All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1319: Summon Grand Druid

Like Lei Dongbao in the TV series, knocking a hammer on the east and playing a stick in the west will certainly not work. In this way, each of its subsidiaries cannot form an effective complement. Of course, Shen Long will not make such a mistake. According to his plan, the Xiao Lei family will be close Surrounding agriculture and developing agriculture-related industries, the feed factory is the first step. Next, you can consider supporting companies such as seed companies, fertilizer plants, and pesticide plants. Now it is not the right time to set up fertilizer plants and pesticide plants. Seeds The company can start.

So, after waking up the next day, Shen Long accompanied Yang Xun to the commune ’s credit union to withdraw money, and then sent him home to eat a meal at Yang Xun ’s house. If you owe him too much affection, if you refuse to eat a meal, Mother Yang will definitely feel guilty, and Yang Xun will wonder if she did something wrong?

This is the rule of interpersonal communication in rural areas. Shen Long did not intend to cause their anxiety, so after eating, he left with an invoice signed by both Yang Xun and Yang Yang and came to Song Jishan's house.

"Dongbao, you said you came here and brought so many things to do. You sent so many things before. Now Xiaohui is also at work. There is nothing missing at home. You still bring these things to do. "When I saw him, Song Jishan and Mother Song were very happy. There was such a son-in-law at home, and they were so satisfied.

"It's not a good thing, it's the rice that I planted. I will try it for you." Shen Long smiled happily and rolled up his sleeves to help Song Jishan deal with traditional Chinese medicine. He did much more in the world of "I am not a drug god". It was very smooth to get started.

"If you are too busy at work, I would like to teach you this technique to you, and seeing your posture is a good material for Chinese medicine." Song Jishan said with regret, now Song Yunhui has entered Jinzhou Chemical Industry, Lei Dongbao is busy with Xiao Lei's family again, and his Chinese medicine skills may be lost.

"Let me tell you, you two just moved to our Xiao Lei's house, and now the factory is in shortage of doctors. When you bring an apprentice, everything has been solved." Shen Long took the opportunity to recruit them. If they went to Xiaolei's house, it would be easier for Song Yunhui to come back in the future.

"Let me think about it again, think about it again." Song Jishan is actually not indifferent, just considering Song Yunhui's unwillingness to agree, he went to his son-in-law's house, how would outsiders view his son?

"It's okay, I will take Ping Ping to Jinzhou and let Ping Ping and Xiaohui say that he will definitely agree." Song Yunhui listened to Song Yunping most, as long as Song Yunping came forward, it would be resolved, and I believe Song Yunhui also wanted to let his parents Live a better life.

After staying at the Song family for dinner, Shen Long rushed back to Xiao Lei's house overnight. After two days, he left Xiao Lei's house again. It is still some time before he goes to the capital to have a meeting. It just happens to use this time to give another thing. Done.

I took the train to the Star City of the Shonan provincial capital. After getting off, I first found a room in a guest house to clean up myself. Then Shen Long came to the entrance of a unit that didn't look very eye-catching at Mapoling and glanced at the brand of the Hybrid Rice Center. , And handed in your letter of introduction and certificate to the guard house.

When the doorman saw the words on the small Leijia brigade of the Huaixi commune in Jinling County, it was like sending Shen Long away. You said you are a small brigade, what are you doing here? We are here to study rice varieties, but it is not a seed company; but when he saw Shen Long ’s National People ’s Congress deputy, he quickly swallowed back what he wanted to export.

"Hello Secretary Lei, are you looking for Researcher Yuan? Please wait a moment, I will call them to notify you!" After finishing talking, Uncle Uncle quickly picked up the phone.

Yes, Shen Long came here specifically to cooperate with Yuan Druid. The main crop of Xiao Lei's family is rice, and in terms of China and even the world, there is still more powerful than Druid in rice research. What?

Soon, the thin, energetic Druid greeted him. He is now in his fifties. It is the age of energy. When he greeted him, Shen Long hurried forward and raised his hands and Dade Lui shook hands, "Lao Yuan, why did you come out in person? I can't bear this!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just have time. Are you going to discuss with me this time Xiaolei? But I'm not a good representative now." Yuan Lao is precious. Without the time and effort to turn around, asked Yuan Lao. I had also been a deputy to the National People's Congress in the past few years, but now it has become improper and I am now a member of the CPPCC.

"This is not true. I want to ask you to help establish a seed research institute in our Xiaolei's house to conduct research on the improved rice varieties." He spoke simply, and the same is true on Shen Long's side. "Our Xiaolei's family is now using The indica hybrid rice you researched, but I do n’t know if it is the problem of unsatisfactory soil and water. Although the output has been greatly improved compared with the previous, there is still a big gap with your output ... "

"There are many factors that affect the yield of rice, soil, seeds, sunshine, chemical fertilizers, etc. The yield of indica hybrid rice in your province is indeed lower than other places, but we are also conducting research in this regard ~ ~ You don't need to go to your institute to set up a research institute ... "In the speaking room, the two had already arrived at Yuan Lao's office.

Shen Long poured a cup of tea for Yuan Lao, and then continued, "You are right, but because of the differences in soil, sunshine, moisture, etc., is it better to disperse the test points? Did you not? Are there experimental fields in Anjiang, Yunnan, and Hainan? And you went to the Philippines some time ago, even if our little Lei family is far away, it is far from the Philippines? "

In the future you will be in Qingdao and in the Middle East. There are research collaborations in South America. Shouldn't it be a problem to go to our Xiaolei's house? "Our Xiao Lei family can draw you a test field, and the research funding is also borne by our Xiao Lei family, so do you think?"

"Xiao Lei your sincerity is full." Hearing these Yuan Lao only slightly shaken, his rice research institute is a national key institution, but it is not short of funds.

The conditions for Shen Long ’s development convinced the general research institutions that it was enough, but it was still not enough in front of Yuan Lao, but Shen Long was not discouraged. He had thought about this before he came.

"Yuan Lao, I brought something with me this time. Would you like to take a look?" Shen Long took something out of his bag and placed it in front of Yuan Lao.

"Hey, this is ..." Yuan Lao was a little disoriented, but he was stunned for a while after seeing clearly.


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