All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1347: Do big if you want

"Dongbao, I'm looking forward to this matter! In the past two years, many people have inquired about the acquisition of fertilizer plants and pesticide plants. I have also put a lot of pressure on you." Seeing Shen Long finally fulfilled Promise, Chen Pingyuan was relieved. Nowadays, the days of the fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant are not easy. The county has to spend a lot of money every year to fill this hole, and if it goes on like this, the county's finances can't really live.

"Thank you Secretary Chen, I just came here just after a little surplus, what is the situation now?" Shen Long asked with a smile sitting across from Chen Pingyuan.

Chen Pingyuan ’s secretary hurried over to pour water for them, and then went out to take the door. Chen Pingyuan said, “Your Xiaolei ’s family wants to buy, there are still certain advantages; First, sell these two factories to Xiaolei ’s family, although It is from the state to the village collective, but it still circulates in the county, and the fertilizer and water do not flow outside the field; secondly, the Xiao Lei family has been around the circle of agriculture, and the fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant are also within the scope of agriculture. Good acquisitions in other industries. "

"Also, we also believe in the strength of your little Lei family, we certainly can't do the kind of thing that uses loans to empty the white wolf! You Lei Dongbao is reliable, who in the county doesn't know?"

"This, I really want some loans." Shen Long knows, don't look at China and the United States as if it is a honeymoon period, the introduction of equipment is not very limited, but the next few years will not be so good, he has to advance When you are ready to buy chemical fertilizer plants and pesticide plants, you must quickly introduce advanced foreign equipment and lay a solid foundation before you can spend this time.

If this is the case, it is not enough to rely on Xiaolei ’s savings alone. They must rely on loans to use the loans to purchase these two factories to build new factories, and then use the foreign exchange accumulated by Xiaolei ’s to import equipment to complete this. The replacement of the two factories.

"Doesn't your little Lei family lack this money?" Chen Pingyuan was a little surprised. Shen Long's statement was beyond his expectations. He hadn't made any preparations before.

"If you just buy these two factories, there will certainly be no shortage of money, but our little Leijia is engaged in a feed factory, a good seed company, and a farm. They are so big! Now if we buy these two factories, we ca n’t let them They are developing as they are! "Shen Long knew that Chen Pingyuan liked political achievements, so he began to paint him a pie.

"After the completion of the factory acquisition, I moved the factory. The original factory was first used as a staff dormitory, and the factory was moved to the suburbs of the county. The scale of the factory was at least tripled. The equipment is all the most advanced abroad. We Xiaolei The feed mills, pig farms, and seed companies in the province are all top-notch in the province, so it must be the fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant! "As for the brick factory, Xiao Lei's house has long since stopped. More and more, this low-value-added industry Xiao Lei's family has gone down.

That must be yes! Chen Pingyuan almost spoke out. If this plan is made in my own hands, I will definitely be able to go to the city, and it can't be the general deputy mayor. How can I have a standing name? Thinking of these, Chen Pingyuan's heart was like a fire.

"If you have anything you want to say, let's look at your posture, it must be more than just let the county grant you a loan!" It seems that Dongbao's thigh is really right, I just became a Jinling County Only a few years ago, I had the opportunity to seek a higher position. As long as the conditions are right, this must be done for him.

"Secretary Chen still understands me." Shen Long smiled humbly. "Since this factory is to be relocated, the land must be solved? Such a large factory, the land is small, can't do it, and considering the transportation problem, it must be next to the provincial road. And not too far from the train station. "

The land in the county must also be kept. The two factories are in a good location. Do n’t look at the fact that it is not valuable now. When you can engage in real estate in the future, you can make a lot of money by dismantling the old house and building a new house.

These two factories can't be moved to Xiaolei's house either. The fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant have the risk of environmental pollution. Shen Long will definitely go to the environmental protection facilities, but if there is one, it will affect the feed plant and the improved seed base. There are also farms, which Shen Long is absolutely unwilling to take risks.

"Well, you are Lei Dongbao, the county has such a good thing, and you are all fancy!" This is a loan and a good place. Chen Pingyuan is really reluctant.

But I can think about it, if this thing can be done, I will go to the city myself, and the future problems will be left to the next one. I am worried about him. Can he be grateful for my failure, "The province is first-class, the scale has tripled , This is what you said! "

"Secretary Chen, if you think about it carefully, what I said before Lei Dongbao was not fulfilled that time? Do n’t say anything else, just now our Xiaolei family ’s feed factory and improved seed company are not just the best in the province. Even if you look at the whole country, apart from the fact that the scale may be smaller than those of large-scale state-owned enterprises, the quality of the products is much better than them. I say that it is the first-class in the country.

"This is also true." Because of these, every time Chen Pingyuan went to the city for a meeting, the seats in the top ranks of the counties in Liangxi City were the most forward ~ ~ Even if he went to the province Here, as soon as you report your position, the big brothers in those provinces will suddenly realize, oh, know, did the Xiaolei family in your county do a good job!

"How many loans do you need? Give me the number. I will go back and discuss with the bank." Chen Pingyuan has already thought about it. If the bank in the county does not have enough money, then go to the city. The factory made it.

"This is our feasibility study report, and the total budget is written on it." Shen Long took out a thick stack of printing paper and handed it to Chen Pingyuan.

Chen Pingyuan took a look at it, and even printed the effect of the two factories with color pictures. After seeing the towering reaction tower and dense pipelines, Chen Pingyuan ’s heart was even hotter. "Or Dongbao You have done everything well, and with this thing I can go to the bank. "

Compared with those who only need a mouth to ask for a loan, Shen Long's preparation is simply too full, naturally won the favor of Chen Pingyuan, he probably turned down, seeing the equipment catalog and the expected benefits after completion, he frequently Nodded, but when he saw the total loan demand at the end, he was stunned. "Twelve million! Dongbao, you are too scary! Did you write an extra zero? That can make up so much money! "

Hey, since you want to do it, then do a big one. Calculating the time, Song Yunhui should almost leave from the Jinzhou factory. How can I get the uncle back if I do n’t want to be big?


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