All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1474: Mining

Like the situation where Liu Feng got the army to imitate the standard soldiers before, "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 Novels can only make Shen Long and Xiao Suizi typical, but if they can be arranged into a stage play, it will be very different for the cultural troupe. This is a collective honor, even if it is the whole military area. How could the Ning political commissar not be bothered by the unworthy honor?

But after thinking about it, Ning Political Commissar showed his face, "But this stage drama is not easy, especially this new drama, we have been struggling to play other units in the past, it is even more difficult to arrange the new drama by ourselves. That ’s it! Let ’s not say anything about the script. You and Sui Zi should be able to write close to each other, but someone still has to be a director? Someone has to choreograph? Someone has a soundtrack? There are not so many talents in our group. "

It doesn't matter, I will. I saw Audrey Hepburn filming, collaborated with Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, and worked as a visiting professor at the Conservatory of Music. I can give Bao Yuan except choreography; oh no, actually choreography Yes, although I have n’t learned it, but there are many similar videos of stage dramas in the space, which can also be done according to imitation.

Of course, these are not in line with Liu Feng ’s identity. I said that Ning political commissar did not believe it, so Shen Long came up with the argument he had long thought, "It must be difficult, but it is only if there are difficulties that we can show that our cultural troupe is powerful. Not? "

"I want to say that there is no chance to fight now, but our cultural troupe actually has more chances to make merits than the combat troops." Although the battle had been fought in a few years, the political commissar was not clear? "What do our art troupes do for merit? Not relying on performances? Especially when they come up with new works, this is like a new position for the combat troops. We can't let go of such opportunities."

"Well, you Liu Feng, went to the capital to meet the world, and when you came back, it was very different!" Ning Political Commissioner patted Shen Long's shoulder hard. "Come, you said to me, how can these problems be solved?" "

Oops, I acted a bit too much. These words are indeed a bit different from what Liu Feng said. I have to be restrained, so Shen Long did not make a long speech, but showed a simple smile, "There are not so many talented people in our group. Well, call the big guy over to discuss, it is estimated that someone can come up with a way. "

"This is also true, I will go back and think about it, find a few people to have a meeting." Ning Political Commissioner thought for a while and said, "If you go back and think about it, see if there is any way."

After two days, the Ning Political Commissioner called Shen Long to a meeting. In addition to him and Xiao Suizi, Zhuoma, who had the deepest dance skills in the regiment, Hao Shuwen, who had just become the team leader, and other literary backbones, Ning The political commissar talked about the matter, and the big guys were all a little excited. This was a glorious thing about the new program.

If it can be edited, will there be a chance to perform elsewhere? Can you even go to the capital? In this case, a few of us ... oh, it is because our team will definitely receive a lot of recognition.

"Political commissar, this is a good thing! We definitely support!" The big guys agreed, as Shen Long said before, as long as he stays in the army, who has the opportunity to make a contribution who doesn't want to go?

"To say that there is no director in our group, but there are other units in the military area. I'm looking for someone to inquire and see if I can invite one to us." Hao Shuwen's family background has become an advantage at this time. Now she said that everyone There is no disgust.

"There are many similar dance moves in" Saber and Girl ". After I went down, I thought about it and tried to come up with a dance suitable for the new stage play." Dolma volunteered.

"In the case of the soundtrack, we will add up a few samples and try to get a few samples first." In the cultural troupe, there is no shortage of artistic talents, and the big guys also want to seize this opportunity.

"Everyone's enthusiasm is worthy of praise ... But what about Ma? We can't pull the horse to the stage to perform right now? Mark may not be obedient?" Ning Political Committee praised and raised new questions.

"It's not impossible to do this. When we sing in our hometown, we donated the donkey head and the buttocks with the cloth stitches on the front and back to pretend to ride the donkey. Can we change it into a horse?" Liu Feng was born in the Bangzi drama troupe. Experience in this area.

"If you can't do it, you can't show the momentum of the horses and cavalry, you have to find another way." Someone immediately rejected it. It was like a cavalry of the People's Liberation Army.

The big guy began to think of various ways to solve the problem of how to express the horse on the stage according to his own experience. The meeting room was very lively for a time.

"Can that magnify the fake horse? Just like the lion dance, people can move in when they get in." Feeling almost the same time, Shen Long took out his plan.

This is a solution for various horse-related stage plays in the future. For example, the national dance drama "Cavalry", which tells the glorious deeds of the cavalry troops in Inner Mongolia, such as the epic stage masterpiece "Warhorse" arranged by the British National Theatre. Put on a model to imitate a warhorse.

"Eh, this method seems to work! Two people, one with a horse head and one with a horse butt, is like a lion dance. This height is enough, and it looks like a cavalry!" Ning Political Commissioner said on the table.

"I will do it, I will find some wood to try." Shen Long raised his hand ~ ~ Liu Feng was already good at this.

"I think that if we want to do it, then we have to go to the cavalry regiment to collect the wind. Only when we are familiar with what the cavalry's daily life is like, can we find out the proper dance and tune."

"Well, that's the reason, let's do this. Let's draw a group of people to go to the military horse farm to collect wind. After the wind is over, we should discuss how to arrange this stage play; Liu Feng and Sui Zi, you two must go, and Zhuoma and Hao Shuwen, you not only have to watch the cavalry, you have to go to the local herdsmen to see how they dance, and teacher Yang ... "Ning Political Commissioner assigned the candidates with great interest.

"Political commissar, let He Xiaoping also go, she has been doing very well recently." Hao Shuwen suggested that taking a little sister in the past would not be too boring.

If you don't say it, I still want to say it. It saves me trouble. Shen Long secretly praised Hao Shuwen.

"Okay, I will go to the military horse farm for a while, and then I will find a car to send you over." This little thing, Ning Political Commissar did not take it seriously, and immediately agreed to come down.

The military horse farm simply welcomes this, and he promised to come down at once, so when they were ready, they went to the military horse farm again in a truck, preparing to go there for deep mining.

Shen Long and He Xiaoping arrived in the same car again.

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