All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1441: chain reaction

At this time, Song Siming's mobile phone rang, and now his brain is full of his miserable ending. He didn't hear the ringtone of the mobile phone at all. The person holding the file glanced in the past and put the mobile phone in Song Siming's ear, "Come, take it , See what he has to do with you? "

"I, I ..." Song Siming looked at the message on the caller ID and did not dare to answer the call because it was called by Chen Sifu. The other party smiled and pressed the answer button.

On the phone, there was an anxious voice from Chen Sifu, "Big Brother, the police came downstairs in my company, and it was about to enter my office. You must call them to stop them; if I guess right, lighter It should be in the hands of Lao Li. When I asked him, he was so guilty that he did n’t dare to look at me. TNND, he got all the benefits. He still kept this hand, and wanted to blackmail in the future? If the police found him, I Both are pills! "

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your reminder, but there is no need for this. Someone has already found your lighter that was set on fire that day. You still have to explain the problem honestly!" When Song Siming didn't speak, the man took the phone directly. Said to Chen Sifu over there.

"You ... who are you?" As soon as the words fell, I heard a loud noise coming from there, and then the sound of "honestly, don't move" sounded, and Chen Sifu was also controlled by them.

"There is still a team of people who went to Lawyer Shen, hey, that is, this document came a little late, otherwise yesterday you will be taken away from the pot, then you still need to run around." The person smiled and began to assign The task, "You two took Secretary Song away, you still have you, and left to check Secretary Song's office; the rest went to these places to see if there was anything hidden here."

"Yes!" Two tall staff members stepped forward and clamped Song Siming around, wearing a pair of silver bracelets, took Song Siming out of the office, and walked down the aisle to the elevator.

The doors on both sides of the aisle are all locked, but through the blinds, Song Siming can see that there seem to be countless eyes staring at him, his eyes are either nervous or frightened, but more is still gloating, he feels hot on his face Of course, I dare not go to see it and can only hide my head under my head and want to hide my head in the crotch.

As soon as the elevator door was closed, the whole floor regained its vitality. Someone whispered. Someone hurried to a book by the window. They wanted to see Song Siming being put in the car with his own eyes. Yourself.

Seaweed is now shopping in a high-end department store. Song Siming's coldness yesterday made her very unhappy, so she wanted to vent some of her shopping. Now she gradually understands why those little thirds and mistresses love these places so much, and they are mentally empty. Only in this way can it be alleviated.

She bought big and small things until she couldn't lift both hands. She came to the cash register and prepared to pay the bills. The clerk attentively helped her carry the packing bags. Seaweed bought so many things at once, but she could With a lot of commission, under the encouragement of high commission, she kept saying compliments in her mouth.

"Please wait a moment!" The cashier took a professional smile and took the bank card passed by seaweed, swiped the card, entered the password, and waited for a while, the cashier frowned, "Sorry, ma'am, you still have Any other bank cards? "

"What's wrong? Is there enough money on it?" Haizao asked.

"The above shows that your card has been frozen and cannot be traded." The cashier showed the information to seaweed.

"Isn't it possible, is your machine broken?" Seaweed asked the cashier to try again, and the result was still the same. Her face turned white, and she thought of what Song Siming told her a while ago. Soul walked out.

"Fuck, the old lady Bai said so many good things?" The clerk of the luxury store changed her face now, carrying the bags back with a black face.

"Yo, why did you bring the things back again? Didn't she buy them?" The colleague asked.

"Buy a fart! As soon as I looked at it, I felt like a mistress, but when I got to the cashier, I was even more confirmed. The person next to her stopped her card! It caused me to run in vain." The clerk said with frustration .

"Yo, what's the matter with her? Was the small white face outside found to be found or was it not good to serve?" The two began to gloat, taking advantage of the fact that there were no guests in the shop chatting about gossip.

Haizao didn't let the nanny come over today, standing at the entrance of the mall at a loss, not knowing what to do. Call Song Siming, she was a little afraid, so she had to take a car to Haiping's flower shop.

Entering the store, I was hearing Haiping talking to Mr. Xie. "... I said yes to the previous boss. She has already helped me get the running water out. It's enough, right ... Okay. Ok, no problem, I'll call you the lawyer's fees in the past two days ... "

"Ms. Guo, although it may be a bit unpleasant to say so, but since I signed the contract, I still need to remind you that if you do not pay me the lawyer ’s fees within the agreed period, then I have the right to cancel the contract and submit to You claim, after all, I have provided you with advice before, and gave you suggestions, these are not free; of course, I only remind you, and there is no other meaning ~ ~ Said on the phone.

Haiping saw the seaweed as soon as she hung up the phone. She didn't notice the seaweed, but said happily, "I'm about to call you. I didn't expect you to come here. I was urged to pay the lawyer's fee over there." , Can you give me some first? When my shop makes money, I will slowly pay you back. "

"My ... my bank card was frozen, sister, did you say that I made him angry?" Haizao asked in fear.

"Can't you? You just conceived his baby!" Haiping was anxious as soon as she heard it, and she quickly turned over the bankbook where seaweed was placed here. "Shall we go and see this again? Have you brought your ID card? ? "

"Bring it, I always carry it with me!" Haizao quickly took out the ID of the passbook owner, and the two went out to the nearest bank.

Put the passbook and ID card into the counter as soon as you enter. "Could you help us see if this passbook can still be used?"

"Please wait a moment." The bank teller took the passbook and ID card check, and then started the operation. After a moment, he looked up, "Sorry, this passbook has been frozen!"

When was talking, the teller secretly pressed the alarm button. The nearest police station immediately dispatched the news after receiving the message. Haiping and Haizao sisters knew nothing about it. They were still asking the teller, "Will you read it wrong?"

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