All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1317: Will come back sooner or later

"Xiao Lei's family is really good. If I can't go to a large company like Jinzhou Chemical, I can only go to a small company in general, then I would rather go to Xiao Lei's family." Song Yunhui also watched the development of Xiao Lei's family. The current situation of the Lei family is definitely better than that of ordinary enterprises. After all, those small and medium-sized enterprises do not have as many advanced equipments as the Xiaole family.

For people like Song Yunhui who are aspiring to make a difference in technology, equipment means everything. Without equipment, you still talk about yarn technology? But Shen Long still saw a trace of loss in his eyes.

"Why? Still want to go to Jinzhou Chemical?" Shen Long patted his shoulder. "Indeed, from now on, the gap between Xiaolei's family and Jinzhou Chemical is still very large. It's normal for you to have such an idea. "

Song Yunhui smiled embarrassedly, and then suddenly noticed the key point in Shen Long ’s words, “Now? Brother-in-law, can your little Lei ’s family want to surpass Jinzhou Chemical Industry? That ’s a key subordinate enterprise with tens of thousands of workers. "Even if you little Lei's family ... Brother-in-law, am I saying the wrong thing?"

"You, you, you have this kind of personality in a state-owned enterprise. Unless you meet your boss who looks good to you, you will lose money." For his uncle, Shen Long is very forgiving, and his statement is also in line with the present. Actually, who can now imagine that private enterprises will grow to that extent in the future? Xiaolei's family is a collective enterprise. Although it is a little stronger than a private enterprise, in the eyes of everyone today, it still cannot be compared with a state-owned enterprise.

"Being a man still needs to have a dream, in case it is realized." Shen Long quoted a pretense sentence from a later generation, "If I dare not even think about it, how can I lead the small Lei family to become bigger?"

"This is indeed the case." Song Yunhui seriously thought about what Shen Long said just now. The smile on his face was gone, and the whole person became serious. This is the most precious thing in the 1980s. This is an era of dreams.

"I'm telling you these things right now. You don't believe it yet. You can understand when you get to Jinzhou Chemical. Xiaolei's family is indeed better than Jinzhou Chemical in some fields!" Hey, after all, he is his own brother-in-law. Take care of, "You are about to graduate and enter the society now, and I think I should tell you something."

"It is important to be able to do things, but in such a place as Jinzhou Chemical, it is not enough to do things. You should pay attention to what you say ..." Song Yunhui's future failure at Jinzhou Chemical is because he only paid attention to technology.

"I study chemical engineering, I just want to do technology, I don't want to be a big leader." Song Yunhui was a bit against Shen Long's words, "And, I can't go to Jinzhou Chemical now."

"You can go if you want to go. Jinzhou Chemical chose Yu Shanqing, but you didn't choose. In fact, there are many things behind you that you don't know. This is undoubtedly a mistake. I can help them correct this mistake; this is actually why I don't like Jinzhou. One of the reasons for the future development of chemical industry is to let go of talents like yourself for your own sake. From this, it is conceivable that there are many similar things. If you lose talents, Jinzhou Chemical will lose your future. "

There are still some words that Shen Long did not say, as long as he is clear-sighted, he can know that Song Yunhui is his youngest uncle. Under such circumstances, the human resources department can choose Yu Shanqing because of a small gift, and give up his youngest uncle, if they I do n’t know, it means that their sense of smell is not sensitive enough. If they know that they still do it, it only means that they have no brains.

Although he is only a party secretary, he still has the status of a representative of the National People's Congress, and he has a tacit understanding with Jiang Lao and other people in the province. It is also a big trouble to seize the opportunity to give Jinzhou Chemical a trip.

Hearing Song Yunhui's eyes shining again here, if it is natural to go to Jinzhou Chemical Industry, he also believes that his brother-in-law has this ability, but is this not the back door? Song Yunhui disgusted these in his heart.

"You do n’t have to be embarrassed, I said just now, the fault is not in you, but in Jinzhou Chemical. I am just helping Jinzhou Chemical to make up for this mistake; and do n’t you have the confidence to do better than Yu Shanqing Is it better? "Shen Long asked back, Song Yunhui nodded slightly, saying that who is more suitable for Jinzhou Chemical, he was confident not to lose to anyone.

"It's good to go to Jinzhou Chemical Industry. You can see for yourself how large chemical companies operate. This will be good for your future." When you are familiar with all this and have accumulated enough experience, then the Lei family should also accumulate With enough capital, you will have a place to come back by then.

"Thank you brother-in-law." Song Yunhui murmured this for a long time. It was also his dream to join a large chemical group exhibition.

"When you arrive at Jinzhou Chemical Industry, you will encounter many things. You should be mentally prepared about these ..." Shen Long told him a lot of doorways, "... you may not like these, but you I have to understand this. Some people do things to control power, and some people control power to do things. As for those who do not do things but are greedy for power, we will not say it. It is the same whether it is at home or abroad. You have to master power and capital ... "

"Look ~ ~ If I were not the secretary of Xiaolei's family, could I lead the folks to do so many things?" Shen Long also explained Song Yunhui by himself as an example, but depending on his appearance, it might be possible to listen in not much.

Well, he is this character, too proud, but this is nothing, who makes you such a good brother-in-law? If you just want to do technology, I will give you this platform.

After coming out from Song Yunhui, Shen Long called Lao Xu. He had been in Jinzhou Chemical Industry, and he had a good relationship with the water secretary who is now in power in Jinzhou Chemical Industry. Coupled with his deep background, if he speaks, Song Yunhui must be Can go in.

"Small things, I'll call back when you say that you haven't come to Beijing for a while? Right next time we come and have a good chat." Compared to this question, Old Xu is more concerned about when Shen Long will go to Beijing. He wants to know the latest changes of Xiaolei's family, and he feels that he can gain something every time he chats with the brigade secretary.

"Even if you don't say it, I will definitely disturb you when I go to a meeting in Beijing in a while. Don't disdain you." Old Xu is young and has a culture and background. His future development is unlimited, and he A good relationship is good for Xiao Lei's future. Shen Long is not a simple student like Song Yunhui.

Soon after a few days, Song Yunhui received a call from Jinzhou Chemical and asked him to report to work as soon as possible. He finally got his wish.


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