All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1310: Everyone still wants to have a good life

There were two things written on the notice. One was that the old secretary had a high scrap rate during the management of the brick factory, so he deducted the old secretary's bonus and asked him to pay a fine. However, considering the old man was old, the brick factory in the future Don't worry about it, the big guys don't talk much about this matter, they are all attracted to the second thing.

"What? The village is going to build a house for us? This is a great thing! Yo, this house is beautiful. The old landlord and old wealthy family in the past are not so good?" Next to the notice, Shen Long also posted Xiao Lei's family The plan effect picture of the new village, the villagers have grown their mouths when they see the new style of houses.

"Good thing? You don't want to think about it, it's your turn? You see? No, you have to calculate points according to seniority, position, and contribution to the village, and then check in according to the points highland! These good houses are not for Shi Hongwei and Lei. Schengen they prepared? When they live in, can you still think of you? I think, painting is so big that they are fooling, they will live in first, and then it ’s estimated that they do n’t care about us! "There are those who are idle on weekdays in the crowd In the middle.

They do n’t want to live in a good house, they just think that if it is calculated according to the method above, it ’s their turn and they do n’t know that it will be a few years later. They must not let this matter be settled. Live, or the big guys live in together.

"That's why Rashigen and Shi Hongwei lived there earlier than us!" Someone immediately agreed, but no one dared to mention Lei Dongbao's name. This prestige is not comparable to others. They just went. It is said that even a large number of leaders specially shook hands with him in a meeting in Beijing.

"Secretary Dongbao, something is wrong outside, those people are really upset." After hearing these voices, Rexgen suddenly panicked. He had always been timid and afraid, and now he was outraged again, and he immediately wanted to flinch. " Shall we withdraw the notice and think of a proper way? "

"A proper way? After discussing for so long yesterday, what is the best way? This is already the best plan." Shen Long stared at the most lively ones, these dogs did not work well on their own, Come to drag others! He even missed the past a little bit, at that time he could pull these guys out to fight, to see if they dare to make trouble.

"But ... but it's almost out of town, Secretary Dongbao, or would you go out and say something to the big guy?" Shi Hongwei was also guilty.

"What do you say? Isn't it written clearly enough on the notice? Didn't they recognize the word? My literacy class was opened in vain?" Shen Long added a series of rhetorical questions, asking the big guy for a while before adding, "Relax, some people object Then, some people support, according to our calculation method, not only you, Erbo who are those who make bamboo wares, who work in brick kilns or feed mills are all at the forefront, and they definitely want us to follow the notice! "

"A few of you go back and talk to them and make clear the method of scoring, and they can figure out whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for them! With their support, those guys can make trouble again. What did you spend? "Everyone still wants to have a good life. With the experience of the past years, the big guys can understand that it is impossible to make a good life out of trouble alone.

Only a down-to-earth job will lead to a good life. Most of the village can enter these factories, and the second-hand craftsmen are elders, as long as they can control their own family members. With the support of Lao Xu on it, Xiao Lei's family can't turn the sky.

"This is a good way." Shi Hongwei patted the thigh, yes, the workman in the factory must be ranked high, why should they object? Together with their family members, half of them support this matter.

"Tomorrow I will add a notice to say that the feed factory is about to be expanded, and we still need to recruit people. As before, we must first take the exam before entering the factory; and, for those who dare to destroy the current good situation of the Xiaolei family, we firmly do not Recruitment! "In addition to those who have already started to work, those who have not been to work must also be taken care of. Shen Long came up with a plan.

"Going to work in a feed factory is higher than the salary of a state-owned unit in the county. I estimate that few people are willing to give up this opportunity." Riesgen is more calm, such a treatment, except for a few who do not want to go to work at all, that is also Will someone make trouble?

"I'll go to the brick factory to talk to them." Shi Hongwei immediately set off, and Shen Long had given him the management of the brick factory.

"Wait, wait for the old uncle to pass by before you take over. It doesn't have to work for the old uncle to speak! Shigen, you went to Houshan and Erbo also made this clear. Erbo is for our younger The Lei family made great achievements in earning foreign exchange. Like his uncle, he will definitely be at the forefront! "

"Lao Wu, you go to the feed factory ..." Shen Long made arrangements one by one, "... In four eyes, you took back the time sheets and reward and punishment records of various companies. Announcement ... Oh, yes, I do n’t have to count, I wait for everyone else to move in and I will move again! "

"Secretary of Dongbao ~ ~ If you are like this, we dare not move! Who can be bigger than you for the contribution to Xiao Lei's family?" When I heard this, the big guy panicked again.

"This is what I promised to Secretary Xu. Otherwise, the county cannot pass. You have done a lot for the Xiaolei family over the years. This is what you deserve." Shen Long waved his hand and drove them away. Too.

Lei Shigen, Shi Hongwei, Lao Wu and others immediately set off and went to the units they managed to talk to the workers. Everyone thought that if they could not stay in the first batch, the second batch would not be able to run. After a year or two of effort, not only does it cost money to build a new house, but it is not so good, then it is clear what to choose, and they have expressed their support.

After a while, a lot of idlers staying in front of the notice were scattered, and only the few delicious lazy guys were still there, and then a few old men came over and raised their sticks to beat them, and they could not bear it anymore. .

After the news that the feed factory is about to be expanded the next day and the need to recruit workers is released, fewer people want to make trouble. Now that the feed factory is so prosperous, who does n’t want to go to work? Even the two of Lei Weiguo were forced by the old secretary to go back and prepare well.

After a few more days, the Four Eyes accountants finally calculated the points and wrote them on the big red paper and posted them on the bulletin board. At first glance, the big guy was attracted by the two names. Why was the secretary Dongbao ranked last? ? Why did Lao Hao line up so front? So someone wanted to make trouble again.


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