All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1346: Takeover

Song Yunhui felt that the two lands of Jinzhou and Xiaolei's family were not in the same country. Xiaolei's family was a hot land and a hot spot for their career. His brother-in-law, Lei Dongbao, made Xiaolei's house prosperous Xiao Lei's family is developing at a rapid pace, and looking at the Jinzhou factory, it seems that the mood is too heavy.

Therefore, Song Yunhui thought of his career, he was eager to continue running, he was eager to continue to make breakthroughs in technology, but now Jinzhou factory has been satisfied after obtaining new production equipment, they are only satisfied with the domestic leading position, but do not want to Nowadays, in Germany and the United States, the next generation of production lines has already been installed and running. Is it possible that our Nuozhou Jinzhou plant can only pick up the foreign debris that is not needed abroad?

Impulsively, he almost agreed to Shen Long's invitation. He looked greedily at the advanced equipment in the R & D center and the passionate technicians. How good would it be to work here? Xiao Lei's family has come up with internationally advanced feeds. When will the Jinzhou plant outperform BASF and DuPont chemical giants internationally? Even if you take out an internationally leading product!

However, judging from the current situation of the Jinzhou Factory, he will not see this hope for a long time in the future. Although the Jinzhou Factory has research institutes, there are not many funds in the institute, and it can be studied. What?

However, I can't walk away now! Not to mention that I am about to marry Kaiyan. At this time, I proposed to leave the Jinzhou factory. What would my father-in-law think? Is Kaiyan willing to come to Xiaolei's house with me? Do n’t look at what she envied these two days, but Jinzhou Factory is also the place where she grew up. Her relatives and friends are here, how can she be willing to leave easily?

And I now hold such an important position in the Jinzhou plant, won the trust of the Secretary of the water, undertook the important task of technological innovation of the Jinzhou plant, if I leave, can the technological innovation of the Jinzhou plant continue? Song Yunhui did not dare to guarantee that, although he owed his brother-in-law's favor, why didn't he owe the favor of the secretary of the water, his father-in-law, and even Mr. Liu?

"Brother-in-law, I will continue to stay at the Jinzhou Factory!" Zuo Siyou thought, Song Yunhui still sighed and refused Shen Long's invitation with pain, he is now involuntarily.

"Okay, but you must remember that the door of Xiaolei's family is always open for you. When you want to come back, you can come back!" Shen Long understood Song Yunhui's ideas, but he was not worried at all, he valued Song Yunhui This kind of talent does not mean that Jinzhou Factory will also pay attention to it. Otherwise, how could he be driven out of Jinzhou Factory?

On technology, Song Yunhui is unmatched in the Jinzhou factory, but when it comes to playing power, he is still a younger brother! It's simply not enough for the old foxes of Jinzhou Factory.

"But you have to hurry! Our little Lei's family can't attract high-caliber students from Anyun University, but you can give me a few more years, let alone Anyun University, even high-caliber students from Tsinghua Peking University, I can also come "Shen Long has this confidence, but his goal is to bring Xiao Lei's family to the world's top 500. If the world's top 500 doesn't even have the ability to attract talents, can it?

After staying at Xiaolei's house for a few days, Song Yunhui returned to Jingzhou with Cheng Kaiyan. After seeing the liveliness of Xiaolei's house, he felt a little lifeless when he looked at the Jinzhou factory.

After returning to the factory, he immediately found the secretary of water to ask the question of establishing a research and development center, but he did not get the support of the secretary of water. In fact, he was not only the secretary of the water. There are few people with central importance.

Song Yunhui can only nag in front of his new roommate Fang Ping, and only he, a college student who has just graduated, still maintain this enthusiasm.

The wedding of Song Yunhui and Cheng Kaiyan was held as scheduled. Shen Long specially brought a big truck to bring the gifts to them. This scene suddenly blinded the eyes of everyone at the Jinzhou factory. So many imported electrical appliances, just like the small Lei family Is there money?

Surprises them even further. After getting married, Song Yunhui and Cheng Kaiyan went to Japan for a trip. If you can do this, let alone the Jinzhou factory, even if you look at the entire Jinzhou city, I am afraid there are not many?

However, after returning from Japan, Song Yunping had a little opinion on Cheng Kaiyan, "Dongbao, I feel a little bit now that it is not necessarily a good thing for Xiaohui to marry Kaiyan, she is such an adult, how can she sometimes do things like The same as the little girl? Xiaohui went to the factory to investigate, and that was the right thing. She felt that Xiaohui didn't take her seriously and would not go shopping with her. "

"There are not many girls in this world who are as reasonable as you are." Shen Long took the opportunity to boast Song Yunping, "Hey, she also stayed in the factory for a long time, more or less caught some bad habits."

Cheng Kaiyan's family conditions are not bad. Her dad is a senior member of the Jinzhou factory, but what about her? I can only be a teacher in the kindergarten of the factory, but should n’t anyone with a little skill be like this? The greater the gap between her and Song Yunhui, the less confident she was in herself, the woman had no reason to be jealous at first.

In addition, she often mixes with some idle women who are doing nothing like her ~ ~ Comparing each other to chew their tongues, after a long time, it will really change from pearls to fish eyes. Song Yunhui will divorce her a little later Not surprising.

It was Liang Sishen and Song Yunhui who were more suitable. Both of them pursued their own careers and could understand each other's ideas. But Liang Sishen is still young and still in the United States. Shen Long is not good for his uncle to keep playing bachelor? "Don't worry about this, I believe Xiaohui can handle it."

Song Yunping has settled down for the time being, and began to train the sales team according to Shen Long ’s instructions and what he learned in Japan. When another Canton Fair opens, these newly-trained sales talents will begin to promote the small Lei Jia at the Canton Fair. Feed.

Director Zhang was promoted to the post because of the article. He naturally took care of the people of Xiaolei's family and arranged the best booth for them. In addition to the glorious performance of Chia Tai Group and JA Quannong in Asia, some Well-informed foreign businessmen took the initiative to find Xiao Lei's house and wanted to buy their feed.

So Xiaolei's acquired two feed factories in the port cities, and began to extend its tentacles overseas; meanwhile, Xiaolei's pig farms, elite breeding companies and fish ponds all made good gains.

After a period of development, Xiao Lei's family finally had enough funds to enter the fertilizer and pesticide industry. Shen Long went to the county to find Chen Pingyuan and formally proposed to buy the county's fertilizer plant and feed plant.


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