All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1382: Milos

The Black Sea pirate king Amund and the Ottoman Empire are in a cooperative relationship, so his death caused strong dissatisfaction with the Ottoman Empire. When the King of the Seven Seas tried to enter the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosphorus, Shen Long encountered the Ottoman Navy During the offensive, they blocked the exit of the strait with a fleet, and the shore defense artillery on the shore fired shells towards the Seven Seas King.

"I knew it would happen! Can't you lure Armand out of the Black Sea and then kill him! He always likes to wander around the estuary of the Black Sea!" Captain Barbosa complained.

The Bosphorus Strait is 30 kilometers in length, 3.7 kilometers at the widest point of the estuary in the north, and the narrowest point between the castles of Rumeli Hisal and Anado Lufinelli is only 750 meters away. Distance, even the artillery of the early eighteenth century can threaten the safety of ships in the middle of the strait.

Therefore, after Peter the Great, Russia and the Ottoman Empire broke out countless wars, in order to seize control of the Bosphorus from the Ottoman Empire, in order to maintain the Russian Black Sea Fleet's safe route into the Mediterranean Sea.

"But if we do that, there is no way to get the treasure of Amand!" Shen Long didn't care about these threats at all. If he wanted to rob Amand's gold and silver treasures, even if he killed them outside the Black Sea He, that had to go back to the Black Sea again, unless he did not want these treasures, which is obviously impossible.

Barbosa opened his mouth, and you wo n’t give me any more treasures, why let me take risks with you? But he didn't dare to say it after all, shrugging and hiding aside, anyway, he was immortal, if the King of Seven Seas was sunk, he could still take the opportunity to return to the Black Pearl.

The shore defense artillery of the Ottoman Empire fell like raindrops, but the wind quickly blew in the strait, reducing the hit rate of the shore defense artillery. A few shells that hit the King of the Seven Seas were quickly opened by the ship's plate , And did not cause any damage to the King of the Seven Seas. Instead, Shen Long ’s counterattack caused the loss of the defense line of the Ottoman Empire.

His special cannons and shells are not comparable to the technological level of the eighteenth century. Each explosion of a shell can almost make a shore defense gun misfire. After repeated bombings, the Ottoman Empire was located on the shore of the Bosporus. The fortifications suffered heavy losses, and after years of construction was destroyed by Shen Long, countless soldiers and officers had lost the courage to fight. They escaped from the fortifications and gave up their attack on the King of the Seven Seas.

However, Shen Long did not stop here, aren't you awesome? Did n’t you still get stuck with the Liaoning and did not let go of the blackmail? Now let you pay off the debt in advance? He stunned the speed of the ship and destroyed all important fortifications on both sides of the strait before passing through the Bosphorus strait, facing the frontal Ottoman fleet, and attacking them first.

A ship in every area dares to pick up an imperial fleet. This scene shows Captain Barbosa envious, but this is at the door of the Ottoman Empire. When he was driving the Black Pearl in the Caribbean, he did not Dare to provoke the British fleet, if the other party has more ships, he can only use the speed advantage of the Black Pearl to escape, so Shen Long is so impressive?

After only a few rounds of attack, the flagship of the Ottoman Empire was sunk by the King of the Seven Seas, and the remaining ships also lost the courage to fight with them. They fled and fled, but Shen Long refused to give up, stunned for a while, All of their battleships were sunk before they swaggered away.

Well, I think Peter will be very happy to see this scene, right? Looking back at the constantly burning Ottoman fleet on the sea, watching the shore defenses swept by him on both sides of the Bosphorus, plus the Black Sea pirate king Armand who was killed by himself, this time the Ottoman Empire can be described as It was a heavy loss.

Their control of the Black Sea has fallen greatly. In this case, Peter the Great will definitely notice this opportunity. If it does n’t take much time, the army of the Russian Empire will attack the Ottoman Empire south. This scene must be very interesting!

Perhaps he is really qualified to be the pirate king of all the seas! If this is the case, I am afraid that neither David Jones nor Blackbeard will work. At the same time, Captain Barbosa muttered.

"Villanueva is there? Now you should take me to find him!" Shen Long's order interrupted Captain Barbosa's cranky thoughts, and now the King of the Seven Seas has left the Bosphorus and crossed Mar The Mara Sea, through the Dardanelles, enters the Aegean realm.

Villanueva is the king of the Adriatic Pirates. The Adriatic is located on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Italian peninsula and the Balkan peninsula. If you want to find him, you must first go south through the Aegean Sea and bypass the Peloponnese The peninsula then turned back north and entered the Adriatic Sea.

But Barbosa has said before that because the Adriatic Sea is too small, the Adriatic Pirate King Vilaniuva often appears near the Peloponnese peninsula to rob those passing by the Ottoman Empire. The fleet, logically speaking, this place is already the Mediterranean Sea, is the site of the Mediterranean pirate king Chaval.

But Villanueva ca n’t grab much in the Adriatic Sea ~ ~ and the Ottoman Empire monopolized the land trade between China and the West, and the caravans between the Mediterranean were endless. How could he let go With so much fat? Besides, as a pirate, should n’t it be right to sneak up on someone ’s site to steal something?

There was a lot of disputes with Chavalle before. Amand, they often fight in the Aegean Sea in order to compete for the waters. As long as Villanueva does not go too far, it has always been nothing.

"Before I entered the Caspian Sea, Villanueva had returned to the Adriatic Sea. He didn't come out so quickly. Let's go a little bit more and go to the Adriatic Sea to find him!" Barbosa said.

"Okay, let's go to the Adriatic Sea, hoping to have better luck, and meet Chavalle halfway, so that it can save me time." Shen Long said.

I heard Barbosa and did n’t know what to say. People were sailing on the sea, and they prayed not to encounter pirates as much as possible. Why did you come here and meet the pirate king quickly?

The King of the Seven Seas headed south along the Aegean Sea, where many small islands were scattered. Captain Shen Long called for Captain Barbosa and asked in detail the name of each island he passed by. When he heard a familiar name, he suddenly thought of it. Thinking of something, he gave orders decisively.

"Raise the sail, stop the boat, let's go to Milos Island to land!" But there is a big baby on it, you can't let it go.


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