All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1320: Old Yuan said he was still young

What Shen Long brought out was a small paper bag. The paper bag was opened to reveal a few grains of rice. Yuan Lao has traveled all over the country and abroad in recent years. What kind of rice seeds have not been seen, but Shen Long took out these and his previous ones. Seeing something very different, he quickly recalled it in his mind, convinced that this rice seed had never been seen before, and was immediately excited.

"Xiao Lei, where did you get these rice seeds from?" For Yuan Lao, these rice seeds are more precious than gold, because the projects he studied most needed all kinds of exotic rice seeds.

In 1970, by accident, Yuan Lao discovered a natural aborted plant of wild rice in Hainan Island, and then succeeded; later research proved that this natural aborted plant of wild rice is a cytoplasmic gene The infertility caused by the interaction with the nuclear genes is really magical.

Is equivalent to breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, how much effort it takes; the earliest hybrid rice, it is a magical use of the interaction between this nucleus and cytoplasmic fertility genes.

In 1973, a new rice material was discovered in China. This rice is normally strong at low temperatures and becomes sterile at high temperatures; using this feature, seeds can be propagated at low temperatures and hybrid rice seeds can be produced at high temperatures. Progress the original three series into two series.

There are also differences in genes between wild rice and cultivated rice. Each species is a unique gene bank. Two rice varieties that have certain genetic differences and whose complementary traits are complementary are used to produce hybrids with hybrid advantages. The first generation of hybrids is hybrid rice.

It can be said that Yuan Lao's research is absolutely inseparable from rice varieties with different traits. Now that he has discovered a rice variety that has never been seen before, can Yuan Lao be excited?

"We grew up in the wasteland of Xiaolei's house, and I looked at it strangely, and I looked for some information. But it seems that no similar rice seeds were found, so I found you here, I want you to Help guide and see if this rice seed has any research value! "In fact, these rice seeds were brought by Shen Long from other worlds. He brought back Shire tobacco in the" Lord of the Rings "world. There are seeds of other crops in the Middle-earth continent, such as rice, wheat, corn, etc.

These things are also a huge asset. In the past, except for tobacco, other things have not yet found a suitable time to take them out. Now that we have the opportunity to meet Yuan Lao, these things will definitely play a huge role. The established seed research institute laid a solid foundation.

"Of course there is research value, you should still have the same rice seeds there? If so, I will take them for the experiment first, and carry out the test." Yuan Lao said impatiently.

"Yes, I planted this kind of rice in my own reserved land, and it's growing well, enough for you to do research." Shen Long said quickly, and at the same time clenched his fist secretly, it seems that he did the right move, small Lei's elite research has all hope.

"That's good, that's good, you sit down first, and I will take these for inspection." Yuan Lao carefully took the rice seeds out of the office, hurried to the laboratory, and began to give these precious ones with the help of his staff Rice seeds are tested.

While waiting for the results, Yuan Lao returned to the office and began to ask in detail about the characteristics of the rice, Shenlong, "Xiaolei, how tall are these rice plants? How many grains are each rice ears strong? The grain size and fullness Is the degree the same as those you brought? Did you encounter various pests and diseases during the planting process ... "

"Yuan Lao, please slow down, you said a little bit, I can't remember, we have a question one by one, OK?" Yuan Lao's rigorous attitude towards scientific research is really worthy of our study.

"Oh, I'm in a hurry. You don't know what a new rice variety means for hybrid rice research; listen to you, let's take it slowly, you answer my first question first, this kind of What is the height of the rice plant? "Yuan Lao took out his notebook to prepare detailed records.

"Oh, by the way, don't call me Yuan Lao, I'm still young!" Yuan Lao said suddenly, it seems that he was a little dissatisfied with Shen Long calling himself Yuan Lao. I'm still young and can do many years of research , You call me Yuan Laoke can call me old.

"Yes, yes, you are quite young!" Oops, I almost forgot about this. In Shen Long's impression, Yuan Lao has been eighty or ninety years old, but still a spirited old man, but not Realized that Yuan Lao, now in his fifties, is in a period of vigorous research.

After apologizing, Shen Long seriously answered every question of Lao Yuan. Occasionally, when he could not speak, he would also take out the photos he took to show Yuan Lao. Hearing Shen Long said so much, plus the photos As a testimony, Yuan Lao has 80% certainty that this rice seed has never been seen before.

"You look at the details of the shape of the rice leaves, and then look at the growth characteristics of the plants ... It is different from all the rice varieties I have seen ... I really want to go and see you!" Yuan Lao looked at the rice plants in the photos ~ ~ It's like seeing some rare treasure.

Soon after, the laboratory test results came out, and all kinds of data confirmed Yuan Lao's conjecture that this was a brand new rice seed that had never been discovered before.

"Xiaolei, when is it convenient to go to you? I'll take someone to see it immediately!" Now that Mr. Yuan can't sit still anymore, he will follow Shen Long to Xiaolei's house that day.

"Old Yuan ... Oh, right, Researcher Yuan, you see that today is too late. I'm afraid the train ticket will be long gone. You have to wait to get things ready. Will I buy the ticket now?" Shen Long I used a phone from the institute to call a representative of the railway department he met during a meeting in Beijing, got a few soft sleeper tickets from him, and then took Yuan Lao and his disciple Li Bihu and others to Xiaolei Home.

"Are you really rural?" When I arrived at Xiaolei's house, I saw the neat single-family houses, neat streets, modern schools, the bright dresses of the villagers, and the feed factory with vehicles in and out. Yuan The old people were stunned. Apart from being a little smaller, this place is more prosperous than ordinary county seats.

I have long heard that the small Leijia brigade is wealthy, but I did not expect them to be rich to this extent. Yuan Lao took a deep look at Shen Long. I did n’t believe it before, but now it seems that they want to set up a Seed Institute is not impossible, at least there will not be too much problem in terms of financial resources, right?


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