All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1391: What kind of crab do you even have crab yellow dumu?

"Monster! Big master! That ship is full of monsters." The distance between the two ships is getting closer and closer. Some people have seen David Jones and his crew members through the telescope. They are all strange. The sight was startled, some people had octopus heads, some faces were covered with shells, some were like crabs, and some were like hammerhead sharks.

"David Jones was cursed, he and his crew became sea monsters, but don't worry, we can solve them!" Shen Long calmly gave orders, and the experiment on Captain Barbosa told him Although the "Pirates of the Caribbean" world has magic power, the upper limit of the magic power value is not high, and he is not very afraid.

"Now, aim at that ship and fire!" Shen Long didn't plan to go to the trouble of David Jones, but now that he has come to the door, what are he waiting for? Just kill him!

"Wait, David Jones can't kill ..." Barbosa panicked when he heard this, and what he was most afraid of on the sea was David Jones and his flying Dutchman. I remembered that myself and other crew members on the Black Pearl could not be killed. Was it not cleaned up by this guy in front of me?

"Oh? Really, don't worry, I will try it slowly later." The sailor on the Black Pearl is an undead, so he can be killed with Valeria Steel and Mithril, David Jones and his men. The crew is still a little bit different, it seems to be a mixture of sea monsters and undead. Shen Long is really not sure if he can use these two weapons to kill, but he has more than two cards in his possession, some of them can be done.

"Only by stabbing his heart can he be killed, but no one knows where he hides his heart; and he is cursed by the sea goddess Colibso, who wants to ship the souls of the dead at sea to his home, who After killing him, he will take over his task and become like him, responsible for leading the undead to their home. "Barbosa reminded.

"Of course I know." Shao Feng was also one of the participants when sealing Collebso. "In fact, I have a question that has always been curious. Shouldn't the undead belong to Hades' jurisdiction? Take the undead crossing. Should I be Charon after crossing the Styx? Why can this business be involved in Colebuso? "You are bullying me for watching too little cartoons, have you never seen" Saint Seiya "?

"And the Caribbean Sea used to be the territory of the Inca. In Inca mythology, the goddess of the sea was Kocha Mama, the protector of the sea and the fish goddess, the sailor and the fishermen, and the **** of creation in the underworld was Pacha-Camacho. Isn't it okay for Cole Busso to come to the two of them to grab business? "Whether you're robbing your own business, you also want to grab a land snake business, can this business continue? No wonder Collebso was sealed.

Oh, by the way, more than that, Colebuso also fell in love with the pagan David-Jones. The goddess fell in love with mortals enough to be taboo. You also fell in love with pagans, and Zeus did n’t cut you with lightning. ?

"Besides, I worship Mazu. She wants to curse me to ask Mazu's opinion first!" Even the harmonious society acknowledged the existence of Ms. Lin Mo and issued her ID card. Are you counting wool?

"I ... I ..." Barbosa heard Shen Long Barabala say a bunch, suddenly dumbfounded, why there are so many reasons? But ... but it sounds reasonable? Okay, I'm Spanish. We don't have a perfect mythological heritage, can I have no culture?

"Ha! Shao Feng, you are not staying in your bathhouse in Singapore. How come you came to the Caribbean, and ... and attacked my ship on your own initiative!" While talking, David Jones used his teleportation ability to reach the Seven Seas. On the King, the tentacles of the octopus' heads were swimming around, but they scared the sailors on Shen Long's boat.

"You're so ugly, don't get on my boat, let's go talk on your boat! Terrified the flowers and plants on my boat are not good." Shen Long held David-Jones' shoulder with one hand and grabbed Gbagbo with one hand Sa, then motioned to Arya to hug her waist and use the shape-shifting image, and instantly came to the flying Dutchman, isn't it teleportation? I will do the same.

Seeing that his captain landed on the enemy ’s ship, the sailors on the King of Seven Seas stopped firing immediately and rushed to the deck on this side, picking up the telescope to observe the situation opposite, "The big master will definitely kill those monsters Right? "

"Isn't it just some generals? What's so great? Come, bet, bet, I bet the big master's kung fu can kill them!" Some people even started the game.

"..." Barbosa and David-Jones were dumbfounded at the same time. They both looked at the present situation foolishly, not expecting Shen Long to have this hand at all.

"I was pulled over by him. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me!" Barbosa immediately hid aside, while David Jones angrily directed his men to attack Shen Long. Previously, he used only teleport to scare others I didn't expect myself to be scared by others using the same method this time.

"Ha, is this a clam on your face? It's quite a lot. I'm afraid that I can make a plate of spicy fried clams? I don't know if it's delicious or not?" Shen Long looked at these strange patterns with interest. Sea Monster's Sailor ~ ~ even tried to reach out and buckle the shell on his face.

This sailor is as stupid as David Jones. Should I look so ugly? Why don't you be afraid, hey, let go, these shells have grown on my face, and it hurts to buckle it? Huh? I don't seem to feel any pain now?

"Wow, I like crabs the most!" Shen Long slapped him aside and turned to observe another sailor who looked like a crab. "Why don't you have so many arms? Crab legs are delicious!" You give me the four legs you lost! "

"Oh, by the way, if you smash your head, is the brain sap or crab yolk flowing out? You must be able to pack a lot of crab huang soup with your brain?" Shen Long stared at his head again.

Crab yellow is only available for female crabs, right? Lao Tzu is a male crab ... ah, I'm human! I am human! I am not a crab! This guy was also stunned by Shen Long.

"Hahahaha!" Arya was amused by him and almost came straight.

"What are you doing! Kill me! Kill this nasty guy!" David Jones was so angry that he couldn't let him talk anymore. Should he cut my beard and make octopus balls?


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