All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1353: It's not easy to go

"Kaiyan has always listened to me, I believe she will not object." Song Yunhui said firmly, "I will write a resignation application at night and try to get this thing done as soon as possible."

After talking about Song Yunhui, he hurried back, and Xun Jianxiang resigned to his room. Shen Long saw a trace of worry in Song Yunping's eyes. Song Yunhui made such a decision without consulting Cheng Kaiyan, and the conversation just gave way Kaiyan came in, which was a bit inappropriate, at least did not show respect for his wife.

If you change to yourself, as long as it involves family matters, Dongbao will discuss with yourself. Although most of the time he will support his ideas, but there is such a process, he will be more comfortable in his heart, which shows that he treats himself Putting it in my heart, is it really appropriate for Song Yunhui to do this now?

"Did I just do something wrong? It is reasonable to say that such a big event must also be present." Shen Long saw Song Yunping's worry.

"Kaiyan also has her concerns. After all, she grew up in the Jinzhou factory. If she joins, Bacheng will persuade Xiaohui not to come to Xiaolei's house; but I think that with Xiaohui's character, she must come to Xiaolei's house. Good. "Seeing the younger siblings and relatives, Song Yunping certainly paid more attention to his brother's future.

"He suffered such a big loss before, and his personality has changed a little bit." Song Yunhui began to pay attention to things related to Quanshu. Song Yunping didn't think it was a good thing. If he went back to Xiao Lei's house, Dongbao helped to block it. , Xiaohui can concentrate on his favorite technical research, which is better for him.

"I will persuade Kaiyan to look back, I hope she can understand and support Xiaohui." But is it really that easy? Since Song Yunhui and Cheng Kaiyan got married, Song Yunping has also been in contact with Cheng Kaiyan many times. The more contacts she had, the lower her evaluation of Cheng Kaiyan was. The girl stayed in the Jinzhou factory for a long time and also suffered from the problems of the city. It made her a little bit disregarded, but it was only hindered by Xiaohui and cats, so she was not embarrassed to say anything.

If Song Yunhui had been staying in the Jinzhou factory, it might be better. Will the relationship between Cheng Kaiyan and Song Yunhui be affected? Song Yunping also dare not guarantee.

Over the years, both Dongbao, himself, and Xiaohui have been making progress, but they have only been able to halt, or they have been teachers in kindergartens. They have been gossiping with their parents who have nothing to do with each other. This is not a problem. With Xiaohui's ability, there is no need to count on his wife's good fortune, as long as she can take good care of her family.

But another problem with Cheng Kaiyan made Song Yunping a little unacceptable, that is, it was easy to be jealous. Song Yunhui was a senior manager of the Jinzhou factory anyway, and he had to contact people in his daily work, but as long as he said a few words with women, Cheng Kaiyan would He is jealous and sometimes even warns others that Song Yunhui's work is not easy to carry out.

She probably also felt that the gap between her and Song Yunhui was getting bigger and bigger, so she felt a sense of crisis? But you let her study, and she can't learn, which is a headache.

"What did your brother-in-law say to you?" After returning home, Cheng Kaiyan asked, she felt that her husband had swept away the decline of these days, and became renewed in spirit, so she began to guess, "Is the brother-in-law found a relationship, Let you stay at the Jinzhou factory? "She knows Shen Long's ability. If he is willing to help, maybe Song Yunhui can really stay.

"Did you say that our parents lived better than the factory building of the Jinzhou factory? Now we have the opportunity to live in such a house." Song Yunhui tried to use this method to convince Cheng Kaiyan to agree to his resignation.

"Ah? Really? Brother-in-law wants to help us build a new house? This is a good thing, but the house of the Jinzhou factory is arranged in the factory, can it be remodeled casually?" Cheng Kaiyan wanted to be crooked.

"No, my brother-in-law persuaded me to resign and go to Xiao Lei's house to help him. I thought about it and agreed. After waiting for Xiao Lei's house, the village will give us such a house. When the time comes, I will ask my brother-in-law to help design and decorate. Comfortable. "Song Yunhui has his own insistence on major events. He is now full of pride and ambition in dealing with multinational giants.

"Resign!" He suddenly froze when he heard these two words. "Xiaohui, what do you think? You are now a state-level cadre of a state-owned enterprise? Why go to a township enterprise?" Although she likes it very much Xiao Lei's house likes the imported electrical appliances from Song Jishan and Song Mu's house, but it does not mean that she is willing to leave the Jinzhou factory.

"I didn't mean anything at the Jinzhou factory. When I went to my brother-in-law, I was able to show my fists and open my face. You will support me, right?" Song Yunhui looked at Cheng Kaiyan with expectation, but Cheng Kaiyan avoided it. Opened his eyes.

"I called Dad. I must consult with my parents about such a big thing." Cheng Kaiyan habitually asked his parents for help. As soon as he heard the news, the director Cheng also exploded. How much did I pay? I thought that I chose such a son-in-law, and it took some means to let them come together, and how much I helped Song Yunhui secretly, so I thought that after his retirement, Song Yunhui could also help Cheng Jia hold up a piece in the Jinzhou factory. Is it coming? Why is he even resigning now?

He immediately went to Song Yunhui's home ~ ~ When he walked in and saw that Song Yunhui was lying on his desk and writing an application for resignation, he quickly took Song Yunhui to the living room and asked, "I can't even take a sip of water." What's wrong with you, Xiaohui? Why did you suddenly resign! Can't you bear this blow? "

He still persuaded Song Yunhui according to the usual thinking of state-owned enterprises, "Xiaohui, you are still young, can you afford to give up for this small setback? Lao Min is sorry for you, but he is also willing to help you to promote the chief engineer, you How old is the deputy bureau-level cadre, and after a few years, old Min will be old, would it be your turn to be the home of the Jinzhou factory? "

"It's not a bad thing to endure a little when you are young. With your seniority, among the people of the same age in the entire Jinzhou factory, you can't compare with you. This Jinzhou factory will be yours sooner or later." Mr. Cheng ’s expectations, when Song Yunhui became the boss of the Jinzhou factory, the life of their Cheng family would be better in the future.

"Dad, I don't have so much time to wait." Song Yunhui knows that the best time to do technology is just that. His precious time has been wasted by half. If you miss this opportunity, you really can only work with Min Factory. He looks like a pure bureaucracy, and this is what he hates.

After listening to Director Cheng, and then recalling what Shen Long said, Song Yunhui wanted to leave Jinzhou Factory earlier.


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