All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1372: Greedy box

Mrs. Qing left with a sullen face, and Shen Long was not worried that she would retaliate against Singapore when she went to other seas to conquer the whole sea. She would not act rashly before defeating the power of the Seven Seas King, and he Singapore has also deployed a sufficiently strong defensive system capable of withstanding any enemy attacks.

However, after Mrs. Qing left, Shen Long did not set sail immediately. The messengers of the shogunate had to visit again to ask about Shen Long ’s intentions. Shen Long sat in a high chair and looked down at the messenger crawling on the deck, "Because of your For the sake of reason, I have consumed more gunpowder, shells and time. Do I need to pay for these? "

Here Shen Long beckoned, Arya held a small box, "My conditions are not harsh, as long as you fill this small box with gold!"

The messenger raised his eyes, quickly glanced at the box, then quickly lowered his head, secretly calculated how much gold the box could hold, and then relieved a little, how much gold could fit in such a small box, he quickly should Said, "This should be the case, go ashore immediately to bring gold over!"

"Well, if you know the current affairs, remember, it is still noon time, before noon, you must bring enough gold to fill this box, otherwise I will leave to Osaka, go to Edo, ask you The general asked for the gold. "Shen Long nodded and let him go.

When the messenger came back, besides gold, he also brought the necessary supplies on the ship, such as fresh water and fresh vegetables, and said with a smiley face, "These are just our little cautions, and we hope His Royal Highness Shao Feng will accept them."

"Well, now you start to fill this box with gold!" Shen Long is very satisfied with their attitude. Although there is no shortage of these on the ship, Arya put the box in front of the messenger, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Will the expression on his face be wonderful later?

"These are all good judges from the Qing Dynasty, and we will not dare to take them out for the inferior goods during the Yuan Lu period." The messenger opened the box he carried with him, which was full of thin round gold coins.

This is the small verdict of gold coins commonly used in the Edo period in Japan. Each weighs one or two. After the battle of Kwonhara, Tokugawa established a new currency system with Qingchang gold and silver. It is in the gold seats of Edo, Kyoto, and Suruga. A lot of casting "Qingchang Judgment" and "One-Point Judgment", as the national currency, the gold judging period of this period has a higher gold content, and during the Yuanlu year, the quality has declined, so the messenger will explain it specifically.

The messenger carried a box that was much larger than the one Arya had sent to him. He had left a margin when he was preparing. Fearing that the gold he was carrying was not sufficient to anger Shen Long, he carefully sentenced the stack of gold with a smiley face. Put it in Shen Long's box, but seeing that the Jin Xiaojuan he brought was getting smaller and smaller, the box in front was still not full, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

"Haha!" Arya couldn't help laughing, she had long known that Shen Long had cast a space expansion spell in the box. The volume of this box was not as small as the messenger imagined.

"His Royal Highness Shao Feng! This and this ..." The messenger's fingers began to tremble. His golden judgement was finished, but from the opening, only a thin layer was laid in the box. This was to fill the whole box. How much gold!

"When you promised me before, it was refreshing. Do you want to repent now?" Shen Long asked coldly. "Or do you ask me to go to Edo to ask your general for gold?"

"No, no, no, no, I'll go back and prepare more gold!" The messenger responded with sweat. He didn't expect there to be such a greedy box that couldn't be filled enough. It's a big mistake, you have to cut your belly to ask for sin, but before you cut your belly, you have to send the terrible pirate general in front of you!

The messenger went back again. When he came back again, he changed to a bigger ship. A group of warriors came to the King of the Seven Seas holding boxes full of gold. They opened the boxes and poured the gold on them. On the deck, let the messenger continue to tuck into the box, while his eyes widened one by one, watching this magical scene.

It's so big after the box, but why can't we fill it with gold that has been packed several times larger than the box? This must have used black magic?

The second batch of gold still did not fill up the boxes, and then the third batch of gold was sent by the ship. This time, the gold sent was not only Qing Chang ’s judgment, the poor quality Yuan Lu ’s judgment, and the gold coins from the Netherlands. , Gold coins from East India Company and gold ingots from mainland China.

"His Royal Highness Shao Feng, please forgive me, all the Kyungchang sentencing in Nagasaki City had been sent before! There are only these left in the city now." The messenger asked for forgiveness.

Shen Long waved his hand, and he continued to pour a box of gold into Shen Long's box. However, this box was like the belly of the mountain grandmother in the legend of Shimane, and he couldn't fill it.

There were five batches of ships carrying the gold. The entire gold of Nagasaki City had been evacuated. The box was still not full. Finally, Shen Long told them generously that the remaining space could be replaced with silver.

So Nagasaki sent a few more ships ~ ~ After sending innumerable silver, he barely saw the silver pile up on the rim of the box, and Shen Long left with satisfaction.

The messenger knelt down on his own boat, looking far away from the sail shadow of the King of the Seven Seas. Knowing that the King of the Seven Seas had disappeared below sea level, he turned to Nagasaki and drew his short knife into his abdomen ...

"Nagasaki's centuries of accumulation have been robbed. Does he think he can redeem his sins by cutting his belly?" The fellow warrior said indifferently.

This incident gradually spread in Japan, the story became more and more mysterious, and finally formed a special proverb called "Shao Feng's Box" to exaggerately describe the other party's greed.

"Let's go back to Singapore to put the gold down, and then go to the Indian Ocean to continue looting!" Shen Long's words caused the sailors on the ship to laugh wildly. This time the harvest was more than any previous one. All the looting should add up!

Shen Long glanced at Nagasaki's direction and said softly, "It feels great to build a few cannons on the coastline to conquer a country!"

The King of the Seven Seas chopped through the waves all the way, and soon returned to Singapore. When Shen Long took out a small box and declared that it was his harvest, the left-behind men were a bit embarrassed. This thing?


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