All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1475: Pleasant time (thanks to Wang Family Xiaolangjun's great reward ...

There was a lot of laughter and laughter in the car. These little girls were like birds out of cages, and their faces were full of happiness; indeed, the conditions of the military horse farm were much harder than in the regiment, but there were a lot of constraints there. They can enjoy a more relaxed life, which young man does not like in this kind of life?

In the cultural troupe, before the evening rehearsal or class meeting, they had one hour of free time, just one hour of freedom, which became the most cherished time for these young girls, stealing a kiss in a dark corner, exchanging a love page or two, Lend a bunch of reds to flirt, soak in the favorite but unidentified lover's room for a while, rubbing the allegedly sprained waist or leg in the name of helping each other ... This hour has also become their youth The most precious memories of years.

When I arrived at the military horse farm, this free time was undoubtedly magnified. The leader of the regiment did not follow this time. They let Shen Long take charge of the team, so they were still in the car, and they were happy to look forward to this long time. Free time.

If it was before, Liu Feng may not accept the task of leading the team, because he is always a little unconfident and does not know how to manage people, and Shen Long does not have this problem. He even took a brigade, not to mention this The number of people who can't reach two classes?

Moreover, this task is also beneficial. It can help him accumulate qualifications. Looking at the merits of our army ’s literary and artistic fronts, the highest level is not Song Tuan, not the director Huang of Bayi Factory. The level is equivalent to the Zhengjun level, one is the major general of Zhenger's eight classics.

Nor is it the father of the Haidian Silver Gun Xiaobawang. The singer is at the level of professional technology, equivalent to the level of the deputy military region, and his mother is at the level of professional technology, equivalent to the level of the deputy military, and the famous beautiful man Cai Guoqing. .

The highest level on the literary and artistic front is Yan Su. He is a professional and technical level, a civilian grade, and his Chinese grade is equivalent to a general. This is unique in the history of our army.

The reason why he has such a high treatment is not only because he has created classic works such as "I Love the Blue Sky of the Motherland", "Red Plum Praise", "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is", but also because he has organized "We Are All Together", "Hand in hand building the Great Wall", "Rebuilding the home together" and other large-scale anti-disaster relief charity performance fundraising evenings, served as the director of the Spring Festival Gala, organized the opera arrangement, this is an outstanding professional with excellent professional ability, organizational ability and management ability.

From this we can see that even on the literary front, organizational and management skills are equally valuable. Once he shows his abilities on top of this and adds his novel, he will surely usher in a golden avenue.

"In addition to going out for performances, it is difficult for everyone to come out. I can understand everyone's mood, but there should still be something, don't make any problems." Shen Long said with a smile, everyone Happy to be happy, but staying in the army for so many years, you should understand what you should understand, you do n’t need to guard against death.

"Liu Feng, oh, no. It ’s Captain Liu. We must obey your orders!" Hao Shuwen smiled mischievously. Zhenger paid a courtesy to Shen Long. This time Shen Long was appointed as the captain of the Fengfeng Squad. In her heart, Liu Feng is a little bit like a cadre, and it is precisely this kind of thinking that gives her a sense of intimacy. After all, she has seen a lot of cadres with a straight face.

"Yes, we all listen to you!" Others also smiled and echoed. They have always understood Liu Feng's character and know that he will not be critical of management, so it seems very relaxed.

Shen Long is also happy, because this can slightly change Liu Feng's image in the heart of the big guy, it seems more kind, and sings the song all the way to the gate of the military horse farm.

This time the head of the cavalry regiment came out to meet him personally. The head of the regiment was not very old. He was also the backbone of the company's literature and art. Previously, Shen Long wrote another good novel about their troops. Now these people have to come over and adapt the novel into The stage play, of course, he was not happy, and immediately delivered a warm welcome.

After bringing Shen Long and others inside, he called the whole regiment to speak, "Comrades of the cavalry, comrades of the cultural troupe came here this time to create a new literary work specifically for the cavalry, the bravest arm, and it is about us The literary and artistic works of the revolutionary martyrs of the regiment, so we must coordinate their work and do our best to help them complete this work as early as possible. "

Shen Long also responded, "If the work can be completed successfully, I will definitely suggest with the group and come to our group to perform again!"

The head of the group even collected materials to help them have a bonfire party. Hao Shuwen and others enjoyed the treatment they had never had before, so they either sang or danced and thanked them for the program they were best at.

On the second day, after getting up in the morning, Shen Long gave a short training session, and arranged for them to go their own way. The big guy happily ran around with a smile, or went to the horse farm to observe the movements of the cavalry and Mercedes-Benz. Actions, either climb to a high **** to sketch, discuss the background drawing of the stage, or visit the military history showroom to understand the background of the story ...

Shen Long was walking around with Xiao Suizi ~ ~ As a screenwriter, she must have some understanding of all aspects. Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary rumors, they certainly did not act alone, Shen Long called With a male soldier, Xiao Suizi brought He Xiaoping over.

They also learned to climb another uphill like the Maimei group, overlooking the green grassy fields, with colorful flowers dotted between them, and occasionally butterflies flying past them, Xiao Suizi couldn't help but praise, "It's so beautiful, I did n’t take a closer look at the rush I came last time, and now I find that it ’s so beautiful. ”

He Xiaoping was also curious in her eyes. She grew up in the city since she was a child. Although her stepfather's level is relatively high and the house is also large, she can only stay in a small room. Suddenly seeing such a vast landscape, the cloud that had been buried in my heart for a long time seemed to dissipate a lot, and a smile appeared in the corner of my mouth.

After a few days, no matter where he went, Shen Long noticed that He Xiaoping's mouth had always been hung with such a smile, this time seems to be the most pleasant time in her life.

It ’s also reasonable to go traveling when you ’re in a bad mood. After seeing the majesty of nature, people ’s moods will naturally be much brighter. After watching the singing and dancing performances of the nearby herdsmen, Shen Long suddenly asked on the way back , "He Xiaoping, have you ever thought about what role to play?"

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