and opening up are now in place, the influence of egalitarianism still exists. But if you do n’t do this, how can you mobilize the enthusiasm of the villagers? You see, Zhongfu is a good farmer The village did not approve him for contracting the fish pond. He would rather go to the outer village to contract instead of returning to the village to help. Is n’t it because he did n’t get much? We do n’t dare to pay too much now, so we can only start from the house. "" Shen Long spent a lot of time to persuade everyone.

Then I wrote a notice and posted it in the notice column of the Xiaolei family brigade. The villagers passing by saw the notice and immediately blasted the pan. It must be a good thing to send the house. According to this standard, it is not your group of cadres. Live in first? This doesn't work. Someone immediately made trouble.


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