All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1383: Bring the Statue of Venus home to the gate

As soon as he heard the name of Milos Island, Shen Long remembered the words he said when he saw the imitation of the Statue of Venus when he went to the French Art Exhibition with Qin Ling in the world of Scarlet Romance.

"The Statue of Venus" is also called "The Venus of Milos". When they went to the art exhibition at that time, they studied the material of the statue in advance and clearly remembered the experience of its excavation.

"The Venus of Milos" was buried underground in the medieval smashing idol movement. After more than a thousand years, in February 1820, on the island of Milos in the Aegean Sea, a farmer was preparing the ground beside an ancient tomb A female statue was excavated; she was divided into upper and lower sections, and the farmer immediately buried them in place and reported to the French consul on the island.

Consul informed the French ambassador in Constantinople at that time. At the same time, a Greek art enthusiast and French naval officer Jouer-Diumen-Durville who was engaged in measurement in the Aegean Sea was very concerned about this; when he saw some fragments of these statues, he thought they were a whole, and The first one concluded that this was the statue of Venus.

So he immediately told the farmer that France decided to buy her, so that he would n’t have to talk about it anymore, and then rushed to Constantinople to explain the details to the ambassador, prompting the ambassador to make up his mind and send someone to trade; The meeting of the elders decided that the farmer would sell the statue to a Greek official serving in Turkey. When the French arrived on the island, it was the time for the statue to ship.

Seeing this scene, they almost used force and ordered French ships to prepare for action at any time. A storm delayed the sailing of the Turkish ship. The two sides fought fiercely. During the melee, the arms of the Venus statue were broken.

After several twists and turns, the statue was finally transferred to the French ship. Later, he gave money to the island to obtain the oath of the island to give up the statue. The statue successfully arrived in Paris. On March 2, 1821, King Louis XVIII officially accepted it. Salute; from this day, it has become a French national property and is displayed in a special exhibition hall specially created by the Louvre, together with "Mona Lisa" and "Statue of Victory" and called the three major Louvre Treasure of the town hall.

Shen Long came to Milos Island a hundred years earlier than when the "Venus of Milos" was discovered. The statue should be buried in the place where the farmer found it. You can dig it out and take it away. .

Many sailors have been sailing at sea for so long. I have long wanted to get off the land and take a rest. Upon hearing this command, I was immediately excited, quickly landed, and then rushed down to control the pier.

Milos Island is not only small in area, it is 150 square kilometers, which is similar to Xiamen Island. However, there are not many people on the island, and the defensive ability is terrible. The sailors of the King of the Seven Seas are very fast. I took control of the main place on the island and started to enjoy the wines snatched from the warehouses of local officials with local food.

Shen Long left a good man to guard the King of the Seven Seas and the port, and then took Captain Arya and Barbosa to find "Venus of Milos" according to the route he saw in the data.

Fortunately, the data in the future described the statue's discovery and location very clearly. Shen Long did not take much time to find a place, and the magic of the "Venus Statue" hidden underground appeared.

The statue has been shattered, which may be the reason for the hasty action when the statue was buried, but her two arms are still intact. Shen Long spliced ​​the pieces together and used the alchemy to glue them together. The "Statue of Venus" of the arm appeared in front of them.

Captain Barbosa looked at the statue curiously, looking for this specifically? It seems that she has no unique ability? He thought that Shen Long was going to dig out magical products with extraordinary abilities!

"Wow, this is the one from the textbook?" This statue is so famous that even Arya recognized it, "I didn't expect her arms to be like this!"

"Well, how about you take us home and put it in your yard?" Shen Long asked.

"It's a bit different from the style of the courtyard, but it's just a small thing. It's a very pleasant thing to have such a statue at home!" Aaliyah also felt the charm of art. "Just like a statue, Will you feel lonely? "

"It doesn't matter, we can find the next one!" "Victory Statue" is also a Greek artwork. This statue was discovered in 1863 on the island of Samothrace in the northern Aegean Sea, also known as "Samothrace" The Statue of Naiji, more than forty years later than "The Venus of Milos" was discovered, so it is equally good now.

After a night ’s rest on Milos, they arrived at Samothrace the next day and found the Statue of Victory. The original was missing head, arms, and hands when it was discovered, but Shen Long ’s ability to use magic I found the torn parts and glued them together like in "The Venus of Milos".

Then stuffing it into his own space, it ’s useless to leave it to Shao Feng ~ ~ It ’s not as good as bringing it back to the real world; the French have robbed so many treasures in our country anyway , What do I count if they stop? What's more, these two things are not French.

After a short episode, Shen Long led the King of the Seven Seas again, set sail, crossed the Peloponnese Peninsula and Crete, and entered the Ionian Sea outside the Adriatic Sea.

Barbosa saw the shadow of Sicily from a long distance on the observation deck, which made Shen Long fall into his memories again, and he had a share of origins. Then this time, do not grab Sicily, anyway, this place is very poor, There is nothing to grab!

They are planning to turn north, cross the Otranto Strait, and enter the Adriatic Sea, and at this time, there is new news from Barbosa on the observation deck, "Captain Shao Feng, there are two in front. The fleet is fighting, look at the flag they hang, it is the fleet of Villanueva and Chaval! "

"Oh? Did the Adriatic Pirate King fight with the Mediterranean Pirate King? This saves us a lot of trouble! Turn around, we'll also blend in!" Shen Long quickly ordered, if Villanueva It ’s good to be with Chavalle himself, so that you do n’t have to go to the Adriatic Sea or the port of Marseille, you can get two eight rials at once.

The sailors on the ship quickly became excited, and they yelled to adjust the ship's direction, preparing to attack two pirate kings at the same time.


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