All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1316: Sorrow and joy 2

The time passed in a blink of an eye, as Lei Zhengming and Lei Shigen were about to graduate from college. In the office of Xiao Lei's brigade, the big guy could be said to be very happy, and Shi Hongwei stretched out, "Oh, hey, finally I can relax a little, but this year has exhausted us. "

Shen Long gave Lei Shigen and Lei Zhengming a relatively short period of training, only a year and a half. At the longest time, the village could not withstand it. During this time, several cadres in the village were exhausted.

"Hong Wei, I wonder if you want to go to college to lie to a girl student? I can tell you that you are all married, but you can't make this kind of mistake." There are also happy faces on Lao Wu's face. When Riesgen and Lei Zhengming come back, it is their turn to have four-eye accountant to study.

"Besides studying, Shigen and Zhengming have to come back to work as soon as they are on holiday. It's not easier to say than you." The Four Eyes accountant said a good word, and Sibao was sitting there with a black face. Without saying anything, he thought he had a chance to go this time, but he hadn't passed the test scores, so he could only wait for the next wave, and he felt he had little hope for the next wave.

He still wanted to say something. He was squinted by Shen Long and then shut up. He is now more and more afraid of Shen Long. Although they did not make as much progress as Shi Hongwei, they did not dare to cause trouble to Xiao Lei's family.

"This is really amazing, and all the good college students have been turned back by him." The old secretary was quite pleased. "This is the first time our Xiaolei's family married a female college student? Zhengming has given us Xiaolei's parents!" Who would have thought that Xiao Lei's family, where no one was willing to marry a few years ago, can now marry a female college student?

"Not the first one? Sister-in-law also has a TVU diploma. Brother Dongbao is the first one to marry a female college student in our village!" Sibao patted Shen Long's horse fart.

"Yes, yes, that is, that is!" Everyone echoed. In fact, Song Yunping didn't get the TVU diploma after arriving at Xiao Lei's house. Moreover, the diploma of TVU and the diploma of the college on track are not the same at the same time, but in this kind of On occasion, in front of Shen Long, no one would say such a disappointment.

"Don't make a little fart, hurry and talk about the business! This time it's not a matter of their family to get married, and her daughter-in-law will come over a lot of classmates by that time. Let's also let outsiders see the momentum of our Xiaolei's family; The car was used by Zhengming as a wedding car, and he drove to the next county to pick up his wife. The gifts were all ready and deducted from Zhengming ’s bonus! The wedding must be done beautifully ... A college student would come Working in the village has been aggrieved, and her family has opinions. The job in this face must be done well! "Shen Long knocked on the table.

Lei Zhengming was taught by Shen Long. From time to time, he asked for warmth and won the favor of the girl. When the girl was taken to Xiao Lei's house during the summer vacation, he saw his factory director's style, and he got it right away. The girl had no background at home, and the assigned work was not very good, so she and Lei Zhengming would simply go back to Xiao Lei's house.

Her family was very opinionated, but when Lei Zhengming drove the village car to the next county to pick up her parents, they visited Xiaolei ’s house and saw Lei Zhengming ’s new house, big TV, and feed factory. In the big scene, the two of them suddenly stopped talking, but only made a request, that is, the wedding must be beautiful, so that others will not gossip.

Shen Long immediately agreed to take this matter as a major event. Not only should the wedding be done well, but also the village should pay for the couple to travel to Beijing and Modu after they got married. Conventionally, the custom of honeymooning is far from being started. Getting married can go to Beijing and Modu, which are rare in the provincial capital.

Now it is not suitable to pay too high a salary, Shen Long can only provide welfare to the people of Xiaolei's family from these aspects. Like the house split, different rewards are given according to different contributions. If you perform well, you can go to Beijing and Modu to perform. Generally, you can only go to the provincial capital. Can you send them to foreign countries in the future?

This time, the enthusiasm of the young people in the village has once again increased. Who does n’t want to lead his wife to a big city?

This incident caused a small sequelae in the end. When Shi Hongwei and the old five went to college to study, there were even well-informed girls who came to see them and regretted that they were married. Departed; this led to the young people of Xiaolei's family who were often welcomed by girls when they went to college in this province in the future, and introduced many talents to Xiaolei's family.

After the meeting, Shen Long decided to take the proposal to the provincial capital to find Lei Zhengming's couple, and told them about it. Lei Zhengming had a bad music after listening, "Wife-in-law, we can go to Beijing, The magic has played, are you happy? Let's go to see the Great Wall, eat roast duck, watch the Huangpu River ... "

His daughter-in-law blushed and secretly pinched Lei Zhengming, and then asked Shen Long, "Secretary Dong Bao, Zheng Ming has been studying for so long after leaving the factory, and has delayed a lot of things. He has to go out and play just now, no Is that appropriate? Should we wait until next year? "

"Our Xiaolei family is short of people, but not to this degree ~ ~ You two can play with confidence. The position of this factory can't run, you can go back to work in the textile factory." The girl was clever and worried about Lei Zhengming's position, so she tried to turn around and Shen Long gave them a peace of mind.

They definitely want to work in a unit, but Zhengming's wife studies finance, and the factory manager and finance are two people. This is not very suitable. Shen Long spread this out and finally arranged for the rabbit who was not established soon. Wool mills are financed, and they are all in the same village anyway.

"Okay, you two are ready to go quickly, I will go to see Xiaohui." Shen Long arranged and left, Lei Zhengming got his graduation certificate, his wife got married, it was a happy event, but Song Yunhui was there. It's troublesome.

The job he wanted was robbed by Yu Shanqing, and Song Yunhui wanted to go to the Jinzhou Chemical Plant. The Jinzhou Chemical Plant is a key chemical company under the ministry. The employment requirements are strict. This year, only one person was recruited at Anyun University. Originally based on Song Yunhui ’s achievements and abilities , This position should definitely be his.

But Yu Shanqing got away and got the job from Song Yunhui. When the news came, Song Yunhui was a little lost, so Shen Long had to come over and comfort him.

"Xiaohui, why don't you come to Xiaolei's house to work, and you know the situation of Xiaolei's house too, so don't talk too much to me. I guarantee you will be better than all your classmates after you go." This opportunity will bring this talent to Xiaolei's house.


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