All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1323: Is this really the party secretary?

"Hey, it's all from my family. Is it necessary to engage in such a big battle?" It wasn't anyone else who came to pick up Shen Long. It was the craftsmen who had benefited from Li Sansan and others who owed Shen Long's favor. Now that Shen Long is in Huadu, can they not receive it well?

"Secretary Dongbao, look at what you said, you haven't spent any time in a few years, and it's easy to come here. If we don't entertain again, are we still humans?" Li Sansan blushed excitedly and couldn't help saying anything. Greet the people who came together to take the luggage from Shen Long, "We have also arranged for you where you live, these days you don't have to worry about anything, we are all inclusive of eating, living and drinking, you wait for the Canton Fair with peace of mind Just start. "

After listening to Sibao and others, they couldn't do it enviously. Brother Dongbao was so awesome. We hadn't come here with such good treatment. Shen Long repeatedly said, "This was originally the official business of our little Lei's family. Spend money? "

"You helped us get the certificate of the United Nations master craftsman, and set up the Arts and Crafts Association. The price of the things we made has doubled. In recent years, several of us have made a lot of money. What is the cost? This is all your credit to Secretary Dongbao. If you do n’t accept this, we wo n’t see you in the future. ”Li Laosan said with his neck.

Others echoed one after another, "That is, Secretary Dongbao, there are not many people from your Xiaolei family, and each of us has little money to share."

It was hard to disagree, Shen Long could only agree to come down, followed them into the car, came to the hotel to stay, and just left the luggage, a group of people took them out to drink, carrying a full glass to toast one by one, to the end, In addition to Shen Long sitting on the wine table, everyone else kneeled.

The next day was a day off, and the third day of the Canton Fair officially started. The whole process did not require Shen Long to work. Li Laosan and others helped set up the booth and helped Shen Long to attract guests in native English. Shen Long they just need to sit there There is business.

This scene envied the people at the booth next to him, "What is this man's origin? In this posture, how can he be a mayor? Just looking younger."

Many places now regard the Canton Fair as an important task. It is not uncommon for local executives to lead the team. Everyone sees Shen Long as a leader.

"I wondered if it should be more than that. Didn't you hear it? Those who have an accent in eastern Zhejiang, an accent in southern Fujian, and an accent in Shuzhong, even the mayor, don't even have so many people in their hands? "Someone raised an objection," I looked at the leadership of a certain ministry in Beijing. "

"I'm going to ask." Someone listened to the movement of their hearts. If they are really the leaders of the central government, they must have a relationship. Such a good opportunity can't be spared.

So someone secretly dragged an apprentice of Mr. Li and stuffed him with Zhonghua. He whispered, "Brother, what the **** is that leader? Are you so respectful to him?"

At this time, the Chinese cigarette was a big killer. It was naturally unfavorable when it was taken out, not to mention that it was not a matter of importance, so the old student Li Li answered honestly, "Oh, you asked that Ah, he is the secretary of Xiaolei's brigade. "

What? Just a party secretary? The newcomers are on the spot, and a large group of secretaries, do you have to be so diligent? He began to feel distressed that he sent that Chinese cigarette.

I was so distressed. Suddenly I saw the leader of the Canton Fair organizer coming and took the initiative to extend my hand to Shen Long. "Oh, Secretary Dongbao, you have n’t been here for a few years. Thanks to you, the Canton Fair The performance is constantly rising. "

"You have won the prize, I have such a great ability, this is you and other leaders are well prepared." Shen Long quickly got up and shook his hand, but he helped get the title of so many folk handicraft masters, indeed helped the Canton Fair A lot of performance has been added, and they have also gained a lot of benefits.

"Secretary Dongbao watched this time, do you have any comments? I wanted to talk to you a long time ago, but if you do n’t come, we will spend all your time; walk around, the booth over there is ready for you. We used to receive customers while chatting. "Handicrafts and pig feed must not be placed in an exhibition area. He is going to go by pulling Shen Long. The cadres on Huadu ’s side are alive. He wants to discuss more from Shen Long. A few ideas.

This scene made the people next to me look silly. How much effort did we pay for a booth? The mayor did n’t come forward. Why did this turn, and the organizers of Huadu took the initiative to send the booth to the door? The party secretary has such a big face?

"I said brother, aren't you too kind? Can the secretary of the brigade have this style?" It wasn't until Shen Long's back disappeared into the crowd that this man turned around and looked at the apprentice of Li Sansan with dissatisfaction.

"I didn't lie to you, Brother Dongbao is the secretary of Xiaolei's brigade." Li's apprentice was aggrieved, did I tell the truth?

"Our brother Dongbao is not only the secretary of Xiaolei's family, he is also a representative of the National People's Congress; well, see, no, these certificates of the United Nations folk handicraft masters are all applied by Dongbao brother, my Dongbao brother is still Chinese arts and crafts The executive director of the association ... "Sibao couldn't help coming out to help Shen Long boast.

A lot of identities have heard everyone around stunned. ~ ~ No wonder people have this show. It turns out that there is a relationship between the Central Government and the United Nations. Hey, I did n’t take the initiative to say why I said something to him in the past. Good words.

Sibao was proud, but Shen Long ’s situation was not so optimistic. The leader of the organizer took him to a booth in the corner of the pavilion and said apologetically, “Secretary Dongbao, it ’s really embarrassing. The products on display are some agricultural products. Mushrooms and green onions are the main exporters. We finally squeezed a booth for you. "

"Understanding and understanding, after all, our country's technology is not very developed yet." Although Shen Long regretted it, he was also expecting it, let alone a foreigner, it is estimated that this one does not believe that Xiao Lei's pig feed can Has it reached the international advanced level?

He greeted the young people of Xiaolei's family and set up the booth. He took out a promotional board in Chinese, English and Japanese and placed it in front of the booth. He put the feed samples on the booth and matched them with photos and other promotional materials. It looks pretty different.

"Your little Lei's family is so well prepared!" The leader praised it, but he was sorry, but it was estimated that it was all useless.

The leader chatted with Shen Long for a while. Shen Long mentioned a little about the experience of future exhibitions. He felt very rewarding and wanted to ask more questions, but he heard Japanese for a while, "Nani, do they think they will Does anyone buy their feed? "


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