All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1345: Song Yunhui was tempted

"It's okay, my parents are not that kind of person. Besides, these things are also carefully selected by you. How happy you were when you didn't see them!" Song Yunhui quickly comforted, and Cheng Kaiyan's mood was better.

When they woke up the next day, Shen Long and Song Yunping took a couple to visit Xiao Lei's house. On the way to the feed factory, Shen Long gave them a surprise, "Xiaohui, Kaiyan, you two finished the wedding. After that, go to Japan for a second trip. Xiaohui, you have a passport. When you open your face, you must take the time to do one. I will ask JA Quannong to send you an invitation to visit. "

Nowadays, because of the strict card for going abroad privately, it is much easier for Shibu to send an invitation letter. "JA Quannong also has a chemical plant that produces feed ingredients. It is no harm to you to see the factory; the cost and I Your sister is ready for both of you, but do n’t just patronize the factory and forget to walk around with Kai Yan! ”

"Brother-in-law, is this too luxurious? Or should you go out and play with my sister?" Cheng Kaiyan listened to the stars and stared. This is a trip to Japan. Other high-ranking children in the factory are married and must not go. When I travel to Beijing and Modu, I can go to Japan! Song Yunhui was embarrassed to accept it.

"My sister and I also went. This time I was just going to Japan to investigate JA Quannong's overseas sales. Our Xiaolei family can't just sell patent licenses, right? Sooner or later, we have to go abroad. Your sister is now in Japanese and English. I ’m doing well, and I ’m going to let your sister change jobs and start planning to build Xiao Lei ’s overseas sales team. This time we can go together! ”In this way, people in the village ca n’t say anything, even though they are now I don't dare to say anything, but it's always harmless to pay more attention.

After Song Yunping took the Xiaolei's home to train the sales team, Shen Long was reluctant to let her go out to run the business. Now the running business is so tiring that she still has to drink. Shen Longzao may let Song Yunping do this.

"You have been out for a few years now, it is difficult for your sister and brother to play once, don't let your sister regret." Song Yunping moved out, and Song Yunhui finally said nothing; hey, just owed so much affection to her brother-in-law Yeah.

"Thank you brother-in-law, thank you sister!" Cheng Kaiyan quickly thanked, she had begun to figure out where to exchange for foreign exchange to go to Japan to buy things, but the brother-in-law of the electrical appliances are given, what should I buy?

When we arrived at Xiao Leijia's feed factory, Song Yunhui opened his eyes. "Brother-in-law, many of your factories are more advanced than our Jinzhou factory!"

"It can't be compared. You are a big factory. You use large equipment. It takes hundreds of millions of dollars to replace a production line. Our factory is relatively small and relatively easy." Shen Longji said stubbornly. Moreover, we have little mother-in-law in the family of Xiaolei. If you want to replace the equipment, you can do it yourself. Your Jinzhou factory is a subordinate enterprise. If you want to make major moves, you have to get permission from your superior.

There is still no ability of Jinzhou Factory to earn foreign exchange. The foreign exchange they need to import equipment depends on national allocation, which is naturally more troublesome.

"Yeah, when we used FCR technology before, we experienced a lot of twists and turns. If it wasn't your brother-in-law, you asked me to go to Beijing to find Secretary Xu, reminding me of export problems. We can't change the new equipment now!" Song Yunhui said with emotion , "Although the state-owned enterprises are large in scale and supported by their superiors, their flexibility is still worse."

"It may be better now. Not long after the domestic economy started to be invigorated, your state-owned enterprises can still take the lead by relying on their strong strength. However, as the private economy becomes active, the scale of some private factories will become larger and larger. The competition will be more fierce. You will be a little slower in the first half, and the future of the factory will be dangerous! "Song Yunhui talked about the TV series, and Lei Dongbao could only listen.

"Will the country not care about going on like this?" Although Cheng Kaiyan didn't quite understand it, she also felt a sense of crisis. She instinctively asked that this is also a common problem with state-owned enterprises.

"In the future, the country will certainly gradually relax the restrictions on private enterprises. Except for a few areas that are related to the lifeline of the country, other areas will be opened to the private economy. This is the only way to integrate into the international market and maintain economic mutual benefit. Your Jinzhou factory There must also be a sense of crisis, otherwise the future will be sad. "Shen Long reminded.

He pointed to the previous sign and said, "See? No, our small factory has already started to set up an R & D center. I have been to the Jinzhou factory many times. I can hardly imagine such a large factory not paying attention to technology at all. R & D? Your research institute does not even have funds, and talents and equipment are scarce. What else can such a place do except raising idlers? "

"Brother-in-law, can I go in and see? I saw in the German factory that their research center has a high status in the factory, but I didn't expect you to get it here." Song Yunhui is a technology control. Where can it bear?

"I will take you to register and sign in the confidentiality agreement before you can enter; remember, nothing you see inside can be disclosed to ~ ~ Otherwise we will be held accountable by you; Ping Ping, Xiaohui would n’t know when he would be able to come out when he went in. You ’d better pay a visit to the bamboo forest on the mountain! ”They did n’t need to go in.

"This is what I understand, this is the same process in the German factory." Now Song Yunhui was even more surprised. He did not expect that the specifications of a township enterprise can be compared with large multinational companies.

After completing the procedures, I put on a white coat and went inside. I saw that the staff inside were all busy and busy. The equipment in the R & D center was more advanced than the outside production workshop. Some people were reading the latest international journals. Using advanced equipment to analyze the composition of a certain compound, there are still people discussing the composition of the new formula in the conference room.

Song Yunhui is dumbfounded. This is the job he wants. He is not interested in promotion, salary increase, or entering management. He wants to concentrate on technology, but at the Jinzhou factory, you want to engage in technology. Without the right to speak, he was forced to do work that he did not like.

"Xiaohui, as long as they can come up with a suitable plan, I will prepare funds and equipment for them so that they can devote all their energy to research! Unfortunately, most of them are tertiary diplomas and professional qualities. There is still a lack, if you will come to help me! "Shen Long said in a timely manner.

This time, Song Yunhui was really moved.


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