All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1352: 1 to create a big scene (thanks to Time Traveler Bo Ge ...

"So I started a feed factory and a good seed company in Xiaolei's home, and now I'm going to a fertilizer plant and a pesticide plant. I just want to catch up with the four major grain merchants before they enter China and accumulate a certain amount of capital. I can't deal with them until then! To make money, Xiao Lei's family has made enough money now, but as a Chinese, I think I should take this responsibility! "After popularizing knowledge, Shen Long began to weave dreams.

"Compared with these companies, JA Quannong and Chia Tai Group now entering China are nothing. You should understand their strength Xiaohui. To deal with such a powerful opponent, I really feel a little uncomfortable. Measuring strength is like Don Quixote rushing to the windmill. "

"However, some things are always done by someone, Xiaohui, would you like to join me in the competition with these international giants? Let's make the fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant bigger together! Create a real big scene Oh, how do you say this sentence in English? BePartOfSomethingBig! "Shen Long also used a slogan that Yao Ming was driving to the United States.

After hearing these words, Song Yunhui was very excited and his face was flushed. He originally thought that he was in charge of technological transformation at the Jinzhou factory and helped the Jinzhou factory export foreign exchange. It has already been regarded as a great contribution to the country, but these were compiled by Shen Long. The dream is nothing compared to it.

He was the first group of college students after the college entrance examination resumed. This group of college students has the idea of ​​taking the world as their own responsibility. These words are talking about his heart, maintaining the country ’s food security, and overtaking with multinational giants. What a great cause Ah, if I could join this kind of career ...

Song Yunping's eyes toward Shen Long are full of reverence and love. This is the man he likes. A man must have this spirit and must have the ambition to do great things.

"Hey! I didn't expect that I would make money or make a name for myself! I used to think that Dongbao was so exhausted that he didn't put a few in his pocket. Some of them were worthless for you. But if you can say so, if you can If this is the case, what is the amount of money? I have n’t said, I ’ll leave it to you for more than a hundred pounds of Xun Jianxiang. I will continue to run the market when I go back, and strive to open a new factory in the Northeast as soon as possible! "Xun Jian Xiang Na is also a man with a flesh and blood.

"Brother-in-law, I'll go back with you!" Song Yunhui blurted out. Compared with the situation depicted by Shen Long, what did the Jinzhou Factory count? What does the Donghai Plant still on the drawings count? What is the level of the deputy bureau level?

"Okay, now our brothers are single-minded and profitable. At that time, whether it is ADM or Louis Duff, they want to come to China to do business. We welcome, but they dare to covet the lifeline of China's food security, we will let them look good!" Shen Long extended his right hand and Song Yunhui shook it heavily.

"You are willing to come back. I will leave you with the position of the chief engineer of Xiaolei's family." If it is placed in the future, it will be the CTO. "Shigen and Hongwei all know your abilities. In the process of Xiaolei's development and growth You have also put a lot of effort into it, they will not have any opinions, and the salary will be based on my standards, and it is guaranteed to be better than your factory in Jinzhou. "

"When you pass the probation period, you will move your account to Xiaolei's house." Xiaolei's family is not anyone can come in now, either get married to Xiaolei's house, or take the channel of introduction of technical talent, after all, small The current welfare of the Lei family is too good. There are too many people who want to come in.

"In the beginning, you lived in our parents' house. Anyway, the house was spacious and lived well. After the hukou moved, the village would give you a new house; you don't have to worry about the study of cats and cats. The hardware facilities and teaching quality of our village Compared with your Jinzhou factory, it is not only weak but junior high school is not a problem, and it is about to be built now. "After the scale of Xiaolei ’s family is expanded, it is enough to accommodate a junior high school. High school will sooner or later be sure to catch up with our family. The child gets it before he goes to high school.

"These are trivial things, you have the final say, don't just break the rules because I'm fine." Song Yunhui doesn't care about the gains and losses of these individuals. Compared with him, he is more concerned about his post-employment issues.

"This position is very important, you have to keep track of the latest developments in related international industries, formulate plans for the future development of Xiao Leijia's technology, and lead researchers to publicize key issues ..." Shen Long said that Song Yunhui likes to do things.

"As far as funding and equipment are concerned, you can rest assured that you haven't been to our research center. I can't guarantee that it will be internationally, but it is definitely the best in China. As for funding, Xiao Lei's family stipulates that the minimum To take out 5% of the total revenue for technology research and development! Note that it is 5% of the total revenue, not 5% of the total profit! "Shen Long opened his palm and showed five fingers.

Although this cannot be compared with Huawei ’s annual revenue of 14.1% and the total amount of up to hundreds of billions of RMB in research and development funds, the profits in agriculture-related fields are far from comparable to the IT industry. At the scale of Xiao Lei ’s family, this number is already amazing Too.

"So much!" Song Yunhui was surprised, he also knows the total annual income of Xiao Lei's family. If this is the case, can't he get millions or even millions of R & D funds? How much money is spent? Compared with the Xiaolei family ~ ~ The annual investment in research and development at the Jinzhou plant is almost the same as that for sending meals.

"Of course, not all of this money is for you. There is a need for funding from the elite seed company and the feed factory. However, the fertilizer plant and the pesticide plant will be the focus of development in the next few years. These two plants are just getting started. At the beginning, the R & D funds will definitely be tilted to this side. "The seed company was presided over by Yuan Lao's disciple. Song Yunhui would definitely not be able to get in. He does n’t understand this. As for the feed factory, Shen Long is staring here.

"I will go to the factory tomorrow to quit my job." As soon as I heard that there was so much money, Song Yunhui immediately put the Donghai Factory aside, and he couldn't wait to start research work.

When Xiao Lei's family is covered by their brother-in-law, they don't have to worry about those intrigues, and there are so many funds and advanced equipment. For Song Yunhui, this is like being in heaven!

"Xiaohui, this is not your business. You have Kaiyan and cats now. Will Kaiyan be willing to go back to Xiaolei's house with you? You have to deal with this matter," Song Yunping reminded.

Xun Jianxiang kept silent. He knew the habits of the Jinzhou factory. The cadres with daughters at home like to find potential young people to be son-in-law, and then pile up resources to help the son-in-law. In the future, the whole family expects the son-in-law Song Yunhui spent so much effort on him, is he willing to let Song Yunhui leave?


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