All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1440: Song Siming, something happened to you

Hehe, the money is not so easy to spend, do you think you can hide the money with the individual's ID card and account? Can you enjoy this money with peace of mind? You think more, what kind of job did you do, what kind of income level do you have? I can find it out after a check. Suddenly I have such a large amount of passbook in my hand. What people don't know?

If the money is left untouched, it ’s okay to hand it over in due time, and if you do not participate in Song Siming ’s affairs, you may not be punished, and it has nothing to do with Haiping; but if not Haiping, seaweed is not like this, so Shen Long plans to pull her in too, so he has this arrangement.

In this way, the treatment will not let Haiping go in. At most, it will suffer some economic losses. Recalling the finale of the TV series, Song Siming went in, the seaweed money was gone, and the body was broken, but the seaweed would be fine. Like people, not only did they not suffer any losses, but they fell to a Chinese school. They went there reasoning. Anyway, Shen Long did not want to see such an ending. If he did something wrong, he would be punished.

"That man called me and I didn't answer it. When I went home last weekend, my mother said he came home and wanted to give me a sum of money, and there were two houses." Seeing him hang up, the other side Song Tingting said, "But my mom didn't want it."

"If it's not right, the money can be hot." Shen Long said with a smile, handing Song Tingting the cake plate, he saw Song Tingting like to eat this.

"Hey, I'm actually very upset. If I don't take it, the money will not be cheaper than that bitch." Song Tingting cut the steak fiercely, as if treating the steak as seaweed.

Are you upset? It ’s okay, I ’ll let you go to heaven in a while, Shen Long comforted, “She does n’t take it well, the more she takes, the more she spends, the more serious the consequences, you wait slowly, her good life is not long. Now. "

The next day, Song Tingting was sent to the school, Shen Long went to the exchange to deal with daily work, and then at noon break, a thick envelope was stuffed into a humble hotel room.

At this time, seaweed was preparing for the hospital for examination. She called Haiping first, and Haiping said apologetically, “I ’m going to go to the store for handover today. I ca n’t get away, but I ’ll stay with you two days later. go with?"

"No, I'll give Song a call and let him go with me." Haizao hung up the phone and dialed Song Siming over again. "The child you want, you keep saying that you are responsible, why have you never seen your figure?" ? I'm going to the hospital for examination today. Come with me, I'm scared alone! "

"Aren't you equipped with a nanny? Would you let her go with you? I'm really busy recently! Or I'll go with you again in two days." Song Siming's voice was agitated.

"You don't like this kid at all. I can hear you are starting to bother him now, is he causing trouble for you?" Seaweed was a little unhappy. How did you coax me? Why is this the case now?

"I like it, why don't you like it? You have a good rest first, I'll call you later." Song Siming looked at Lawyer Shen across the street and motioned him to be restless, and the phone would be ready immediately.

"I don't want you to spend two days! I can't hear you like this kid, you are perfunctory me, if you don't want this kid, please tell me, it's too late!" Haizao was angry.

"Don't think about it, I have something to do, I will contact you later." Song Siming also frowned.

"Can you accompany me tonight? I'm so lonely!" Haizao pleaded.

"I hung up." Song Siming hung up the phone decisively. He now has no time to deal with seaweed. He is in big trouble right now.

Lawyer Shen shook his head, "I can't take this case. You can change people. I'm already trapped in it. I might have to go in after a while." Song Siming was speechless.

Seaweed is waiting for the birth inspection in the VIP room of the Women's and Children's Hospital alone. There are not many people waiting here. All of them are holding a proud belly, and there is a husband next to him.

"This is my own self." Seaweed thought in her heart, she also longed for a man to care for herself at such moments, greet each other every day, caring about the growth of children, and sharing all the happy time; but this man is simply this time Invisible and untouchable like air, even the voice was stingy.

Haizao drummed, did he regret it? Starting to look for opportunities to get away? I have to talk to him. She feels that she can't live without Song Siming, or that she can't let go of such a comfortable life.

In the hotel room, a group of people were studying the envelope that Shen Long stuffed in. "I have watched the person who has seen it and found no one who plugged it. The other party should be familiar with it."

"But what's inside is critical. With these, we can make up for what we lack now and form a complete chain of evidence. Song Siming's situation is under control; the ID card, bank account and real estate on it The information has been verified and it is indeed as written above. "

"Kyridopteryx! Shushu!" Someone slapped on the table with a slap ~ ~ This guy's problem is more serious than we thought! "

"It must start as soon as possible. He has started to think about the way back, and he has started to transfer assets. We have to take this money while it has not been out of control."

"I'm going to make a report here. After following him for so long, it's time to close the net." If it weren't for this letter, it might have to wait for a while, and now it's written so clearly, it saves them With a lot of time and energy, there is no need to wait.

"The first group must be optimistic about Song Siming, and absolutely must not let him run away at the last minute! The second group, do a good job in communication with the bank and other systems, freeze these accounts, and firmly not let the money run away! Third Group ... "The person in charge quickly ordered.

That evening, Song Siming still didn't go to seaweed. He and Chen Sifu and Shen almost discussed all night. He still couldn't find a good solution.

When he entered the office with his bloodshot eyes, and just wanted to start working, he heard a loud noise outside, and then a few people in uniforms pushed the door in and showed a document, "Song Siming, go with us Right! "

Seeing the red text on the document and the scary official seal at the bottom, Song Siming collapsed on the chair with both legs, but this time it was really over.


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