All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1442: Bamboo basket draws 1 game empty

"Do you need me to check it for you again?" The teller asked. Normally, unless the customer requested, otherwise they wouldn't do it, but he saw the relevant information on the back-end system so he called the police. As for the training requirements, he needed to facilitate the arrest of the police without affecting the safety of other customers, so he decided to prolong the time in this way.

"Okay, okay, trouble you." Haiping and Algae were really fooled, quickly nodded and continued to stare nervously at the teller's operation.

The teller ’s keyboard hitting speed seemed to be as fast as ever, but in fact he used many useless operations and wasted some time, and then shook his head again, “The result is the same this time, it ’s still frozen; need me to check if Is something wrong in other places? "

The two of them didn't look very combative, and they shouldn't have any weapons. The teller glanced at the security guard who had quietly approached in the lobby and started the third time under the urging of Haiping and Algae. Check, this time to take the ID card again, it takes longer.

At the same time, the car from the nearby police station had reached the bank's door. They and the bank were at an intersection. They were very close. When they were about to enter, they met another wave of people and the two met to check the information. It was found that their goals were the same, and they were all the actual owners of the passbook account.

"This film is still familiar to us. Let's assist you in arresting. Go in through the back door and observe in the monitoring room. Then wait for them to go out and try not to arrest in the bank." Frightening other customers, on the other hand, if Bank of China cooperates so well, you have to take care of the emotions of others?

The two waves of horses and horses joined together, and then divided into two parts. One part entered the bank from the back door, and the other part lurked outside waiting for the order inside.

"Two ladies, I have checked all that I can check. The results from all channels are consistent. This passbook has been completely frozen. Otherwise, if you two go back and think about it again, see if it comes out. Question? "The teller handed out the ID card and passbook. He received a notification from his superior in his headset and he could let the two go.

"Okay, thank you." The seaweed took the passbook uncommonly. Haiping held her up and whispered while walking out. "Hurry up and call him to see if he did it." She also Anxious, attorney Xie's attorney's fees have not been paid yet. The mortgage repayment next month is also a problem. If Song Siming doesn't want seaweed, how can she live?

"Well." Haizao immediately picked up the phone and dialed Song Siming over. However, the alert tone from the other side, and Haizao was even more terrified. "Does he want to see me again?"

Haiping wanted to say something, but saw a few uniformed staff suddenly appear, and the group surrounded them. The one led by them showed a document, "Is it Ms. Guo Haizao and Ms. Guo Haiping? Some questions need you. Cooperate with the investigation, please follow us! "After pointing, he pointed to the car parked next to it.

The two of them stumbled backwards at the same time. Fortunately, two female staff members had already prepared to support them and walked into the car. The sisters were taken into the car so dizzy.

Waiping and Haizao couldn't help crying when they woke up. They still don't understand it now. This must be Song Siming's accident! They have long known that with Song Siming's real income level, he certainly does not have so much money. He must have done something that violated the law and discipline.

But before they were both dazzled by Song Siming's aura, they were reluctant to think about it at all, and now they don't know how to regret it until the end, but now it's too late.

The bamboo basket fetched water! This is a bamboo basket emptying. Haiping and Haizao thought angrily, and at the same time they were still worried. Will we both have anything to do? Doesn't we seem to have done anything? At most, it cost him some money, and did not mix up with his violations of law and discipline.

Is not right, his affairs must be inseparable from Chen Sifu, I work in Chen Sifu's company again, I said it does not matter, don't people believe it? Needless to say, at this time, the seaweed turned very fast.

Is broken, even if it has nothing to do with me, I have to refund his money? Haiping was worried about another thing. Since Haizao knew him, I spent a lot of money on him. The 60,000 yuan in the first payment for the house was given by Song Siming. The money for the flower shop was paid by seaweed. Yes, that seaweed has so much money, is it not given by Song Siming?

How can I pay back the money! There is also a payment deadline with Lawyer Xie. If I do n’t pay as promised, he will have to ask me for liquidated damages. I ’m there to find so much money! The thought of Haiping made Haiping even more sad.

Facts have proved that they both wanted to make the problem simple. When these people took them back to the unit and began to interrogate, Haiping and Haizao realized that they were involved in more than these problems.

"This passbook was given to you by Song Siming? What did he say at the time?" The interrogator asked the seaweed with the passbook ~ ~ He said, 'I won't leave for now, but maybe I will leave at any time, so , Let me explain it clearly to you first, lest you run into trouble and be blind; you remember, this money is the cost of your life and the future of your children, you should keep it well, do n’t spend money, and have a plan, no matter who is If you ask for this money in any way, do n’t take it out; this money cannot be traced by others. This ID card has nothing to do with us and will be very safe. Remember, anyone asks you for it, you Do n’t take it out, have you heard it? "Algae does not dare to hide, and tells the truth.

The interrogator nodded, "That is to say, when you got this passbook, you obviously knew that the money was definitely illegal, and Song Siming must have done a lot of illegal things; on this basis, you were suspected of covering up Crime, the crime of assisting in the transfer of property ... "

Hearing this, the seaweed fainted in front of me. Oh my God, do I really want to go to jail?

And Haiping was also asked the same question, "According to our survey, you do not have a stable income, and you don't have much savings. Where did the money for the flower shop come from? Did it help Song Siming to transfer assets?"

Oh, what should I do? Seaweed is pregnant now, certainly not going to jail? what about me? Should I be sentenced? What about my house, my Huanhuan?

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