All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1397: Take home

Shen Long didn't plan to be an emperor. He guessed that he would not stay long in this world. Even if he came down, he wouldn't be able to sit down and give Shao Feng, but it hurt him.

So after the beheading operation was completed, he attacked the important town of Manqing along the coast and wiped out the army of Manqing; at the same time, he chose the right person from the grassy dragon snakes that supported him.

The future era will inevitably be the era of industrialization. It is not possible to still follow the old road of farming society, so this person must have a vision of the world, not the old-style monarch like Yinzhen.

In addition to these, Shen Long also wrote a book about the development of European industrialization and distributed it everywhere. He is now a big man who shakes the world. No matter how his book is banned on land, interested people will eventually find a way to get it. After that, combining with reality, many people are quite comprehensible.

So, someone tried to practice, to find Shen Long to buy muskets and cannons, let him help build a factory to manufacture various industrial products, Shen Long no matter which way he is, as long as he is willing to join the process of industrialization, he is willing to Help, he can't wait to spread the technology as quickly as possible.

They were given not only technology, but also various technical books; because it takes talents to open factories, and it is difficult to find these talents in the conservative Manqing, so building a new school has become a must, provided by Shen Long These books just came in handy.

In addition, he opened a school in Singapore to train talents, and he is willing to recruit foreign students from the mainland, imparting knowledge to them equally, not only science and technology, but also subjects related to political ideas and political views.

The Manchu Qing decayed. As early as the San Francisco rebellion, the Eight Banners on which they had built their homes did n’t work anymore. They had to rely on the Green Camp of the Han. In the past, there were people pressing on their heads. By the way, the core of the Manqing reign was dumped by Shen Long in Beijing, and their restraints were reduced by more than half.

In addition to the long-term accumulated dissatisfaction, many green camp officers have revolted and joined the struggle to overthrow the Manchu Qing. In addition to the rebels in various places, Manchu ’s rule collapsed in a few years.

Now it is the turn of the princes of all walks of life to decide who can control the decisive battle in the world; if they want to win their opponents, they must have more advanced weapons and more abundant financial resources, which forces them to further study advanced scientific knowledge A more efficient political system has come and gone, and the system of people from all walks of life has changed dramatically.

In the end, Shen Long ’s support was the strongest, and the forces that most valued technological development and commercial trade won the final victory and became the new ruler of the Eastern World. In the process of winning, the forces representing industrialization and commercial trade have grown strong enough. It is impossible to even go back to the old road of feudal society and agricultural society.

At this point, Shen Long can also leave with confidence. The new dynasty takes time to rest and recuperate. Although they have gradually begun to build their own maritime trading system and the navy, they can only learn from Singapore, at least in Shao Feng ’s life. Before the end, he did not have to worry that the army would attack Singapore.

So, after reaching a cooperation agreement with the new dynasty, Shen Long called Jack Sparrow from the Indian Ocean back to Singapore, got his eight rials, and then let him go. Now he can finally find Captain Barbosa, Take back your beloved Black Pearl.

"It's finally over, Arya, we can go back now!" After concentrating all the eight rials together, Shen Long used these eight rials to wipe out Cole Buso, and the mission was completed in his mind. As a reminder, Shao Feng became the pirate king of all oceans.

Well, in fact, Shen Long did so much before, which is enough to establish the status of the real pirate king, and now it is just to fill in the final formalities.

"Then let's go back quickly! I have now missed my classmates and video games!" After the initial excitement, after gradually getting familiar with the world, Arya began to get bored again, those on the sea She has seen strange enemies and magical supernatural props, and she is no longer curious about this world.

"No problem, let's go back now!" What I should have done, and what was left to Shao Feng was enough for him to enjoy peace, so Shen Long chose to return.

A white light flashed, Shen Long and Arya returned to the courtyard together. This time their harvest was not small. Shen Long's personal space was filled with a lot of looted gold and silver jewelry and art, these are him Due, there are also statues of Venus and the Goddess of Victory, Shen Long has begun to figure out where to put these two statues in the courtyard.

Of course, I have n’t forgotten Poseidon ’s Trident and Triton ’s sword. These two magic props are the biggest gains of his mission. Next, I can consider buying two ships and try two magic props in other worlds. Cannot exert power.

Also, what will the system reward yourself? Shen Long began to think about it, and the gains from the extraordinary world must be greater than those of the ordinary world.

He was about to open the system and ask ~ ~ to see Arya hurried to the house, "I haven't taken a jacuzzi bath in years? And it's so uncomfortable to stick on, I Go for a bath first! "

"Right, are you coming together?" After walking to the door, Arya suddenly turned around and asked.

"Well, I also feel a little uncomfortable on my body!" Although Shao Feng's headquarters is called a bathhouse, no matter how well it is repaired, it does not have the comfort of modern technology equipment. Circle, you really need a good bath.

More importantly, in this world, Shen Long uses Shao Feng ’s body and will return it to Shao Feng in the future. The two of them have not been intimate for many years. Now that they have returned to the real world, why not hurry?

So the two of them had a good time in the bathroom. Fortunately, Shen Long ’s bathroom was large and comfortable enough, otherwise it would not work.

After Arya was exhausted, the two returned to the bedroom to rest together. When they woke up the next day, Shen Long went to make breakfast. After the two had finished eating together, Arya continued to play games.

Shen Long summoned the system in his mind and asked himself about the harvest of this mission. The familiar voice of the system sounded in his mind. "Captain Shao Feng from the" Pirates of the Caribbean "series thank you very much for helping him realize his wish. Let him be the pirate king of all seas, now ... "


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