All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1373: Indian Ocean Pirate King

Shen Long didn't speak, the best sailor with the upper arm strength of the King of the Seven Seas smiled, stepped forward to pick up the box, and then the gold and silver flowed out like a waterfall, and gradually piled up in front of everyone.

One minute, two minutes ... five minutes, six minutes ... The time kept passing, but the gold and silver in the box continued to fall, drowning the steps and the sailors' ankles ... The pirates who left behind were all surprised and expanded mouth.

"I can't do it anymore, come for someone else!" The sailor who poured the gold couldn't carry it. In fact, the weight of this box was not heavy due to the magic, otherwise how could Newt-Scamander lift the magical animal The box is running around? But just keeping your hands held high is also tiring!

"I'm coming!" Among the remaining pirates, a self-assertive pirate volunteered to move a chair, then lifted the box high, and then he began to dump gold and silver. The pirate next to him tilted his head to watch, While helping him spread Jinshan and Yinshan into a larger area, to slow down the speed of the chair being submerged by gold and silver.

After several pirates who lifted boxes, they dumped all the gold and silver. The bathhouse that had been drained in advance was completely filled with gold and silver. Those pirates stood a lot higher than usual. They Stepping on the feet are all gold and silver, one by one looking at the glittering gold and silver is set in a daze.

"The big master is powerful! The big master is powerful!" I don't know who started it. There was a warm cheer in the bathhouse, and everyone was immersed in this unprecedented huge harvest.

During the repair day in Singapore, Shen Long set off again with the King of the Seven Seas. This time, almost all of his men rushed to the pier and sent Shen Long away with passion. After a trip to Japan, it was like this. Harvest, how much can you get if you defeat all the remaining seven pirate kings? Perhaps the whole of Singapore will become a gold country in the future?

With the last success, this time when sailing, the mood of the sailors increased even more. According to the rules of the pirates, as long as there is some gain, the people who go on the boat can get their own share according to their contributions. Japan, their harvest has exceeded ninety-nine percent of pirate captains. If the world grabs it again, how much can they earn?

The King of the Seven Seas crossed the Straits of Malacca, entered the Andaman Sea, and entered the territory of the Indian Ocean. Due to the strong monsoon in the Indian Ocean, the speed of the King of the Seven Seas once again soared, just like flying fish passing by the sea, but the sailors on the deck did not Without feeling the shaking, they still leisurely scrubbed overtime and packed the cables, and guessed how much wealth they could **** from the Indian Ocean pirate king Sumbaji-Angria.

"That guy even robs the East India Company, plus so many spice fleets between Southeast Asia and the West, he has a lot of wealth!" Some people even opened a gambling game, attracting many sailors to bet.

The pirates of the Great Navigation era are mostly concentrated in areas with dense routes, so that there are enough targets for them to rob. For example, Mrs. Qing sits in Huadu offshore, which is the only way to enter China and Japan. For example, Shao Feng masters Singapore, Ka Lived the lifeline of the Indian Ocean into East Asia.

The same is true for Sumbaji-Angria. His site is located near Kolkata, the most important port in the Indian Ocean. This is a city facing the mouth of the Bay of Bengal. It is an important base for Southeast Asia. Spices shipped from Southeast Asia are shipped from China. Silk porcelain, as well as jute and gemstones produced in India are gathered here.

He possessed frightening supernatural abilities to rob commercial ships. When the merchants on the merchant ships met him, they would succumb to his fears and surrender surrendering their goods; even those close to him Caravan, he will also be subject to heavy taxes.

However, judging from the bounty, Sumbaji-Angria should not be a difficult opponent. His bounty is only 2,800 gold coins, which is not comparable to the 3,400 gold coins of the Qing lady. Not to mention Shao Feng's eight thousand gold coins, not to mention that Shen Long has a higher strength than Shao Feng.

When the King of the Seven Seas entered the sea off Kolkata, Shen Long used seagulls to search for Sumbaji-Angria. His luck was not bad. Sumbaji-Angria is now leading his fleet in the ocean. The three merchant ships of the East India Company were looted, not far from them, and could be rushed over in two or three hours.

"Right full rudder! Sombaji-Angria is not far in front! If we are fast, maybe we can just grab a wave after he robbed the East India Company!" Shen Long ordered loudly .

Although it is unclear where Shen Long ’s news came from, the success outside Nagasaki Port made these pirates hold Shen Long as a god, and they did not hesitate to follow his actions.

In fact, the King of the Seven Seas can be faster, and can be rushed to the scene before Sumbaji-Angria settles the East India Company fleet, but Shen Long wondered, anyway, he also wanted to grab the goods of the East India Company. So why bother to let Zumbagi-Angria help him to grab it ~ ~ and then grab it from him at once?

The pirates sang loudly to the sea where the fighting took place. The seagulls in the sky kept bringing new news to Shen Long. The ships of the East India Company succumbed to Sumbaji-Angria. Now the Indian Ocean The Pirate King's men are intimidating the crew of the East India Company to move the cargo, gold, silver and precious stones on their ships to the Sumbaji-Angria ship.

It ’s very good, and I ’ve sorted the goods so that I can grab them a lot easier. Shen Long glanced at the boxes in front of him. These boxes also cast a space expansion spell and attached labels on them: Gold, silver, precious stones, spices ... whatever goods you grab at that time, just put them in the corresponding box.

"Great master! There are black smoke in front! I have found them!" Two hours later, the watchman shouted loudly, it seems that Sumbaji-Angria has completed the raid and is destroying the East India Company's ships.

"Speed ​​up, don't let them run away!" At the order, a sudden wind blew, and the sails of the King of the Seven Seas were full, and the ship accelerated again, and soon came to Sumbaji- The waters where the Anglia fleet is located.

The trace of the King of the Seven Seas was soon found there. Sombaghi-Angria thought that another merchant ship was coming to the door, and decisively ordered the formation of the outsourcing formation, and then used his ability habitually to throw fear towards King of the Seven Seas.


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