All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1368: The first battle

Then there was Arya. Without a rope ladder or a springboard, she tipped her toe lightly on the ship's board and landed on the deck with a beautiful movement. She held a Valeria steel dagger and stood beside Shen Long. With a smile on his face, looking forward to the upcoming adventure.

This action won the applause of the pirates. Although I don't know the origin of this little western girl, but during this time Arya has conquered these pirates with her own martial arts.

Immediately the helmsman, sailor, gunner, jump gang, etc. boarded the ship along the springboard. In the cheers of everyone, the King of the Seven Seas left the pier with an unusually flexible attitude, heading north, Shen Long The first goal is the wife of the Pacific pirate Wang Qing, the closest to Singapore.

Although Mrs. Qing was blind, the Chinese female pirate had a fleet of hundreds of ships, often harassing the Chinese coast; after her husband died, she controlled the alliance of Chinese pirates and smuggled profits between Japan and China. In the transaction, her influence spreads across the entire Chinese coast, and her headquarters is on the island outside the Pearl River estuary.

The sailors from Singapore to the Pearl River estuary have traveled countless times long. Without Shen Long ’s command, the sailors followed the established route. The sailors felt the oncoming sea breeze and could n’t help but sigh, “This boat is really Hurry, driving this boat to the Pearl River estuary will save at least half the time than before. "

Of course, no one is not worried, "However, there are hundreds of ships under Mrs. Qing, we can only force him to admit that he is a pirate king?" As far as their safety is concerned, they are not so worried, as long as Surrounded by traps that do not fall into the enemy, no one can catch up with the speed of the King of the Seven Seas.

"The big master says it works, then it certainly works! Besides, there are benefits when there are fewer people, and there are fewer people who divide the money. How much can each of us get?" Said the sailor with a smile. Looking at the skill shown by the big master just now, he certainly has a lot of things to take out!

The ship drove fast, and the flying shear-shaped bow slashed forward with the waves, but due to Shen Long ’s alchemy, the board was extremely stable. Shen Long could even make tea with Arya in the captain ’s room The interior of the King of Seven Seas was cast by Shen Long with a space expansion spell. The captain ’s room is as spacious as the presidential suite of a luxury hotel, and there is absolutely no cramp in the sailing room.

The sailors ’lounges are also very spacious, almost all of them are one room, and there is no need to sleep in a hammock at all. Under the lounge is an expanded warehouse. Now there are only ballast stones in it. I believe that these warehouses will be used soon. The treasure that Shen Long snatched from the major pirate kings was full.

There are six steel artillery on each side of the deck. Shen Long also built protective walls for the gunners, which were also strengthened with alchemy, so that they can safely fire the gun inside, without worrying about the attack of enemy shells.

The restaurant, kitchen, and food warehouse are set on the stern of the second floor. The layout is the same as the Wanli Sunshine. Now the chef is busy in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the big guy. The chef on the Shenlong ship was Shao Feng. The celebrity chef who was tied back specifically from Huadu didn't lose much of Liao Jie, and the food he made was very satisfying to Shen Long.

"It's really comfortable, this day is more moisturizing than on the shore." When eating, the sailors said comfortably, hey, it would be nice to keep us clean if the big boss is not always!

Today ’s sailors have not developed hygienic habits, because fresh water is precious, and there are no conditions to take regular baths on the boat, so the guys in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” all look dirty; but Shen Long ca n’t accept it This point, anyway, whether it is magic or alchemy, there is a way to desalinate the sea water, then you guys must take a bath every day!

Not long after I had lunch, the watchman on the mast shouted, "The big master, there are ships in front, a total of three ships, all hung under the banner of Mrs. Qing!"

"I saw it! Zuoman Ruo chased up! There was business on the first day of going out, which is a good sign that a boat can't let them run away!" Shen Long shouted, using a boat to attack the enemy Three ships, isn't it death? But no one on this ship felt this way!

"The gunner is slack! Don't sink! Let's grab something!" After looking at Aria, who was wiping the dagger seriously and looking excited, Shen Long added, if she wouldn't let her play I have been addicted to jumping and fighting, and I must find myself nagging for a while.

"Got it! You can rest assured when you're the master!" The gunner greeted him, and the gunners on both sides of the deck were busy with their lives, took out the fixed propellant and stuffed it into the gun barrel to compact it, put the shells, and prepared for the launch.

Soon, the King of Seven Seas surpassed the three ships, drawing a beautiful arc to stop them, Shen Long came out of the captain's room, shouted with a big horn in his hand, "Stop the boat and sail! It ’s already surrounded by me, surrendering to kneeling obediently will kill you a little life, dare to resist, and throw it into the sea to feed the sharks! "

Why is there such a loud voice? The pirate on the ship opposite was taken aback ~ ~ and then wondered, King of the Seven Seas? I have n’t heard, who is this, and dare to rob Mrs. Qing ’s men? Is this destiny too long? And one boat wants to grab three boats, is this not a dream?

Hey, no, why is this sound familiar? Someone saw Shen Long in the telescope. "It's Singaporean pirate king Shao Feng. Why did he come to rob us? Does he want to fight us?"

"What shall we do?" When they heard Shao Feng's name, they panicked. Although there was only one ship, but since Shao Feng dared to come, it showed that he was sure. Can we win?

"Always have to give it a try?" There was still hesitation there. Shen Long was too lazy to wait for the artillery to fire directly. At the beginning, the chain bullets they fired directly shattered their sails.

"The boat is running so fast, the gun is so far away, so accurate? How do you still fight?" Mrs. Qing's men collapsed directly, "Hurry up, let's surrender!" The fight must have been impossible, and the speed was not as good as before. People, the sails are now broken, and there is no way to run. What can I do if I don't surrender?

So here was just a warning, the flag was raised there and the anchor surrendered, let Shen Long's men get on board to receive supplies and control personnel weapons.

"What? It's so easy to surrender?" Arya expressed disappointment, she thought she could still do it!


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