All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1348: The more loans, the better

"It's okay to have less money. If you get one million, I can get these two factories back to production. It's enough to supply our county's agricultural needs. With five or six million, I can make the city's largest fertilizer plant. And pesticide factory; if you want to make it a first-class factory in the province and a part of the domestic leading factory, it would have to be 12 million! "Shen Long said.

He had already figured out Chen Pingyuan's temperament, knew what he liked, and was not afraid that he wouldn't agree, and he took out two other proposals from the bag after he finished.

These two are also the reconstruction plans of the fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant, but Chen Pingyuan has seen such a tall factory, and then look at the two second- and third-rate repair and repair plans.

Chen Pingyuan can only smile and shook his head, "Dong Bao, you are more and more clever now, you are forcing me to help you!" Obviously, Chen Pingyuan also wants to do the first set of plans, "But you want Is there too much money? "

"If we want to be first-class in the province, what should we do if we have less money?" Shen Long asked, "not to mention that our Xiao Lei's family is not flawless. Well, you see, all these devices cost US dollars. Is n’t it that our Xiao Lei family has good relations with JA Quannong and Zhengda Group, they can help purchase, and this kind of good thing can fall on our Jinling County? The import and export company ca n’t pass the barrier! ”Shen Long did n’t know Unconsciously, Xiaolei's family was replaced by Jinling County, which deepened Chen Pingyuan's sense of identity.

You have a good relationship with Chia Tai Group, I know, but a good relationship with JA Quannong, is n’t that a joke? I remember how ruthless you were when you put Shibuga on.

"I'll take a good look again!" Chen Pingyuan picked up the plan again and turned to the pages of imported equipment to read it carefully. Although he couldn't understand the model of the equipment, he could see the German and English letters, and he felt very excited. After Xiaoleijia Feed Factory, we have another high-tech enterprise in Jinling County! This is a hard and hard achievement!

Shen Long sat there with a smile on his face. He knew that Chen Pingyuan could n’t help but eat the bait anyway. Then again, this kind of good thing was in front of him, and now several county lords can bear it. Live? This is not a bad thing, it is nothing more than to be more courageous.

"Secretary Chen, when it comes to investment, our Xiao Lei's family is not scratchy. The money for importing equipment is definitely more than 12 million. Compared with other bids, our Xiao Lei's family is sincere! And We also took out the collateral. Isn't Xiaolei's feed factory worth even 12 million yuan now? "

"If you look at the end, I have written out the repayment plan. As long as the factory is completed and commissioned, you can produce high-quality fertilizers and pesticides. With our current sales channel of Xiaolei's home, you need to worry about buyers. ? For up to five years, I will be able to clean the profit with this money! "In a breath, so many loans, in addition to the need to build a factory, Shen Long also considered the factors of inflation, now how much money is loaned No loss, future inflation will offset interest.

"You are my army!" Chen Pingyuan has seen it twice, and he really can't see any risks in this matter. The profitability of Xiao Lei's family has long been clear, and the words are not good. As long as these two factories can be built and operated smoothly, he will be able to go further. Will the loan be repaid at that time, what does it have to do with him?

"Then I will trust you this time, I will make a phone call and call the leaders of the county bank. Let's have a meal together, and you will introduce them to your plan!" Chen Pingyuan finally made up his mind.

"Eh, thank you Secretary Chen, but you are the big benefactor of our little Lei family!" Shen Long smirked. Other units want to find Chen Pingyuan for a loan. How many gifts would he have to send? The flowers will do the job.

In the evening, in the largest box of the best Chunhong Hotel in the county, Chen Pingyuan took Shen Long and the leaders of several banks in the county to meet. Those leaders heard that Xiao Lei's family wanted a loan of 12 million yuan. It really didn't fall down.

"We believe in the repayment ability of Xiaolei's family. As long as we can come up with a suitable plan, are we sure to support it?" They also have a loan task. The reason why they refused to make loans easily was because they were worried about seeking The loan unit or individual does not have the ability to repay, but Xiao Lei's family absolutely does not have these problems.

People can not only earn RMB but also foreign exchange. Haven't you seen a long queue of freight trucks at Xiao Lei's door? In the past, they were not willing to ask them for a loan, but now they finally seize the opportunity and let go?

"Yes, yes, 12 million is a little bit more, but our points are almost the same." Banks with insufficient strength quickly added, I am afraid that this share will be robbed.

"Secretary Lei's plan is well done, if the unit that comes to us can come up with such a practical plan, what are we worried about? Isn't it just 12 million, I don't need much, you share I ’ll do half of it. Let ’s borrow six million from our bank! "Someone immediately started to divide the cake.

"No, no, you alone account for six million, then what do we eat and drink? Give you up to three million ~ ~ Then we want three million!" Someone quickly scrambled for it.

"I said, you are not so generous at ordinary times!" Chen Pingyuan looked a little bit unpleasant. When he gave a stipend to the bank for loans, the bank always pushed back three times. Why is it so easy to get to Xiaolei's?

Can that be the same? Banks lend you umbrellas on sunny days, chasing the existence of the umbrellas back on rainy days. Although domestic banks are different from banks in capitalist countries, they also have performance appraisals. Who wants to put the money back to those who cannot get it back? people? Bad debts can affect your future.

"Everyone, everyone, thank you very much for your support to our little Lei family, I respect you a cup!" Shen Long poured a glass of wine, breathless, and suddenly won the cheers, the big guys felt that they have face.

"I was a little worried at first, but I was relieved to see that you trusted our little Lei's family so much." Since they are so generous, should I borrow more money? In the current economic situation, the more loans, the better.

"I just figured it out, and when you add up the numbers you reported, it is more than 12 million." And this is still the result of the competition. If you add up the earliest numbers, there will be more. .

"I'm thinking about it, we can't shirk our little Lei's family for your kindness, or should you lend me more? How many more feed factories will I buy outside?"


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