All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1322: Coming to Canton Fair again

"Dongbao, you have done well in this matter. In the future, what will your little Lei family want to do? Although come to me, I will definitely support it." At the foundation laying ceremony, Chen Pingyuan was led by many leaders. Praise, these are all obtained because of Shen Long, which made Chen Pingyuan amused. He secretly wondered that if he waited for the leader to retire, he would certainly be able to take over and take it one step further.

"This is what you said, and I will definitely have to trouble you in the future." Well, after a while, you can think about the acquisition of the fertilizer plant and pesticide plant in the county.

In the 4th Five-Year Plan in 1970, the central government requested all provinces and autonomous regions to develop small coal mines, small steel plants, small fertilizer plants, small cement plants, and small machinery plants, and decided that the central government should allocate 8 billion yuan to develop local five small industry.

Under the special historical background, the development of the five small industries has changed the structure of China's industrial economy, expanded the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises in industrial enterprises, and enabled small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out a reasonable division of labor in accordance with the principles of specialization and cooperation; small and medium-sized enterprises can It plays a supplementary role for large enterprises; more importantly, small enterprises can make better use of local resources, which not only enhances the local economic strength, but also improves the economic outlook of the county, shifting from a single agricultural economy to agricultural production, and taking into account industry, Moderately increase the level of non-agricultural income.

However, with the development of society, these small enterprises have been unable to adapt to the progress of the times, and the efficiency of various factories has continued to decline. Their products, regardless of quality or price and cost, cannot compete with large enterprises, and are gradually being eliminated by society, or Bankruptcy liquidation, or acquisition by other companies.

Shen Long wants to complete the construction of the entire agricultural industry chain. It is not enough to just have a feed factory and a seed company. It also needs a fertilizer plant and a pesticide plant. It is too much trouble to build from scratch. It is better to buy a factory in the county. Although the factory equipment is old, it has a group of experienced workers. With these workers, things will be much easier in the future.

Moreover, the small Lei family has limited area, and there are enterprises with strict environmental requirements such as planting and seed companies. It is enough to set up a feed factory. Then, if you go to a heavy chemical enterprise such as a fertilizer plant and a pesticide plant, the development of other companies is inevitable. Will cause a negative impact, so it is better to buy companies outside.

Xiao Lei's family wants to develop, they can't always nest in their own one-third of an acre, and sooner or later they have to go out, so let's start with the neighboring county factories.

"Yo, you really have a plan, come and tell me?" Chen Pingyuan heard the subtext from Shen Long's words and immediately asked, but he planned to work in Jinling County for a few years to get his achievements. Naturally, the more the better.

"I look at the benefits of the county's fertilizer plant and pesticide plant, doesn't it seem to work? Right now, there are shortages of fertilizers and pesticides all over the country, but they can't even pay the workers' wages. The fertilizers and pesticides we produce are from our county. I did n’t want to buy it, so I wondered if I could buy these two factories? ”Shen Long revealed some information to Chen Pingyuan.

"If you Xiao Lei's family can accept these two factories, you can do it well with your own skills." Speaking of this, Chen Pingyuan suddenly began to rejoice. Fortunately, Lei Dongbao's brains are all Xiao Lei's family, there is no progress at all. Thought, if he really wanted to go up, he would not be able to sit firmly in the county.

"However, you just expanded the feed factory and set up a seed research institute, I am afraid that you can't eat these two factories?" At this time, it was Chen Pingyuan's turn to worry that Xiao Lei's family was too big.

"The money thing is easy to handle, that is, there are not so many professional talents." Shen Long sighed. Now that the talent market is not yet open, the people who rely on Xiao Lei's own family, as well as those entrusted students, have to wait a few years. " So, County Chief Chen, do you think you can help us get more places for commissioned students? "

"In this case, when the talent accumulation is enough, our Xiao Leijia acquired these two factories in order to operate well; also, if someone wants to buy a fertilizer plant and a pesticide plant in the past two years, can you help us Lei's family stopped? "Shen Long took the opportunity to request that Lei's family needed time, but the two factories did not necessarily wait for themselves.

"No problem, anyway, the technical secondary school in the county is also short of money. I wish your little Lei's family would send some more people over! As for these two factories ... As long as it is not the large state-owned enterprise or foreign businessmen who want to buy, I will help you stop . "Chen Pingyuan responded.

"Thank you, Mayor Chen." Shen Long was not worried at all. Even the two factories in the county could be seen by large state-owned enterprises and foreign investors.

After discussing the future plan, Chen Pingyuan hurriedly accompanied the leader, while Shen Long continued to stay at Xiao Lei's house and stared at the construction progress of the research institute. It must be completed in the shortest time.

The time is coming soon, the general framework of the institute has been completed, and Shen Long is preparing to take a team to Huadu to participate in this year's Canton Fair.

"Secretary Dongbao, I heard that Huadu has been quite messy recently. A few people from Fujian were hacked by Cantonese in Huadu some time ago. You have to be more careful this time." Rexgen reminded ~ ~ With the economic activity, some unrest factors have slowly emerged.

What? Cantonese hacked Fujianese? Are you sure you did? Shen Long suddenly thought of this posthumous coming, "It's okay, there's nothing going on with me."

"Secretary Dongbao, I think it's better to let Sibao and Laowu lead the team. You don't need to go in person." Rashigen was still a little uneasy, afraid of Shen Long.

"If you still sell handicrafts as before, then Sibao and Laowu can go, but this time we still want to sell pig feed abroad. They wo n’t deal with foreigners, I wo n’t go. No way! "With the development of these years, Shen Long is no longer satisfied with relying solely on handicrafts in exchange for foreign exchange. He wants to export industrial products even more.

Under his guidance, the quality of pig feed produced by Xiaolei's family has reached the world's first-class level. Even if it is placed on the international market, it still has good competitiveness, and it is time for Xiaolei's pig feed to enter the international market.

Amidst the concerns of Riesgen and others, Shen Long took Erbo, Sibao and others on the train to Huadu. When he got on the train, he suddenly remembered Yang Xun. Hey, Sibao is still more than Yang Xunlai. Far from it.

When I saw the train, I saw a large group of people waiting with the sign "Receive Secretary Lei Dongbao" standing outside, which aroused the passengers around the train station. Such a big battle?


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