All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1376: Ship on land

The King of the Seven Seas did not go south along the Arabian Sea, but instead entered the Persian Gulf along the Gulf of Oman. The men and women on the ship got a little confused, what is it for? Do you want to grab Basra? However, before robbing Songbaki-Angria, it was because he wanted to take away his eight rials, and the East India Company was robbed because they offended the master.

We have no conflict with Basra, what are we doing here? Isn't the owner of the big house worried about delaying time through wrongdoing? Let's go to the Mediterranean and the Caribbean to grab the remaining six pirate kings!

But no one dared to inquire, and could only continue to drive deep into the Persian Gulf according to Shen Long ’s orders. Shen Long did not harass the ports along the way. The oil on both sides of the strait has not been discovered. Except for a few cities, other places The poor one, there is nothing to grab; secondly, they did not offend themselves before, let them go.

As soon as this uniquely shaped vessel entered the Persian Gulf, it aroused the vigilance of nearby forces. The prestige of the King of the Seven Seas also reached here with the total collapse of the East India Company in Asia. They all speculated nervously that the Singapore King of Pirates Shao Feng should start with that force? It seems that the Persian Gulf hasn't gotten his power yet?

However, the King of the Seven Seas has not docked, but just drove quickly in the center of the Persian Gulf, constantly leaving behind the ships spying on, until they reached the northernmost point of the Persian Gulf, Shen Long directly entered Arabia from Faw Port Among the rivers, we traveled upstream along the Arabian River.

This scene surprised the forces along the way. What is he doing? Do you want to see a certain force inland? Didn't he see him send someone to disembark at the port to inform this force?

Arriving in Horamshahr, the King of the Seven Seas turned northeast again, and the Karen River, a tributary of the Arabian River, continued to flow upstream, and waited until the ship arrived at Ahwaz. The crew of Shen Long finally could n’t help it. We are going to be the head of the house? The water is not deep enough to go up. Our boat is afraid to run aground! "

The inland rivers have limited capacity to carry ships of too large tonnage. Since entering the Karon River, the sailors have been worried, and since this river they have passed in the future, they have no knowledge of the hydrological situation, and they are slightly different. Shen will be stranded and unable to retreat, it is really impossible to continue to move forward.

"Go ahead, isn't the pirate king closest to the Arabian River in a straight line the Caspian pirate king Barbosa? So we are going to find him this time!" Shen Long finally revealed the purpose of his trip.

Even though the words say so, you can't reach the Caspian Sea by water from the Arabian Sea. Yuck, it seems that you can't reach the Caspian Sea by water from there. The navigator murmured.

Before Lao Maozi built the Volga-Don Canal and communicated with the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, the Caspian Sea was a pure inland sea, with no waterway to enter or leave.

"Master, the chart you gave, there is no waterway from here to the Caspian Sea!" The navigator of this place has never walked, and he can only take the chart given by Shen Long as a reference. He looked over and over many times. And did not find a way to go.

"There is no way in this world, so many people will become the way to go." Well, Lu Xun said this sentence, "The road that others can't walk does not mean that I can't walk. You can go forward, rest assured, I Will take you to the Caspian Sea. "

Shortly after Ahwas, the Karen River turned into a large bay, and the river flowed from the east. According to the map, if you continue to flow upstream along the river, you will be further and further away from the Caspian Sea, so Shen Long released a new The command, "Keep the direction unchanged, continue to sail northward!"

"The big master, the land on the north is land!" The navigator was stupid again, how to sail on land? If it hits, it must be grounded on the beach.

"Listen to my orders and move on!" Shen Long was unimpressed, and the sailors did not dare to disobey his orders, as long as they gritted their teeth and rushed toward the beach, then they were ready to meet the impact.

However, after a long time, according to their tacit calculations, the King of the Seven Seas should have hit the riverside, but did not usher in any shock. The seafarer grew bold and opened his eyes, and was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of him. ; I saw that the bow of the King of Seven Seas split the soil in front of him like a sharp axe, and the soil and stones around the ship showed a state of flowing water.

The King of the Seven Seas was moving steadily on the land as if sailing in a quiet sea. Someone stretched out his hand and brushed the treetops on the side of the ship. Someone looked at a shepherd with a dull expression not far away. The earth flock bleating and looked at this strange sea boat.

The shepherd finally woke up. He rubbed his eyes quickly, thinking he was wrong, but when he opened his eyes again, the figure of the King of Seven Seas was still in front of him, and he shouted like crazy After a few clicks, he dropped the flock and hurried towards the nearby town.

"Great master! This is amazing! Ah ha ha ha, you can even let the King of the Seven Seas sail on the land!" The sailors who woke up and shouted like crazy frantically at the feet of Shen Long. UU reading book

"This is going on, who is our opponent? Haha, the master, you will not only be the pirate king of the whole sea, but also the master of the earth!"

"Okay, it's just some small means!" Shen Long is still calm, this is still a five-element conversion technique in alchemy, which can convert soil into water, and then call the wind to move the sail forward, just around a large angle from the Cape of Good Hope It is too much trouble for the circle to enter the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea to find the way to the Caspian Sea. Simply go directly from the land!

The sailors returned to normal. They sang the songs of the pirates as if they were sailing on the sea. Just sitting on the boat, they could see the forest on both sides of the hull, see the grassland, see the house, and make them feel very new. .

"The big master, there is a ship ... Oh no, there is a team of cavalry coming here, it is for us!" The watchman also yelled the wrong thing, hell, we are pirates, we are still on the ship, Are you going to fight with cavalry? Am I drinking too much?

And to their side, the shepherd had a whip on his face just now, and was excitedly pointing at the King of Seven Seas to say something to the cavalry leader.

"True God!" The cavalry leader thought at first that the shepherd had lied, but now that he saw the King of the Seven Seas in front of them, he could not speak at the moment, and stood there dumbly, watching The huge body of the King of Seven Seas is blank.


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