All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1381: Black Sea Pirate King Armand

"Okay, your crew will stay here. When I collect all eight rials, I will let you go. Let them wait for you in the Caspian Sea!" Anyway, the Caspian Sea is too poor, and it's not too bad. , Even if Barbosa left, his crew could survive.

Barbosa thought about it and brought the box of Aztec gold coins to the King of the Seven Seas, maybe he could have the chance to meet the last gold coin during the voyage and lift the curse.

Seeing what Barbosa looks like now, the crew on the King of Seven Seas couldn't help but want to laugh. The skeleton is terrible, but looking at the skeleton with few teeth, I recalled sniffing from Barbosa's mouth just now. The scene of pulling gold teeth is really interesting.

Of course, Barbosa can guess what they laughed. To put it in the past, he had to kill the sailors who dare to laugh at him. However, there is Shenlong Town here, he can only pretend not to hear, and take them to himself Drove away, and then watched distressedly and swept away the gold and silver treasures he had collected for many years.

Did Shao Feng **** Mrs. Qing and Sumbaji-Angria? In this case, isn't Captain Shao Feng the richest pirate king in the sea? Barbosa couldn't help thinking.

However, Barbosa did n’t know that Shen Long did n’t rob her, but he robbed Nagasaki Port and robbed all the East India Company ’s large strongholds along the Indian Ocean. The treasure he robbed was more than Barbosa imagined. More.

"How are you going to cross the land between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea? Are you still using your previous method?" Now Barbosa is increasingly envious of the unique abilities of the King of the Seven Seas. If he had this ship, he would still use it Put the Black Pearl into the Black Sea like now.

"Go on the Volga River first! Then enter the Don River from the place where the Volga River is closest to the Don River, and from the Don River to the Black Sea." Of course, Shen Long can also directly enter the Black Sea from the shortest land distance between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. Using alchemy, it will consume some energy.

In the future, although the Volga-Don Canal has been detoured, the distance for traveling on land is much shorter, so it will save a lot of effort.

So the King of the Seven Seas continued to travel north, entering the lower reaches of the Volga River in the northwest of the Caspian Sea, and going upstream along the river. This also aroused the attention of the Russians on both sides of the Volga River. They watched the King of the Seven Seas in Volga. Downstream of Göller landed on land, and then sailed across the watershed to enter the Don Basin.

This news was quickly reported to St. Petersburg and delivered to Peter the Great. After the succession of Peter the Great, he actively established factories, developed trade, developed culture, education and scientific research. At the same time, he reformed the military and established a regular army and navy. The war won the Baltic Sea estuary and laid a solid foundation for the Russian Empire.

But Peter the Great was not satisfied with this. After taking the Baltic estuary, he set his sights on the south, tried to defeat the Ottoman Empire, and took the Black Sea estuary in his own hands. When he reached the Black Sea, he was immediately excited.

If the ships of the Russian Empire can do the same, then it is not possible to connect the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea as one, and to adjust the resources of the Russian Empire more conveniently? In this case, the Ottoman Empire will definitely be defeated by us!

So he gave orders decisively, and the method of finding a land-based boating seemed unreliable. Peter the Great had also been exposed to some supernatural abilities. He knew that this ability was difficult to replicate on a large scale; so he set his sights on the King of the Seven Seas. Maybe we can dig a canal here on the route we traveled? Then use the canal to communicate the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea?

Shen Long did not know that because of his unintentional move, Russia had begun the construction of the Volga-Don Canal hundreds of years in advance, and as a result, a fiercer war broke out with the Ottoman Empire. He has just entered the Black Sea and is now in Barbosa Under the leadership of the captain, he found the Black Pearl docked at the Black Sea port, and took the last treasure of Barbosa.

Barbosa endured the distress and led Shen Long to find the Black Sea pirate king Amande, although he had a good relationship with Amande, otherwise he would not stop the Black Pearl at the port of Amande; Shen's life was still in Shen Long's hands, and I couldn't care much anymore. Besides, is it not the virtue of pirates to betray?

Armand has a cooperative relationship with the Altman Empire. He controls all areas from Morocco to the Ottoman Empire. He has a large fleet. His pirates are highly organized and active on the Black Sea, looting the trade of Western countries. The boat, the bounty is higher than that of Mrs. Qing and Sumbaji-Angria, reaching 4,000 gold coins.

Shen Long first asked Barbosa to be a messenger and asked Amand for his eight rials, but Amand refused without hesitation and chose to fight Shen Long.

However, Armand's strength is mainly reflected in the large number of pirate ships under his hands, and the subordinates are not afraid of death. Individuals do not have too powerful supernatural abilities; how can such a pirate king be Shen Long's opponent? The pirate ship under the Armand has been continuously sunk by the King of the Seven Seas. Countless Amand painstakingly cultivated the pirates buried for many years under the sea.

In the end, even the intrepid pirates were afraid ~ ~ They chose to flee, exposing Armand's flagship in front of the Seven Seas King, Shen Long interrupted Armand's flagship as usual The mast, then leaned up against them and started a melee fight, and eventually killed Armand and won his eight rials.

A small gray-grey brandy wine glass. This is what Amand obtained from a pair of wandering sisters from the Spanish monastery. There is a reason for their wandering. That reason is Amand. I did n’t see this with two moustache. The guy has another hand.

"Where are the treasures of Armand?" Shen Long asked Captain Barbosa. The Black Sea, but the Middle East entered the throat area of ​​Europe. East and West wealth are gathered here. Armand has mastered such a powerful pirate fleet. There must be a lot of accumulation.

Captain Barbosa didn't know the specific place, he could only give a few places he guessed. Fortunately, there were sniffs. In the end, all the treasures that Armand had looted for many years belonged to Shen Long.

"I have to admit that you are probably the poorest of all the pirate kings, right?" Shen Long sneered, and Armand has much more treasures than Barbosa.

"No, Jack Sparrow is poorer than me!" Barbosa said angrily!

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