All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1473: stage show

The same works make different people see it differently, just like Gong Douwen, the girl looks at it with relish,

"Cavalry Company, Charge! "This novel Xiao Suizi was a little touched, but it was only touched, because she was younger and did not experience this age; it was different in the mind of the Political Commissar of Ning. He is now in his forties and he was already in the war of resistance against Japan. I am in my twenties, but I have personally experienced this historical period.

This looked at the tears of Ning Political Commissioner and shed, "Good writing! Good writing! Very good writing! A lot of things look the same as I have seen!"

Can that be different? This is also what I have personally experienced. Shen Long whispered in his heart, oh, the last paragraph is not, Comrade Sun Desheng is still alive. Hey, one less! If you like it, please collect it: () The update speed is the fastest.

"Yes, I visited their military history showroom while on the military horse farm. I heard a cavalry company commander tell the story of the revolutionary martyrs. I was deeply touched. When I came back, I wrote this article. Then Comrade Xiao Suizi helped me do it. A lot of changes have been made. "Shen Long did not take credit for himself.

"Well, our cultural troupe should not only console the frontline troops, but also use our creativity to spread the excellent spirit of our army, just like this article!" Ning Political Commissioner interpreted the meaning of Shen Long's article politically No matter what period of time, it is not wrong to promote the outstanding deeds of revolutionary martyrs.

"Oh, is it also an excellent tradition of our army to be modest and courteous, and to promote the style? You young people are very good, but who should be who is, and after the chief has read it, I will help you to submit it for publication." This The text can prove that our troupe can not only perform well in performances, but also perform literary and artistic creation work, which is a good thing.

This era is the prosperous period of the Army Cultural Corps. During this period, many musical works and dance works have been created throughout the country. Among them, classic music works include "Return to Yan'an", "Targeting Song", "I Stand on the Great Motherland" , "The motherland is always spring", etc .; and the "War Horses and Girls" they performed before is an excellent work arranged by the Beijing Cultural and Cultural Corps.

In this case, the Ning Political Commissioner watched the brother units produce results one by one, but the unit could only copy the good works from other units. It was somewhat unwilling. Now Shen Long can hand him a novel, although it is not a cultural work group. The song and dance program needed, but it was better than nothing, so it was immediately shown to the chief.

The chief was older than him, and had a deeper memory of the war against Japan. Naturally, he liked the novel more and sent it to the propaganda department of the military area immediately. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! Remember for a second, ().

So, "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 It was quickly published in the newspapers and magazines of the military region, and made key publicity; the novel was widely welcomed as soon as it appeared, and many veterans who had experienced that era wrote letters and called in praise. Less hit the side of the cultural troupe.

Ning political commissar recently started walking with wind, and he can often see the scene where he was standing on a direct phone call. I don't need to guess, I know that either the higher-level leader or the anti-Japanese war veteran called.

The cavalry regiment in Aba Prefecture is even more grateful. This is about the glorious deeds of their predecessors. They read it with honour, and even sent someone to the cultural troupe to express their gratitude.

"Comrade Liu Feng! You have written the spirit of our troops!" It was none other than the cavalry company commander who told Shen Long the military history that day. "Our commander asked me to thank you specifically! "

Comrade Company Commander justly paid a respect to Shen Long, "Comrade Liu Feng, on behalf of all the commanders and soldiers of the XX Cavalry Regiment of the XX Troops, I sincerely thank you!"

Shen Long hurried back to his salute, saying that Comrade Commander took out the thank-you letter from the cavalry regiment and sent it to the head of the cultural corps with a red glow.

Afterwards, the group also held a special meeting to commend Shen Long, and called on everyone to learn from Comrade Liu Feng. Everyone was used to being commended by Liu Feng. , So that the big guys were more or less surprised.

"Cavalry Company, Charge! "It gradually spread outside the military area, and even authoritative newspapers such as the People's Liberation Army Daily were reprinted.

As the sensation caused by this novel became stronger and stronger, the propaganda department of the military region specially sent people to record the novel as a radio drama for broadcast. Now that televisions are still luxury goods, radio still occupies an important publicity position.

Of course, Shen Long cooperated with Xiao Suizi to change the novel into a suitable radio script, and recommended some people with more distinctive voices to participate in the production of the radio drama; these people are naturally grateful to Shen Long. This is an opportunity to make contributions to the regiment, as long as they can participate, whether they are promoted or joined the party, they can be covered.

Compared with the perfunctory gratitude for helping to clean and repair the furniture, these gratitudes are undoubtedly more sincere.

After the radio drama was recorded, Shen Long wanted to work harder in the group. Someone would soon be rushing to do it, "Comrade Liu Feng, you have to give us a little performance opportunity!" This is for Shen. Long Qing spent a lot of time.

There is no need to continue to work on those miscellaneous things, Shen Long is not idle. He found the Ning Political Commissar on this day and talked about another thing, "Political Commissar, what do you say if you change" Cavalry Company, Charge "into a stage play? kind?"

"Theatrical play?" Ning Political Commissioner's eyes brightened again. This is the job of the cultural troupe!

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