All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1243: My uncle is getting married

The change of the production brigade to the village committee can be said to have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the vitality of the grass-roots level is further liberalized, so that the grass-roots level can gain more space for development; but at the same time, the state ’s management of the grass-roots level has been loosened Restrictions on village-level units have slowed down, which has caused some chaos while the economy has developed.

It is certainly a good thing to cancel the agricultural tax in the future, but it has also relaxed the restrictions on the grassroots. When Shen Long crossed over, the country ’s vigorous poverty alleviation work and the relocation and merger of villages and towns not only solved the problem of rural poverty, but also did not reintensify. The meaning of grassroots management is another historical cycle.

And now the olive branch thrown by Chen Pingyuan to Xiao Lei's family, Shen Long is still a little hesitant, should he accept it? This matter is also mixed.

The benefits are obvious. Xiao Lei's family has acquired a larger site, has more abundant land and human resources, and has continued to grow capital.

The disadvantages are not lacking. In the future, Huaxi Village also encountered a similar situation. During the regional planning adjustment, Sanyuxiang Village, Hudai Village, and Chentang Village were merged. "One point and five lines" joined Dahuaxi. These The newly joined Huaxi Village is called Huaxi Second Village, but the development of Huaxi Second Village is far less than that of Huaxi Village.

The reason is that as the population increases, the management difficulty will become greater and greater. The population is not only a resource but also a burden. Xiao Lei's family now has the ability to build new houses for his family and the ability to introduce most of the villagers to the factory. Working here, but still unable to solve the problems of so many villages in one go.

And other nearby villages all joined Xiaolei's house. The villagers clamored to live in a new house and went to work in the factory. This was a very troublesome thing. They added up to a lot more people than Xiaolei's house.

So Shen Long thought about it and replied, "You have to say that merging one or two production brigades is okay. No matter how many you can't withstand it." Now there are many people working in Xiaolei's house in nearby villages, plus these People, if only one or two production teams, Shen Long does not have many problems to solve.

"If there are many mergers, Xiao Lei's family is afraid that they will be able to support. This step is too easy to pull eggs!" Shen Long said to Chen Pingyuan about the problems facing him.

"Xiao Lei's family now has a feed factory and a breeding station. Next I want to build a pig farm. Now people's lives are getting better and better, not only to eat but also to eat well. Pork will be in the future for a long time. There is a huge market, and our Xiao Lei's family produces their own feed, and the cost is much lower than other farms. "Shen Long pointed to the production team in front," If we can win that production team, we can have a The province's largest pig farm. "

"The opposite production brigade is close to the river and you can dig some ponds to raise fish." If Mr. Yuan solved the problem of Chinese people eating, then Tan Yujun and Mr. Zhong Lin solved the problem of fish breeding for four major families, and helped the Chinese achieve Have dreams of fish every year.

Jinling County is relatively rich in water resources and can fully carry out large-scale freshwater fish breeding. Shenlong's feed factory will also start the development of fish feed.

JA Quannong and Chia Tai Group are large agricultural groups that span multiple businesses such as the food industry, feed industry, aquaculture, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Shen Long wants to imitate their development routes, of course, the aquaculture industry must also intervene.

"It takes a lot of money and energy to get involved in these two areas. I don't have time to take care of others for now. If you have divided more villages for me, it will not be easy to handle." Shen Long analyzed the pros and cons of Chen Pingyuan, "And I have merged so many teams in a single team, and it is a bit difficult to handle from a policy point of view? It is better to take these two first. "

"That line, just do what you said." Chen Pingyuan is now the largest pig farm in the province. If it can be done, it will definitely be a shining achievement. He will never allow it. Other things upset the plan.

"By the way, did n’t you say that you still have to buy fertilizer and pesticide factories in the county? If you want to engage in pig farms and fish pond farming, do you still have the money to do this?" Chen Pingyuan thought of Shen Shen again. Long said to him.

"This can only wait one or two more years, and now the fertilizer and pesticide factories in the county are still barely able to survive. Even if I want to buy, they are estimated to have resistance. It is still better to wait." The technical talents and management talents are not enough. After two years of training for the management of the feed factory, when the number of secondary and tertiary students appointed by Xiao Leijia is increasing, this problem can be considered.

"Okay, I'll leave you two more years; do you still need my help on this side?" After hearing so much, Chen Pingyuan felt that he didn't come here in vain, and was very satisfied with the performance of Xiaolei's family .

"If it is true, isn't the transportation plan of our province being adjusted? Can you let the provincial road pass from our Xiaolei's house? In this case, will the goods of our factory be shipped out in the future?" First build the road, this is the golden rule.

"You dare to say ~ ~ Do you think I can take the lead in this matter?" Chen Pingyuan extended his finger and nodded. "But since you are speaking, I will try to help you fight for it! You Do n’t just count on me, go to save more, and talk to Jiang Lao, he still has a say in this matter. "

This is now. If you wait until it develops in the future, Xiao Lei's family will dare to invest in the highway. Shen Long is fully confident that Xiao Lei's family will develop to this stage. He Song Weiyang can help several companies to repair the high speed together. ?

After a few days, the brand of Xiao Leijia Production Brigade was officially taken down and replaced by Xiao Leijia Village Committee. Shen Long was still the secretary, Lei Shigen became the village chief. The main members of the village committee include Shen Long and Lei. Shigen, Shi Hongwei, Lei Zhengming, Four Eyes Accounting, and the new leader of the two production brigades newly added to the management of the Xiaolei family.

They have no resistance to succumbing to the sinking. The former life was pitiful, and now it is difficult to hug the thigh, what can you say? In their words, working as a worker at Xiaolei's family is more profitable than being a secretary.

The construction of the pig farm and fish pond began quickly. Shen Long handed this over to the village farmer Lei Zhongfu, and then ran to the province to talk to Jiang Lao himself. The provincial road turned a corner from Xiaolei Passing by the door.

When the provincial road Xiaolei family section officially started, the Shen Long family encountered another good thing, his youngest son Song Yunhui finally got married.


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