All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1332: Re-consumption (thanks to TTS Cola for the reward ...

"We can now go through the procedures to return the feed factory to you, and please don't refuse this small matter to refuse JA Quannong to participate in the bidding!" Shibu He is still lying on the ground, respectfully saluting Shen Long, this is the little devil Virtue, when the opponent is stronger than himself, he will show a obedience posture, and once they find a suitable opportunity, they will fight back mercilessly. For this, Shen Long knew much before, and he was unimpressed.

He doesn't care on this side, they can't bear some of Lei Shigen and Lei Zhengming, but this is a foreign friend, can someone let you kneel for you? Will the leader come to trouble? So Rashigen coughed and wanted to remind Shen Long.

Shen Long glared, and he immediately suffocated his words. Compared with the little devil, he was still more afraid of his secretary; Xie Bingsheng fanned the flames next to him, "Mr. Lei, in my opinion, it is too risky to cooperate with this company. You Let's grant this kind of patent to our Zhengda Group. Our Zhengda Group intends to do it for a long time in China. We certainly will not do such short-sighted things. "

In fact, Xie Bingsheng did not think of a similar method, but Shibuhe ’s example is in the front, he ca n’t guarantee that Shen Long has any followers, and the latest internal reference has already pointed out the problem of patent loss, he will not be here It is also the time when Chia Tai Group can operate in China when it sings the opposite tone with the top management.

"I don't know what kind of conditions Mr. Xie can give?" Shen Long asked in front of Shibuga, leaving a competitor in front, could Xie Bingsheng offer a better price?

"We will follow the international practice. Every one ton of this kind of feed produced by our Zhengda Group will give Xiao Lei's family .... First pay 100,000 tons in advance, and then settle the account once a month!" Xie Bingsheng gave The price is fairly good.

"But our little Lei's family can't monitor your production right now, and we are not convenient to go abroad. If you have more production, we don't know!" Leishen and others could not wait to hear such good conditions. Promised, but Shen Long remained calm.

"I have considered this question. We will first arrange this kind of feed for production in factories near Guinan. Now the domestic labor cost is low, which is also good for us. You can arrange for people to spend time in Huadu. Check, is this always a problem? "Xie Bingsheng said.

"It's better than that." Shen Long nodded and agreed. The candidate for this supervision should be carefully considered. It must not be alone, nor can the same person be kept in Huadu for a long time. It must be frequent. Rotate to reduce their chances of being bought.

"Leisang, Leisang, our JA Quannong is willing to add an additional US $ 10 per ton patent licensing fee, and will also put production in your country. We have a factory near Ludong! Please do n’t abandon us!" JA Quannong is in There are also investment factories in China, and Shibu originally planned to ship the advanced equipment of Xiaoleijia Feed Factory over there.

"Really?" Shen Long exuded his emotions. Each ton could cost more than ten dollars, and one hundred thousand tons would be one million dollars. This amount is also quite a lot. Reesegen and others opened their mouths and patented things. Is that so valuable? A formula earns several times the price of selling the factory. This is only piglet feed. If we add up all the feeds of our Xiaolei family, how much does it cost? They are a bit dizzy.

"Hey! Please believe our sincerity, we can first pay 100,000 ... Oh no, 150,000 tons of patent licensing fees first." Shibu He knows that he has the same price as Zhengda Group, others Certainly not.

"However, in view of what you did before, I'm afraid it's hard to believe you. Even if you produce in Japan, I can't check it?" Shen Long's fingers knocked on the armrest of the chair, quite hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Lei's family doesn't have overseas channels. Mr. Xie has it there. You can ask Mr. Xie to help us supervise us. Once we find that we produce this kind of feed in other regions, the share of this part will be owned by Zhengda Group. I think Even for the benefit of Chia Tai Group, Mr. Xie will surely supervise carefully! "Anyone who is so anxious can think of it. Shibu congratulates him on his imagination, and he actually came up with a practical way.

"Huh, that's a good way!" Shen Long nodded. The tentacles of Xiaolei's family can't reach abroad yet, but Zhengda Group has this ability, and they are also competitors. Zhengda Group will be happy to see JA's whole farming deflated. .

"Well, since you are so sincere, our little Lei family will not take the prejudice into consideration. At the price you just said, we will also license the patent to you, but your patent licensing fee per ton is higher than that of Chia Tai Group. It ’s ten dollars. ”It ’s definitely not appropriate to put all the eggs in one basket, so Shen Long still gave JA Quannong a chance.

"Thank you very much, I will go back and draft the contract immediately!" Although it is a little more expensive than the Chia Tai Group, it is not unacceptable to allocate it to each feed, it is better than nothing.

"Mr. Xie, then it's up to you to supervise JA Quannong ~ ~ Shen Long looks at Xie Bingsheng and gives him a price concession, which is also to thank him for his support to Xiao Lei's family.

"Mr. Lei really opened my eyes again, and I hope to cooperate with Xiao Lei's family for a long time in the future." Xie Bingsheng said with emotion, although this is just a small brigade secretary, he is at the helm of many senior leaders and large enterprises It's harder for people to deal with. He let Zhengda Group supervise JA Quannong. Then, in turn, wouldn't JA Quannong supervise Zhengda Group?

This matter must be well understood by both parties, but it has n’t been said. Unless Zhengda Group and JA Quannong join forces to hide Xiao Lei ’s family, otherwise this patent fee ca n’t be ignored. How easy is it for companies of the same type to compete for such in-depth cooperation? Xiaolei's family can basically sit back and relax.

"I have already asked the secretary to draft the contract. If Mr. Lei has seen that there is no opinion, let's sign the contract! The factory on the other side of Huadu is already waiting for production!" Xie Bingsheng also gave up other small means and planned to Signed a contract with Xiaolei's family.

"Leisang, I'll go to the city to fax to the headquarters and let them draft a contract overnight!" Shibu He also got up from the ground, and it shouldn't be much later than Chia Tai Group.

"No hurry, there is no solution to the feed factory! Mr. Shibu doesn't need to rush to return the factory to us first."


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