All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1392: Is the roasted sea monster delicious?

"Alia, pay attention to protect yourself, Valeria steel may not be useful for these guys." Shen Long reminded, and then took out the old wand and began to try the fire spell.

"Friedfire!" A burst of fire emerged from the crab-head sailor. This kind of black magic that could burn both the body and the soul worked. The crab-head sailor immediately fell on the deck and cried out painfully, igniting the flight. The deck of the Dutchman also lit up the sailor near the shell face.

The response of the shell-faced sailor was even worse. He subconsciously grabbed the arm of the sailor head next to the hammerhead shark and tried to call him for help. Then the hammerhead shark head was also ignited and cried out.

"Hoo!" The remaining sailors were immediately frightened and quickly escaped to escape the three guys. They finally felt the fear that they hadn't had in a long time. It turns out that we can also be killed!

Arya tried to stab the sailor who looked like a octopus with a Valeria steel dagger. His wound was slightly bleeding, and then healed again, which was far less effective than killing the black pearl on Barbosa's men. The sailor is so obvious.

Sure enough, there is still a difference between the curse of the undead and the curse of the sea goddess. Seeing this scene, Shen Long nodded secretly, but he also inferred the strength of Cole Buso from the three unlucky sailors. I was too scared.

Perhaps, to apply the routine used in online novels, with the rise of technology, the aura between heaven and earth is gradually declining, and the power of those extraordinary existences in the past is also weakening, so you can use black magic to defeat them. If you replace it with The golden age of the Greek gods may not be so easy to deal with.

"It's really fragrant." Shen Long sniffed his nose, and after a while, the head of the crab's head sailor had been burned red and exuded the smell of crabs. Long really wanted to taste two.

"Ah, in the next half a month, I don't want to eat crabs anymore!" Arya feels that when she eats crabs in the future, she might not be able to remember the situation today, which may cause nausea.

She looked at the two unlucky guys next to her. "I will not eat clams, nor do I want to eat shark fins ... can you change the way to kill them?" Shen Long went on. If the cursed sailor on the Flying Dutchman was killed with a fiery spell, how many seafood can he eat in the future?

The captain of Barbosa shrunk in the corner of the deck was evoked by the fear of the day, did they say so? I was forced to make the king of the Pirates of the Caspian Sea only to be the watchman of the King of the Seven Seas; but compared to Shawar and Armand, I am still good, at least my life is saved?

If this guy, David Jones, is ignorant of current affairs, it is estimated that even if there is a curse of Collebso, he will be killed by Captain Shao Feng, right? what? He can finally die! Barbosa soon happily cheered. He used to want to kill Jack Sparrow and was most afraid of David Jones, but now he can see these two guys out of luck. Barbosa is not that good. Grieved.

"Okay, then I will try another method!" As soon as Shen Long's voice fell, he heard Captain Barbosa's teeth bumping louder and louder. He probably remembered what he said last time in the Caspian Sea, afraid I was also fooled by Shen Long's big trick, "Oh, Hector, don't worry, I won't use the last group magic."

When the three unlucky sea monster sailors were burned to the slag, Shen Long sucked the remnants of Li Huo man's flame back into the old wand. If the flames were allowed to burn down, let alone the flying Dutchman, Even the surrounding water can be lit.

Shen Long recites the ancient mantra and intends to experiment with the three souls and six souls in the alchemy. In a hurry, David Jones uses his ability to press the bottom of the box and starts to summon the North Sea monster Kraken.

David Jones was originally the pirate king of the North Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Its territory is also called the "end of the world." Kraken is the legendary Norwegian sea monster. According to legend, the monster is 155 meters long and weighs 330 tons. Kraken lives deep in the ocean, but often floats on the surface to prey, and uses its giant tentacles to drag ships into the sea.

Sometimes it will also lie on the sea and rest. When it floats on the surface, some sailors will mistake its body as an island, and even board this "island" and camp on it. Bury under the sea when sinking.

In "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: The End of the World", Jack Sparrow was devoured by Kraken, thus losing his life and being restrained in the magic domain of David Jones.

"Wow, what a big squid, I don't know if it's cooked and delicious!" Seeing Kraken's tentacles protruding from the side of the ship, Shen Long's eating nature was guilty.

"It's been eaten by humans! Can its meat be eaten!" Arya is angry, can you keep thinking about eating? You bake this again, and I will be missing another favorite seafood in the future.

"Okay!" I admit what you said makes sense ~ ~ Shen Long nodded, accepted Arya's criticism, continued to recite the mantra, and suddenly, Kraken's tentacles were frozen There is nothing on the side of the ship.

"Cracken!" David Jones couldn't help but feel palpitations. He continued to shout the North Sea monster's name. This is his biggest reliance. With the help of Clapen, he can be said to be invincible at sea. Now how is it Anymore?

"It's a shame to eat such a big squid. There is no need for seafood that can't be eaten." Shen Shenlong walked slowly to the side of the ship. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, he took the flying Dutchman's ship with one hand. The anchor slammed into Kraken's tentacles.

Ha, Kraken's skin is very thick, you have no effect on attacking its wrists and feet with a blunt device, and it will also provoke its anger. Seeing this scene, David Jones wants to laugh.

However, the corners of his mouth had just outlined an arc, and the next scene made his smile freeze. I saw the anchor hit Cracken's wrists and feet, instead of making the dull sound that David Jones expected. Like a crisp sound hitting Shen Long's hard object.

Then, Kraken's wrists and feet broke apart like porcelain, and the cracks spread like spider webs along the anchor hitting the site. After a while, the entire wrist and foot broke into pieces, most of them fell into the sea. There was a burst of waves, and a small part fell on the deck, making a crisp sound. It did n’t sound like meat.


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