All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1398: The arms of "Venus" turned out to be like this

"... his nautical talents are presented to you, please accept it, please confirm!" The system issued a reward to Shen Long. Since Shao Feng can become a pirate king, his talent in this respect is naturally good, he is not Luffy.

"Accept!" Shen Long clicked the confirmation button. The reward was pretty good. After two days of pondering, I customized a sailing boat. When Arya was on the summer vacation, she would take a long sailing trip with her on a sailing boat. Comfortable.

After receiving Shao Feng ’s reward, Shen Long opened his mobile phone to search, but the authenticity of the information found on the Internet was not very good. He did not know which one to choose. Finally, after thinking about it, he simply called Shi Pu. This guy likes to play and knows everything. He seems to have said similar things to himself before. It should be good to consult him.

"Lao Shi, what are you doing lately ... come and have time to come to me. I have something to ask for your help ..... I can do it, so I will see you later. I ’ll see if I want to eat something. You prepare it. "

"Everything is okay, as long as you make it, it must be delicious! By the way, haven't you found something interesting recently? Let brother know more?" Shi Pu said to Shen Long's "West Garden Ya" Collections such as "Pictures" have been coveted for a long time.

"This is really there, you will see it in the courtyard in a moment! Well, if you have friends who are proficient in Western classical art, you can bring it together." Shen Long thought of "The Venus of Milos" and "The Goddess of Victory" image".

Hanging up the phone, he went out and bought some ingredients. After returning, he took out the two statues and found a suitable place in the yard. Anyway, he had magic and alchemy. The outside will be damaged by the wind and the sun.

After setting it up, he went to work cooking hard. When the agreed time came, Shi Pu brought the people in the circle and yelled as soon as he entered the courtyard, "Xiao Shen, Xiao Shen, what did you get this time? What a good thing? Show your brother a few pennies! "

"Just in this yard, you find it yourself, can you find it?" Shen Long replied with a smile, then the two statues are there, can you not see it?

"In the yard? You are testing me!" Shi Pu also smiled. His first reaction was to look at the furniture, but it seemed that the furniture was exactly the same as when he came last, and then he remembered Shen Long Just now, he told him to bring friends who are proficient in Western classical art, and then he set his sights on the two statues.

"Oh, this time the two big guys have been adjusted? Is this" Venus "and" Victory Statue "? But how does it look different from what I saw in the Louvre?" Shi Pu mainly Playing with domestic calligraphy and painting, I only know a little about the fur of Western art. I can't see the subtlety of these two statues.

"You add arms to Venus and heads to the goddess of victory. Isn't it a little bit more addictive? I always feel a bit awkward." Shi Pu said, "What does it mean to have an apple in this hand?" "

"Wait a minute, let me take a good look!" His friend who specializes in Western classical art saw the two statues, and his eyes were almost staring out, "Venus of Milos" and "The Goddess of Victory" The imitations of "like" are everywhere, no less than the imitations of "Mona Lisa", but he has never seen it so imitation.

He took out a magnifying glass and carefully looked at Venus's body inch by inch. He felt like a wretched man, but his face was very dignified and there was no noise for a long time.

"I said Liu Er, isn't it a replica? And it's a replica with a lot of pictures. You have watched the real product so many times, are you so excited?" Shi Pu also felt something was wrong, and a replica you Why do you look so hard? Is it the same as the last time I saw the "West Garden Elegant Collection", are all top-notch fakes?

No, the "West Garden Elegant Collection" can no longer be said to be an imitation. Even if it is the work of a modern painter, the artistic value of this painting will definitely be shocking when it is put on auction. expensive.

"This ... is exactly the same as the real one! Both the material of the stone and the traces of the carved lines are exactly the same as the statue in the Louvre! Oh, the stone looks slightly new." Expert Liu said with emotion.

Shen Long smiled silently, can it not be new? This statue of Venus was excavated from the beginning of the eighteenth century and was shorter than three hundred years in the Louvre.

"What's the matter with these two arms? Are their arms really like this?" Shi Pu and other fox friends also came to interest. What did Venus with a broken arm look like? They all knew that the intact statue of Venus What is the shape of the arm?

"Regarding this issue, experts from the Louvre and the international archaeological community have long had an argument." Liu expert pointed to Venus's arm. "According to Greek mythology, Venus held a golden apple in his left hand, and Victoria According to Venus ’right hand, based on a large copper scratch on the vest of Venus, and the direction of the arm derived from the texture of Venus’ right shoulder muscles, archaeologists concluded that the right hand was on the left waist; so This left hand is holding a golden apple, and the right hand is on the waist. The shape is completely reasonable. "

"In Greek mythology ~ ~ the human hero Perius and the sea goddess Thetis held a wedding. In order to avoid accidents at the wedding, the goddess Eris, who was in charge of disputes, was not invited; Eris, who felt offended, did not Please come and say nothing, leaving a huge and gorgeous golden apple on the banquet with the engraving dedicated to the most beautiful goddess. "Expert Liu began to spread basic knowledge to them.

"The mother of the gods Hera, the goddess of wisdom Athena, and the **** of love and beauty Aphrodite, also known as Venus, argued for the **** of the Golden Apple; they invited the prince of the world, Paris, to serve as the referee, in order to get the Golden Apple , They made all kinds of promises to Paris. "

"Herra, the mother of the gods, said that if Paris could give Golden Apple to herself, she would let Paris rule the richest country in the world. The goddess of wisdom, Athena, promised to make him the most wise man, and Eros Venus promised to give him the most beautiful woman in the world; Paris gave Golden Apple to Venus, Hera and Athena were very angry and determined to destroy Troy City, which is the cause of the Trojan War. "

"So, the golden apple will become the symbol of Venus in the future! The statue of Venus you see is the complete state of the statue of Venus with the broken arm! The reason why you feel awkward is because of the impression of the statue of Venus with the broken arm It's too deep! "

These words heard everyone stunned, Shi Pu couldn't help saying, "Shen Long, you got so many top fakes there?"


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