All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1331: Took me back to me

"If you don't want it, I will license the patent to Chia Tai Group! Mr. Xie is now on our way to Xiaolei's house! The time is coming soon." I heard about what happened to Xiaolei's house, Xie Bingsheng But he shouted at Shibu congratulations, and once again heard that things had changed, he hurried forward without saying a word.

In addition, I have repeatedly promised that I will use their relationship with Xie's family to resolutely prevent Shibuya's next move. Compared with Xie's family, JA Quannong's influence in China is still much smaller. He was caught flat-footed, and once he took it seriously, JA Quannong was no longer an opponent.

"Isn't it .. Isn't the owner of this kind of patent a Xiaoleijia feed factory?" Shibu He suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. If so, then he would have suffered a big loss this time without a patent. Where is Xiaolei's feed factory worth one million dollars? He did not encounter this method when dealing with European and American companies, but he never expected that China would also encounter such an old opponent just after the reform and opening up.

"Hey, isn't Mr. Shibu fancy our feed factory, but want to buy a patent?" Shen Long said deliberately, if he didn't keep this hand, how could he sign the contract?

He had long expected that the development of Xiaolei's family would not be smooth, and once Xiaolei's feed was exposed to the international market, it would surely welcome the covetment of industry giants such as JA Quannong. Officials' desire for foreign exchange, they will definitely make a similar way to win patents.

Therefore, he left his hand when registering the patent. Instead of using the name of Xiaoleijia Feed Factory, he used the name of Xiaoleijia Brigade. In foreign countries, it is not uncommon for group companies to master important patents of branch companies. The Dao firewall favorably prevented Shibuya's conspiracy and cost him a million dollars in vain.

Oh, it can't be said that it's a complete waste. Isn't there still plant and equipment? But what's the use of these devices for JA Quannong? If the patent is available, then there may be some equipment that can be reused, but without the patent, what else do they need to do? What did you move back to produce?

"Reisang, you are so cunning!" Shibu He collapsed on his chair. This kind of old fox he had only encountered before when dealing with large European and American companies. Who could think of a Chinese township enterprise in every district, also Will you play this clever method?

He remembered a story he had heard in China. It is said that an antique collector saw an old lady feeding a cat with an antique bowl in the country. He wanted this cat bowl very much, and was afraid that the old lady would offer too much price, so he excused it. The cat wants to take down the cat bowl. Who knows that after buying the cat, the old lady took the cat bowl back and said that she already sold many cats with this bowl.

Is n’t Shibuga the same now? He wanted the patent of Xiaolei's family, but felt that they would certainly ask for a high price, so he simply won the feed factory by the means. However, the feed factory did not have a patent. He won the feed factory just like the antique collector bought a cat. What's the use of this thing?

Puffed and gasped in a chair, Shibu congratulated him for a long time before slowing down, he got up and stared at Shen Long fiercely. At present, Chinese officials do not understand the importance of patents, and they will not affect the friendship with our JA Quannong because of this small matter.

"Mr. Shibu, do you want to press me with your superior again? Come, I will show you something." Shen Long handed over the internal reference of Director Zhang to Zhibu He. The internal reference has a confidential level, but this secret level is not High, showing him does not affect anything.

"Moreover, Mr. Xie is very dissatisfied with your previous approach. I think he will not let your plan go as expected. Would n’t you think that JA Quannong ’s influence in China can exceed that of Chia Tai Group?" Before, I had a similar plan to Shibuga. Now that I have seen Shibuga's end, he will definitely weigh it, right?

Zhengda Group intends to cultivate in China for a long time. They pay more attention to their reputation. This method may be successful once or twice, but the reputation is also broken. In the long run, it is not worth the gains.

"Haha, if Mr. Shibu wants to compete with our Chia Tai Group, I will accompany you at any time!" While speaking, Xie Bingsheng, who is a servant of wind and dust, has arrived and just heard Shen Long's words.

"Mr. Lei, your method really opened my eyes!" Xie Bingsheng gave a thumbs-up. "Nothing. I came here to talk about patent licensing. Our Zhengda Group wants to win all regions except the Chinese market. 'S patent authorization, the price guarantee will make you satisfied! "

Peer is the enemy, and the feed industry giant in Asia, Xie Bingsheng is happy to see JA Quannong deflated, and once this patent is granted, he is absolutely confident to defeat JA Quannong in the Southeast Asian market, no matter from which aspect , He has to win this patent authorization.

"In other respects, Mr. Lei can rest assured that we have made some friends in China these years, and I promise that no one will come to you for trouble." Nengkeng JA Quannong is one million dollars, and Xie Bingsheng is also happy. It can be regarded as angry by Shibu He ~ ~ Leisang! My behavior caused you unnecessary trouble! I apologize to you here! please forgive! "In the face of interest, the little devil's reaction is always quick. Now he doesn't expect to get back the one million US dollars. If he loses this patent license completely, the ministerial throne that he just got will also come to an end. Must be distributed to affiliated enterprises to raise pigs.

In order to restore the loss, he very simply brought a seat to the soil for Shen Long, with his hands in front of the figure, leaning forward, raising his upper body until the forehead knocked, "Also please make JA Quannong join the patent licensing bidding Among. "

This scene terrified Rashigen, Shi Hongwei and others. Japanese friends gave our secretary a kowtow, wouldn't the leader blame? Shen Long was unmoved, tilting Erlang's legs and said, "Oh? I pitted me once and wanted to pit me again?"

"I promise never again! In order to show sincerity, we JA Quannong are willing to return Xiaoleijia Feed Factory to you!" Shibuhe played the only card in his hand, even if Xiaoleijia could rebuild the factory, then Does it take time?

And we want this factory to be useless, it is better to give it to others, as long as it can reduce Xiaolei's aversion to himself and allow himself to obtain a patent license, these are worth it.

"Take my food and spit it out, take my food and return it to me ..." Shen Long hummed the song again.


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