All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1369: Outside Nagasaki Port

"The big master, there is nothing good on the ship, it's all porcelain." After a while, the person who counted the results came back, and the expression on his face was a little disappointed. This thing is not useless. Back to Singapore to resell to the British, they came out this time to fight for the throne of the pirate king, if the gold and silver jewelry is not enough, this thing is a little too troublesome.

"Bring their captain." Shen Long greeted him, and the captains of the three ships were all escorted to Shen Long. "I ask you, where is Mrs. Qing now?"

"Ah, this ..." The three captains hesitated and betrayed the whereabouts of Mrs. Qing, and they would definitely be severely punished when they went back.

"Anyway, you have three people. I only need one person to tell me the truth. Even if you three don't tell me, I can draw your three souls and six souls to ask." Shen Long threatened, "Now you can tell Am I? "

"I said, I said that Mrs. Qing had just taken over a big business, and her old man took the fleet to Nagasaki of the Wa Kingdom and had a deal with the Japanese!" Under the threat of Shen Long, they quickly revealed the truth.

Was at the time of the closure of the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan, only trading in Nagasaki and China and the Netherlands. Mrs. Qing monopolized Sino-Japanese trade, and it was reasonable to take people to Nagasaki.

This is a good thing. I originally wanted to go to Japan to rob, but I did n’t want to make a detour. This is good. Anyway, Mrs. Qing is also there, so stop by!

Scraped a few gold and silver jewelry on the three ships, distributed them according to their contributions, and then Shen Long dropped the three ships and drove to Nagasaki. Some people were a little puzzled, "Why don't you sink them when you are the master? Alright? "

"They can still catch up to us? When they inform Mrs. Qing, we will have finished the fight!" Hey, anyway, they are all Chinese. For the time being, just stay alive. If you meet pirates from other countries, then there will be no good words. .

Shen Long directly steered the helmsman to the open sea and drove from the shortest route to Nagasaki. The helmsman was a bit worried. This line had never been traveled before, but he did not dare to say anything when he was full of confidence.

All the way through the waves, except for the monotonous scenery along the way, except that you ca n’t see anything in the vast sea, everything is still smooth. Using the advanced navigation instruments of later generations, the King of the Seven Seas has been kept on the right path, and soon I saw it. The shadow of Okinawa, so many sailors feel relieved.

"It's really great to be a master! If we master this route, we will be able to share a slice of trade with Japan in the future!" As for Mrs. Qing's question, they didn't consider it. I believe that after this battle, Mrs. Qing might be very serious. It's hard to threaten them.

They didn't stop in Okinawa. The place was quite poor and they couldn't grab anything. They went north and bypassed Satsuma's territory and entered the open sea of ​​Nagasaki.

Here they saw a Zhuyin ship with three masts, which is a vessel holding the “Zhuyin shape of an exotic sea crossing” and was authorized to travel to Southeast Asian countries such as Annan, Siam, Luzon, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries since Toyotomi Hideyoshi began. Japan will only allow ships with a Zhuyin shape to trade abroad.

"The big master, looks like a ship just out of Nagasaki, we can ship this time!" The watchman said excitedly, Zhu Yinchuan imported Chinese goods such as raw silk, silk fabric, cotton fabric, wool fabric, shark skin, Southeast Asian commodities such as ivory, pepper, buffalo horn, lead, medicine; the output is mainly silver, copper, iron, sulfur and other minerals, and other swords, crafts, etc.

Because of the existence of Sado Jinshan and Ishimi Yinshan, Zhu Yin ships usually carry valuable gold and silver. These are exactly the pirates' favorite trophies.

"Okay! Break their masts first, let them stop, and then jump over to kill them! No prisoners are left this time! You have been busy these days, and you should do your best!" Shen Long stood up decisively, which again Not Chinese, why do you leave them?

"Okay!" The Zhu Yin ship is not a battleship, but a merchant ship. Usually, there are only six to eight artillery pieces on board, and the power is limited. These pirates did not care about it.

At the sight of the mighty King of the Seven Seas, the little devil on Zhu Yin's ship suddenly panicked and quickly turned around to try to escape. Shen Long was too lazy to even scream warnings, so he went directly to the gun position and kicked the gunner aside, personally aimed at the light With the accuracy of the talent, the first shot hit the target, breaking the main mast in two.

The mast hit the deck, killing a lot of little devils, the speed of the ship was slow, Shen Long kept stopping, and the gunners walked over one by one. The gunners were only responsible for loading the ammunition, and he launched it. Zhu Yin ’s mast The gun position was continuously named by Shen Long. After a while, the Zhuyin ship stopped at sea and did not move, and the artillery on this side was also collectively misfired.

When the two ships took over, the volley shot first suppressed the opponent, and then Shen Long and Arya pulled out the rope with a long roar and flew out, and landed firmly on the deck. Shen Long took out the Tang sword, Ellie Abdullah pulled out his dagger and started killing on the deck.

Shen Long's movements opened and closed, and the offensive was unprecedented. Arya walked flexibly on the chaotic deck. Every time she wiped the little devil's neck from behind ~ ~ showed a completely different style but equally efficient means.

"The big masters are on, why are you still stunned! Hurry up with me!" The members of the jump gang froze first, and then rushed over to fight with the little devil.

The little devils on the Zhu Yin ship had been hit by heavy cannons and volleys, and their fighting power was far from comparable to the elite of Shao Feng's elite. Less than a scent of Kung Fu, the little devils on the Zhu Yin ship were swept away. Completely empty.

Go to the captain's room to find the inventory, and then go to the warehouse to check it out. There are indeed a lot of gold and silver. In addition, there are some handicrafts such as fans and lacquer ware. Shen Long chose only gold and silver. There are some fine arts and crafts, and the rest are left in the Zhuyin ship. After being withdrawn, the ship is directly sunk.

"Go ahead, today we are going to Nagasaki!" This thing is far from satisfying Shen Long and they also feel that playing is not enough. These little devils are really too good.

The King of the Seven Seas blew up the sails, and continued to accelerate, waiting outside the port of Nagasaki, when those large and small ships saw this uniquely shaped ship, they quickly evaded.

"Big master! Look, Mrs. Qing's fleet is over there!" The watchman quickly found Mrs. Qing's fleet, and the King of the Seven Seas immediately drove through with great force, even though there were more than a dozen large ships there, they were also Not at all false.


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