All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1341: Reisang, please beg the factory back early

Xun Jianxiang grew up in a state-owned enterprise from an early age. Do n’t look at how he usually does things, but his approach to state-owned enterprises is very clear. It is definitely not a problem to let him run a state-owned farm. By this point of view, small The Lei family really needed such talents, and Shen Long didn't just look at the face of his uncle.

"Da Xun is the most loyal person. You help him now. He will definitely sell his energy to Xiao Lei's family in the future." Song Yunhui said a good word to Xun Jianxiang. He was also happy that his friend had a way out. , "When I can visit, I will tell him about it and let him start thinking about how to work."

"Well, let him go to Yang Xun to study for a while, and then come to work at Xiaolei's house." Shen Long also found him a teacher.

After dealing with this matter, Shen Long returned to the old army, and then went to Director Liu to bring a bunch of veterans back to fill the Xiaolei's feed factory.

When Shen Long came back, Shibu He almost cried, "Leisang, you can be considered to be back. Now that the equipment has been installed for you, the training for the workers is over, and the selection of outstanding employees goes to the JA headquarters The contract can be signed now, you should quickly take the factory back! "

During this time, he stayed at Xiao Lei's house almost every day, just waiting for Shen Long to come back to receive the factory, so that he could get the patent authorization. As a result, Shen Long went out for such a long time, and Shibuga couldn't bear it.

"Mr. Shibu worked hard, let me go to the factory first!" Shen Long followed Shibuhe into the factory with a smile, and accompanied by Japanese technicians visited the renewed factory, where most of the equipment was replaced With the help of JA Quannong and Chia Tai Group to purchase equipment with international advanced level from abroad, Xiao Leijia Feed Factory is now definitely the most technologically advanced feed factory in China.

"Mr. Chibe's work ability is really excellent, no wonder he can be a minister in a large company such as JA Quannong!" Shen Long praised Chibe congratulations.

"Compared with Leisang, I'm still far away!" If I were so good, why would you be tossed like this, Shibu Heyu was crying without tears, "Leisang, you have already visited the factory, Since you are very satisfied, can we sign a contract now and return the factory to Xiao Lei's family? "

"No hurry, in fact, I still have something to ask for your help!" Finally, it's hard to get an injustice. How could I let it go so easily? Can the banner of JA Quannong be used again?

"Leisang, are you a bit too rude?" Shibuga's eyes were dark, and she almost fainted, thinking that I was the minister of JA Quannong. It wasn't a wind and rain to get there. He was trapped in Xiaolei's house for so long. Is it not enough?

"It's just a few simple things, it's not troublesome for JA Quannong; moreover, the work you did before is also done by Chia Tai Group, you don't seem to do much more work than them." Shen Long struck. Chibe congratulations, Shibuhe no longer speaks.

"You know, the sales radius of the feed industry is limited, and our Xiaoleijia feed factory cannot be produced here all the time. Now that you have the equipment you provide and the money transferred from the city, the establishment of a branch can finally be mentioned. It ’s on the agenda. I think it ’s more convenient for you to go out and talk with other places than I come up. ”A township collective enterprise went to talk to the local government about acquisitions. Is that convenient for Shibuya?

"You can rest assured that the acquisition of funds will be resolved by our Xiaolei family. You only need to come forward and go through the formalities as soon as possible. What we are going to choose now is the feed factory in the inland province of China, which does not constitute a competition with JA Quannong. "

Shibuga's heart seems to be bleeding, you are talking about lightness, but is this money not from JA Quannong? That one million dollar was beaten, but what can he do? Can only do as Shen Long said.

A Shibu He came forward and soon finalized the acquisition of a feed factory located in an inland railway hub city. Shibu He signed a purchase contract on behalf of Xiao Lei's family, and then Xiao Lei's family paid the purchase money and took After leaving this medium-sized feed factory, Xiao Lei's family finally began to open a mine.

"Zhengming, the new factory will work hard for you. You will choose some backbones from the factory to go with you. By the way, your wife should also bring it. Let her stay in the office for a while and wait for the new factory to get on track. The two will come back again, and the main factory still counts on you! "Shen Long arranged an acceptance team for the new factory.

In addition to Lei Zhengming, the Four Eyes Accountant will also go with him, and the two sides will supervise each other, so as to avoid problems. As for Xiao Lei ’s feed factory, Shen Long can only help him carry it; How many college students, Xiaolei's family still lacks talent.

"Secretary Dongbao, you can rest assured, I will definitely allow the factory to complete the technical transformation as soon as possible and resume production." Being able to go to a big city is a good thing for young people like Lei Zhengming, of course, he will not refuse.

After arranging the problems of the branch, Shibu He quickly came to the door again, "Leisang, you have seen what you ordered. I have done it for you. Can we sign the contract?" Take it back, I can't stand it.

"Ah ~ ~ this ..." Shen Long deliberately pondered for a moment, just when Shibuga was about to take a seat, he finally let go, "Look at you, our Xiaoleijia feed factory and JA Quannong is a friendly partner. How can I refuse such a trivial matter? The contract is there? Let ’s sign it now! "

"Hi! Thank you so much!" Shibu He blushed excitedly, and quickly took out the contract he had prepared earlier and placed it in front of Shen Long. He did not dare to leave any traps this time. Back to Xiao Lei's house.

Shen Long took a look, signed his name on it, and then stamped the official seal of Xiaoleijia Brigade. In this way, after a few months, Xiaoleijia Feed Factory finally returned to Xiaoleijia Brigade.

Compared with the past, Xiaoleijia Feed Factory has more than doubled its scale. It has many more advanced equipment and excellent talents, and one more branch factory.

Can't help but sigh with feelings, "Mr. Shibu is really a good person, if foreign friends like this can only have a few more!"

Hearing Shibu blush for a while, I am afraid that there are not many fools like me? If he hadn't helped JA Quannong get the patent authorization, he might have been assigned by the head office to an affiliated company to feed the pigs.

"If our little Lei family wants to develop, we have to rely on ourselves, this kind of good thing is hard to come by!" Shen Long is actually a little sorry.


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