All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1342: Expand site

"Oh, Dongbao, you said you came back for such a long time, and you didn't go to see me, but you're a little bit uninterested!" He Gang, the former foot, just left, and Chen Pingyuan, the hind foot, came and pretended to complain. .

"Secretary Chen, I didn't mean it. Am I busy now? No, I just sent away my Japanese friends." Shen Long quickly explained, um, like Shibuga, who sends and gives things, is definitely a friend. what!

I heard Chen Pingyuan ’s secretary staring for a while, looking at the whole country, and few party secretaries dare to talk to the county grandfather like this? No matter how busy you are, the secretary of the brigade can be busy with the county prince? You do n’t go to the county to see the county grandfather, so that the county grandfather has to come down to see you, is this a bit excessive?

But Chen Pingyuan didn't mean to complain at all. Not to mention that Shen Long was a deputy to the National People's Congress. He understood the relationship with senior officials in Jiang Lao and other provinces. He overcame Duan Weihua and helped himself to the county's uncle. Throne, you have to thank others.

So there was no trace of dissatisfaction on his face, and he was greeted with a smile on his face. He stretched out his hands and shook hands with Shen Long. "Coincidentally, I was a little busy during this time. In fact, I wanted to come to see you. Afraid of delaying your business with your Japanese friends. "Can this not be afraid? Isn't Duan Weihua relegated to the second line because of this? If I couldn't help saying the wrong thing, wouldn't I end up with Duan Weihua? My throne in the county has not sat still.

"Oh, I haven't congratulated you on being the leader! You are the leader, and with your support, the future work of our Xiao Lei family will get better and better!" Shen Long took the opportunity to congratulate Chen Chenping's promotion He didn't dare to deliver anything at that time. He knew that Chen Pingyuan was not as clean as Lao Xu. If he went in in the future, it would be bad for Xiao Lei's family.

"Haha, what did I say, haven't I supported you before?" Chen Pingyuan was actually dissatisfied with Xiao Lei's family who didn't give him anything. What did that sentence say? I do n’t remember who sent me anything, but I definitely remember who did n’t send me; but he thought about it, and he still had to rely on Xiao Lei ’s family to get his achievements in the future, so he could only hold back his dissatisfaction.

This is also Shen Long ’s inherent strategy. No matter who comes to Jinling County to be an official, it ’s easy to say that if you give a loan to the policy, our Xiao Lei ’s report definitely has your name on it, but it ’s absolutely not acceptable to send things privately; Since then, as long as the brain is not enough, I know that the weight is heavier.

At the level of Chen Pingyuan, is he missing something for himself? Obviously it is impossible, what he lacks is someone who can provide himself with political achievements so that he can continue to progress! If this point is not clear, then this person should not be afraid. People with insufficient brains cannot be mixed up in the officialdom.

"Go, take me to your new factory to see." Chen Pingyuan visited the Xiaoleijia feed factory with a new interest. Hearing Shen Long said that this is the most advanced feed factory in the country, he couldn't help but talk. Well, this is the only one in the country.

After watching the feed factory, Shen Long took him to the Institute of Seed Breeding and continued to introduce him, "Today it is a bit unlucky. Old Yuan went abroad for academic exchanges, but his proud pupil is here. Researcher Li, you give Chen The secretary will introduce the situation of our institute! "Shen Long pulled Li Bihu over.

Li Bihu is also a well-informed person, calmly and freely introduced the situation to Chen Pingyuan, "After research, it has been found that the new rice of Xiaolei's family showed different results after crossing with different rice we selected. The characteristics, the best of which is 10% higher than the highest-yielding rice seed production today, and even better is that the taste of this rice is very good, which is much better than the hybrid rice we promoted before. "

The biggest problem of hybrid rice is that it is not delicious enough. When everyone is not full, it is not a problem. However, when the people are getting richer, hybrid rice can only exist as a guarantee for the national food strategy; now Shen Long The provided rice seeds have solved this problem, and in the future Xiaolei's rice seeds will definitely not be sold!

"Is it so delicious? Dongbao, will you steam a pot of rice to taste it later?" Chen Pingyuan intends to praise them for a while. Isn't this a good opportunity to bring the relationship closer?

"Oh, I'm sorry, the number of these rice seeds is still relatively small, and they are all used in research. For the time being, they can be taken out for you to taste. Previously, we only took out two or two rices for food experiments." However, Li Bihu Chen Pingyuan's fantasy was broken mercilessly.

"Secretary Chen, don't worry, I have now harvested all the rice fields of Xiao Lei's family and gave them to the new breed of rice to plant this new type of rice. When the harvest is next year, I will give you a cart!" The land had just been separated for a few years and was recovered again. The villagers did not object, because the contracted price given by the improved seed was very cost-effective, and the free labor could go to work in the factory, which was more profitable than farming.

I do n’t lose money here, can the price of selling seeds be the same as the price of selling grain? This contract is nothing to them at all. Maybe they will lose some money in the past two years ~ ~ But as soon as this new type of rice seed is promoted, it will definitely be a big profit.

"Why do I need so much? You can give me a hundred pounds. I will give you the money at the market price." As soon as I heard that Xiao Lei's family had scores again, Chen Pingyuan cares about this, and he actively helps Xiao Lei. The family solves the problem, "As you say, your Xiaolei family's food is probably not easy to pay. Then I will go back to the county to discuss with the big guy.

"Also, as for your little Lei's home, is it enough to produce good varieties on a large scale?" From the good seeds, looking at the paddy fields outside, Chen Pingyuan thought again.

"It ’s definitely enough to supply us with seeds in Jinling County, but it ’s definitely not enough to sell the good seeds to other provinces; I ’m also thinking about how to contract recently. The ground of the brigade. "Shen Long said.

"Let me say, don't contract, don't you want to change the brigade to the village recently? In the future, your Xiaolei family will not be called the Xiaolei family brigade, but will be changed to the Xiaolei family village; All villages have been merged, so that the site of your small Leijia village can be multiplied several times. Whether it is to expand the factory or expand the seed field, it is absolutely enough! "Chen Pingyuan gave him an idea.

In such a small place as the Lei family, he can play with flowers. How many times would it be enough to expand? Chen Pingyuan can't wait to see this scene.


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