All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1321: Do you want a loan?

Yuan Lao wanted to go to the rice field to see it when he got out of the car. Shen Long couldn't persuade him several times. He had to accompany him to his own reserved place. He watched Yuan Lao and his team take out various instruments on site. Rice research.

Until busy at dinner, Yuan Lao refused to stop, and finally Shen Long pulled down his home, they could not afford to eat, just after eating, they took out various specimens for testing, discussion ...

When the next day, a jeep hurried to Xiao Lei's house, Chen Pingyuan also heard the news and came over. When he saw Shen Long, it was a good complaint, "I said Dongbao, you invited a great **** like Researcher Yuan Why do n’t you tell the county? If someone comes to visit, how can the county not entertain? "

Mr. Yuan has won China ’s first special invention award, creation and invention gold award, the United Nations Intellectual Property Organization ’s “invention and creation” gold medal and honorary certificate. He is also a deputy to the National People ’s Congress and a member of the CPPCC. Familiar with this kind of person who came to Jinling County, how can Chen Pingyuan, who is more famous, not be excited?

"I also said that researcher Yuan should come to Xiaolei's house after taking a rest in the county, but people have to come to Xiaolei's house to see the rice seeds first, and I can't stop it." Shen Long hurried to complain.

"Dongbao, you went to Shonan specifically to invite people back, shouldn't you just let him look at these rice seeds?" Chen Pingyuan didn't understand the technical matters, but he knew politics, and he immediately became abnormal from Shenlong. I guessed something in the move, and it's time to go to Beijing for a meeting. At this time, you can still take care of these, and you must have a purpose.

"Our Xiao Leijia feed factory is getting more and more prosperous, which shows that agriculture has a lot to do, so I plan to get a seed research institute in Xiao Leijia to cultivate good seeds and sell them. I invited Mr. Yuan back this time, just to get With his support, a research institute was set up at Xiao Lei's house. "Shen Long whispered, and he used to call Yuan old again.

"This is a good idea!" Chen Pingyuan's eyes lit up, Xiaolei's feed factory was getting bigger and bigger, and the villagers all moved to new homes, which became a typical example of rural construction in the new era, but these are all old Xu At first, when you saw these results, the first thing you thought of was Lao Xu.

In his hands, there is only one project for self-help poor college students for a time. Chen Pingyuan has long been looking forward to the new project of Xiao Lei's family. Even he has helped Shen Long several times before, but he was euphemistic by Shen Long. Refused, but Chen Pingyuan was so anxious that they were content with this scene now. Who knows that Shen Long suddenly came up with a big project, could he be unhappy?

He knows that many senior leaders have visited Yuan Lao's Rice Research Institute. If they can find an institute in Xiaolei's house and Jinling County, those senior leaders might come to Jinling County. Visit, at that time, if you show your face in front of the leader, you get two praises, would n’t it just ...

"Dongbao, this idea is good, this idea is good!" When he thought of these, Chen Pingyuan couldn't do it with excitement, and praised, "I don't care what you think, I must make the institute!"

"It seems that the hope is quite big at the moment. I found a special rice variety in our land. After their test, this rice has never been discovered before. Generally speaking, the research on this rice is the most Fortunately, it is first carried out in the country of origin, and when there is a certain progress, I will try to plant it in other places. "Rice is just the beginning. In the future, we can also engage in wheat research, corn research, and cabbage research. There are so many seeds brought back from the mainland.

"I said Dongbao, is your luck too good?" You can grow special rice seeds at random in your field? Why is this so unreliable? However, Chen Pingyuan absolutely does not care about these, even if it is the seeds that Shen Long stole from other places, as long as he can bring his own political achievements, he will support it.

"Dongbao, what kind of support is needed in the county despite the opening! There is no shortage of loans? As long as you can leave the institute in our Jinling County, I will help you find out how many loans you want!" Chen Pingyuan can't wait to participate in the research The groundbreaking ceremony of the institute.

"Of course you need a loan, that's the interest ..." Who doesn't want a loan? If the funds needed for the establishment of the research institute can be solved by loans, the excess funds of Xiaolei's family can be used for the expansion of the feed factory. Nowadays, the entire family of pig feed can be produced by Xiaolei's family. Is this a pig? There are also cows, sheep, and fish. With the funds free, you can consider developing feed for other animals.

"I will give you the most favorable interest." Chen Pingyuan said decisively, he believes that every penny invested in Xiaolei's family now can give him a generous political return.

"There are policies." It is quite simple to deal with people like Chen Pingyuan. You need to have a good political performance. What I have here is a way. As long as you give enough support, I guarantee that you will get a huge profit.

"No problem, what policy do you want, as long as it conforms to the rules ~ ~ I will give it to you." Chen Pingyuan is also very decisive and agreed without any hesitation. Anyway, compared to this institute, what tax Ah, support funds, preparation, everything is a small matter, if other units are not satisfied, you have the ability to learn Xiao Lei's family, so I made such a big noise!

After careful research, the team of Yuan Yuan found that this new type of rice growing out of Shen Long ’s field has unique advantages in many aspects, such as resistance to diseases and insect pests, and lodging resistance, and is of great research value. In addition, Shen Long ’s deliberate retention and promotion The strong support given by Ling County finally obtained the support of Yuan Lao and agreed to help them establish an institute at Xiaolei's house.

Shen Long is also very generous. Anyway, there are loans from the county. The construction of the research institute is in accordance with the best standards. He even took a considerable amount of money from the foreign exchange of Xiao Lei ’s family to introduce advanced foreign countries. Equipment, in some areas, Xiao Lei's equipment is even more advanced than Yuan Lao's Rice Research Institute.

With advanced equipment and unique research goals, coupled with Yuan Lao's huge reputation in the field of hybrid rice, Xiao Lei Jia Institute of Breeding immediately attracted the attention of many famous students, and they are preparing to join this team.

At the site of the institute's groundbreaking celebration, Chen Pingyuan looked at the bright banner and smiled, because of the reputation of Yuan Lao, this time the top leaders of Liangxi City came, and the project was just as big as it was when it was planned to build itself. In the limelight, what kind of big leadership will come if you make any achievements in the future?


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