All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1476: Line dance

"Me?" He Xiaoping was first happy, and then waved his hands again and again, "No, no, how can I do? There are so many dances in the group that are better than me, how can I qualify to play this!"

Hey, Shen Long sighed secretly in her heart. Living in such a family environment, she developed a character of He Xiaoping who was cautious and unconfident. In the future, her tragedy also originated from this. She rescued an injured soldier on the battlefield. He got the commendation he deserved. It was definitely a good thing to put this kind of thing on others, but He Xiaoping caused schizophrenia.

For example, at this year ’s military parade, there was an aunt dressed in military uniforms among the crowd, and this aunt also participated in the military parade 35 years ago, that is, a few years later in this world. At the viewing platform, she was only 18 years old that year. She was able to get such an honor because she did something similar to He Xiaoping.

This aunt named Zhong Huiling was a nurse in a hospital of the People's Liberation Army. After the war broke out, she finally became a field health worker and entered the field medical center to undertake the heavy duty of wounded treatment.

Her meticulous care was widely circulated among the soldiers and became the goddess in the hearts of all the soldiers in southern Xinjiang, so that the big guy was not afraid of being injured: I was injured, so I could go to the hospital and be nursed by Xiao Zhong, then It's a beautiful difference! Aunt Zhong also became a model of the whole army and won the Medal of Honor and Award.

Nothing similar to He Xiaoping happened to Aunt Zhong, because she was not as self-confident as He Xiaoping and was able to accept the honor she received, so Shen Long wanted to take this opportunity to gradually cultivate the confidence of He Xiaoping and let her gradually become Be cheerful so that no future tragedies will occur.

"Aren't we arranging cavalry cabaret this time? It should be reasonable to star in male soldiers? Is female soldiers a bit inappropriate?" Asked the male soldier beside Shen Long.

"This is the reason, but considering the need to use people to disguise the military horses, so the weight of the dancers is required, if it is too heavy, the soldiers playing the military horses can not last long; so in addition to a few starring, in some relatively few appearances In terms of roles, you can consider using female soldiers, and then it will be just a little makeup. "Shen Long had already thought about this.

"Yeah, Xiaoping's body is more important." The male soldier glanced at He Xiaoping. "She is standing on the side of the stage, so far away, the general audience can't see it." Well, it's mainly He Xiaoping. The figure hasn't opened yet, if you change to Hao Shuwen, it will definitely not play, this is not just a matter of weight.

"Is it right to play a little ghost." Shen Long even thought of her role, "It is not appropriate for a male soldier to play a little ghost. If the little ghost, even if the audience finds that there will be no opinions."

It must be a little longer to change the novel into a stage play. It just happened to modify the role played by Fu Dalong in The Adventures of Little Cavalry to be used in He Xiaoping.

If the response is good, you can also write "The Adventures of Little Cavalry" as a novel and publish it. If it continues to be adapted into a stage play or something, He Xiaoping can be the protagonist.

"Xiaoping, usually in the choreographer directed by Mr. Yang, even if the character you are given is a dog, you will take over and play with joy. Now that the opportunity is coming, why are you afraid again? Besides, this character except you No one in the regiment can perform. "Xiao Suizi also helped to speak. Her thoughts were more delicate, and she discovered some of He Xiaoping's problems.

"Yeah, since you arrived at the cultural troupe, you are a soldier. You should be happy when you meet the task assigned by the organization." Shen Long encouraged He Xiaoping with a gentle smile.

"Then ... I'll try it first!" Shen Long's smile melted the haze of He Xiaoping's heart, and the ghost promised to come down. "Thank you, Captain Liu, thank Sui Zi, thank you all."

"You try to learn to ride horses these days. I asked the leader to find a careful warrior to teach you." Shen Long felt relieved and took He Xiaoping to find the leader and helped her make arrangements.

Shen Long does not urge them every day, just to call them together for a party when they come back at night to exchange the gains of the day, even if they are not to lose face in front of their comrades-in-arms, these people will do their best; In this kind of collision, everyone's inspiration was inspired, almost every day, plus Shen Long's occasional pretense, the whole dance drama gradually took shape.

"It's better to come out. If you stay in the regiment, the progress can be so fast." Hao Shuwen was completely unaware of the role played by Shen Long. She was only as a big guy on the horse farm, and was in daily contact with the cavalry regiment, so There are so many results.

Shen Long did not explain, anyway, the task explained to him this time was to take care of these people without problems and to compile the stage play. Now that these two goals have been achieved, what are the leaders unsatisfied?

"It's still a big guy, Shu Wen and Dolma. Are your dance moves well arranged? The head of the team praised them all. Since the cavalry and veteran soldiers have all recognized it, the Ning Political Commissar will definitely recognize it. Teacher Yang ~ www ~ Your ... "Shen Long praised each other in the past, this age is when you need to praise, the big guy is more happy after listening.

A few days later, the prototype of the whole stage drama has gradually been completed. This time the task of collecting wind was successfully completed. The big guy said goodbye to the cavalry regiment and returned to the three-story red building.

Shen Long brought all the members of the Fengfeng team to the Ning political commissar and other leaders in the regiment. Xiao Suizi talked about the stage script after the adaptation. Dolma and Hao Shuwen showed their newly arranged dance moves. Others also demonstrated The design of the stage background, the music of the soundtrack, etc.

This plan has been greatly recognized by the leaders, "You are all good, this time the task is completed very well, first start dancing according to this plan, and then slowly modify any problems found in the process."

Can that be bad? This is not only their credit, but also uses a lot of elements of the classic stage dramas "Cavalry" and "Warhorse" in later generations, which are the result of Shen Long's subtle influence.

However, Shen Long did not give himself the idea of ​​asking for credit. He was the captain of this style gathering team. Their credit is of course indispensable. It is not a good thing to bring all credit to his arms.

So after a night of rest, early in the morning, the team dispatched capable personnel to start the stage play, and He Xiaoping really got the role of the imp.

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