All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1375: Sweep across the Indian Ocean

"Sir! Are you going to be an enemy of the East India Company?" William Beckett's mood suddenly fell to the bottom. He just thought about counting others going, but he didn't expect people to have an idea with him.

"Isn't it the East India Company? I haven't robbed Shao Feng before." Shen Long said calmly. Shao Feng had stuck in the Straits of Malacca before, and there was no conflict with the East India Company fleet trying to enter the China Sea. .

"Are you Shao Feng, the pirate king of Singapore?" At this time, William Beckett only knew the identity of the other party. Isn't the warship he took in the data?

"Come here, take Mr. Beckett into the cabin and shut it up. Those on the merchant ship are also counted. As long as they are all related to the East India Company, the others will let them go." Shen Long then ordered. The sailors drove the ships one by one to inspect the merchant ships one by one, and asked the identity of the East India Company to take them away.

Dare to resist and kill it directly, anyway, these are not good people, Shen Long does not have any psychological pressure; he even went on board the ship himself, to find out if the ship has not been Sumbaji-Angli Treasure found by Ya.

Needless to say, the captains and merchants who are really smart have hidden the gold and silver jewelry in places that are difficult for ordinary people to find, but who let Shen Long have a plug-in, he took out the sniff, and in front of the sniff, all the gold and silver jewelry are nothing It escaped and was found in the dark compartment of the ship's board, inside some kind of ornaments, flour bucket, and stuffed into its own pocket.

Then the unlucky little guy was shook by Shen Long upside down a few times, and the gold and silver jewels it had found so hard became Shen Long's booty.

"Great master, this is a good treasure, how much time can we save with it?" The crew on the Seven Seas King took a look at it, and sniffed, and later looking for gold and silver jewelry would have to bother him?

"Okay, although you have lost your wealth, have you saved your life, haven't you?" Shen Long shrugged. Although your goods are on my ship, that wasn't what I robbed. I just robbed Sombaji. -Anglia only, your losses are not related to my dime.

Are you talking about these gold and silver jewelry? Please, I drove away the fierce Indian Ocean Pirate King, and the big benefactor who rescued you from the pirates, what happened to revenge a little bit?

"Your kindness is beyond our imagination." What can the merchants who still remain on board say? Do they dare to ask Shen Long to return his goods? Do n’t you even look at people who do n’t even see the East India Company? They can only try to express their calmness in this way.

And prayed in his heart that this pirate king was not telling lies, and would not fire shells to sink their ships after returning to his pirate ship.

Shen Long got on the boat and left after the search. The three merchant ships did not dare to act at all. They just stopped there quietly until the King of the Seven Seas disappeared below sea level. They were relieved and hurriedly sailed. go away.

"Okay, we should go to Calcutta! Get rid of that William Beckett and let others send his head to the East India Company branch of Calcutta!" Since your identity is so important, I think the people of Calcutta branch Surely the person who killed him will not be easily let go?

Sure enough, as expected by Shen Long, the East India Company Kolkata branch was angered by his means. After receiving William Beckett's head, all the warships stationed in Kolkata went to the sea in search of killing William -Beckett's murderer, if they didn't do anything, could not bear the anger of Cutler-Beckett.

But their actions just let them lose their lives prematurely. If they do n’t go to sea and hide on the shore, they can still live a little longer. Cutler-Beckert learns the truth of the matter, and then comes to their troubles for some time. , And Shen Long ’s artillery now sent them to the bottom of the sea.

Because the opponents were warships without high-value cargo, Shen Long did not initiate a jump gang battle, and just used kite tactics to send the East India Company ’s warships one by one to the bottom of the sea. These warships obviously have heavier tonnage than the King of the Seven Seas. There are more artillery pieces, but they ca n’t catch up with them, and there is no room for resistance.

At the beginning, many warships went forward and tried to surround the King of the Seven Seas, but later, it became a wonder that more than a dozen warships ran in front, and a ship of the Seven Seas was chased by the back.

The warships that dared to flee to other places were sunk immediately. On the contrary, those who wanted to return to Kolkata temporarily saved themselves. Finally, the remaining seven warships were rushed back to the port of Kolkata by Shen Long, and then were killed by countless people. Sinking a little bit, the shipwreck blocked the port and prevented other ships from going to sea.

Then Shen Long began shelling the office of the East India Company on the pier, and then sent a messenger to send the chief of Sumbaji-Angria to the shore, telling the East India Company members of Kolkata, as well as other businessmen, if they wanted to let themselves go After them, take out the gold and silver jewelry to fill this box!

The story that happened outside Nagasaki Port happened again ~ ~ Among East India companies and businessmen crying, the box engulfed countless gold and silver gems, and Shen Longcai left Calcutta in a big way.

According to the location of their respective sites, after defeating the Indian Ocean pirate King Sumbaji-Angria and obtaining his eight rials, Shen Long should go to the Mediterranean pirate king Shawar and the Black Sea pirate king Amande. And Barbosa, the Caspian pirate king, took their eight rials.

Well, the setting of the Pirate King of the Caspian Sea is quite strange. The Black Sea still has an estuary. The Caspian Sea is an inland sea. Isn't Barbosa carrying his own ship over the Caucasus Mountains and then through the Black Sea to enter the Mediterranean?

However, Shen Long did not worry, but continued to move along the coastline of the Indian Ocean, all the way from Masribadan, Madras, Local Governance, Ceylon, Kalihut to Mumbai, Karachi, will be along the way to East India The company's accumulation was swept away and almost the entire Indian Ocean was swept away. Then he left with pride and entered the Gulf of Oman.

"Master, there is no place to grab in front of us, we should turn around and go back!" When approaching the edge of the Arabian Sea, the navigator came to remind him that the Suez Canal has not yet begun construction, and it can be reached directly from the Red Sea. Without the Mediterranean, one has to go south along the African continent, bypass the Cape of Good Hope and then go north.

"No need to turn around, move on!" Shen Long calmly issued an order.


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