All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1478: Large stage

The curtain call of a great army is not necessarily just a command. Before the curtain call, the literary and artistic front needs to be soothed. Review the glorious history of this army, and "Cavalry Company, charge! The emergence of "just met this need, so that the cultural troupe where Shen Long was located was given an opportunity to stand out in front of the whole army.

A stage play about the early stage of the construction of our cavalry troops is perfect for this occasion. This work is the best display of the glorious history of this heroic army. It will definitely be warmly welcomed by the army. How can political workers think of the significance?

"So we still have to perform outside?" Shen Long asked, pretending that he didn't understand the meaning of Ning Political Commissioner. In fact, he persuaded the group to rehearse this brand-new stage play because it was this opportunity, just like Ning Political Commissioner's heart. As expected, in the context of this historical trend, such a program can definitely make them show their faces in front of the army.

"Well, it ’s a heroic unit in the foreign military region that I want to cancel this time. The superior department has just issued a notice requesting the selection of excellent programs in the military arts and cultural groups to the condolences performance. I immediately thought of the rehearsal we are doing now. Ministry. "Ning Political Commissioner looked at them." It's time for us to make contributions! "

Give an example that is not so appropriate. This is like the Olympics is about to open. I began to select the opening ceremony of the Olympics among literary and art groups all over the country. Imagine if there is such an opportunity in front of me, will that group be indifferent? According to the previous strength of the cultural troupe, if it's okay to say something in this military area, putting it on such a big stage would be a bit unattractive.

Opportunities like this will definitely not fall on them, but now it is different. Other brother units are performing old programs. Even if there are new programs in a hurry, it is at most small such as singing and dancing. The program, such as a big show such as a stage play, is too late to be directed. Under such circumstances, the "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 It is reported that the probability of passing is extremely high.

"I'll go back here and continue to urge them to practice, be sure to take care of all the difficulties, and strive for one week ... No, thoroughly practice this program within five days!" Once the director heard this, where could he hold back? If he can be selected successfully, he will have no regrets even if he retires immediately. If he misses it, he will regret it all his life.

"What support is needed, the team fully cooperates. If I can't do it here, I will go to the higher level department to solve it! In the past few days, this matter is the top priority in our team. Let me put down all other things! "Ning Political Commissar is equally brave and dry," The staff who came to our military district to select programs will have another ten days to come. I will go with you to see the rehearsal. If I can, I will report the program immediately! "

This is also an opportunity for the Political Commissar of Ning. If he can grasp it, he will win countless honors and praises; so the three of them immediately leave the office together and hurried to the stage.

"Comrades, I have a message to tell you, I received a notice from the superior department ..." Ning Political Commissar stood on the stage and informed the whole regiment of this news, "... in order to let this heroic army leave no regrets In order to win honor for our military region and our regiment, you must rehearse this program! "

The whole group has fryers up and down. This is an opportunity to perform on the same stage with outstanding literary and art workers from all over the army! And he will play the role of the finale, who would miss this opportunity? Members who did not sign up for the performance before regretted that their intestines were all green. If the performance is successful, shouldn't the collective third-class performance run away? Why did I miss it?

He Xiaoping's expression was stiff, and she began to habitually lift her nerves. Shen Long looked at her and pondered under her heart. After the Ning Political Commissioner finished speaking, I had to hurry to do psychological comfort work for her so as not to make mistake .

"Political commissar, let's report a few more programs." Horses and Girls "and" Cavalry Song "are all good." Have you participated in "Cavalry Company, Charge!" Cried the rehearsed team member.

"No, these programs must have been reported by sibling units, and there will even be creative units of these works. What do we compete with others? Only the" Cavalry Company, Charge! "That is still rehearsing now." Ning Political Commissioner It's very clear this point. Now all the literary and art workers in the military are staring here. Their only advantage is this brand-new program.

"Isn't there time yet? Should we come up with a new program?" These people were still unwilling.

"You guys are going to make a new show, I support it, but you must not delay the rehearsal of" Cavalry Company, Charge! "" Ning Political Commissioner said nothing, but he was very dissatisfied. Why did you go earlier? Why didn't you see that you have thoughts and actions to create a new program? By this time, he started talking.

In fact, I can also engage in new programs. For example, Jiang Dawei ’s "Horse Horses Protecting Frontiers" is suitable for this occasion, but Shen Long did not come up with this song. "Here, it's enough for him ~ ~ This song is still left to Jiang Dawei.

Although Shen Long is not the director or actor of this stage play, he is the creator and screenwriter of the original work of this work, and also served as the deputy director; when the collective awards are reached, he will also be able to obtain the due honor The commendation will definitely not be less than anyone else. Based on his age and level, these are enough.

The whole regiment stepped up the rehearsal immediately, without the supervision of the Ning Political Commissioner, all participated in the "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 The staff of the rehearsal are all working hard; the cooking class also takes out their savings to ensure their nutrition as much as possible, so that they can start rehearsing with a better mental state.

With such high morale, they did n’t even need five days, and completed the rehearsal of all the details in only three days; the Ning political commissar immediately reported to the superiors and invited them to watch. Immediately decided to put "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 Recommended to reviewers as a key program.

After a few more days, the leader of the screening program came over, and the same situation happened again. The one who led the team slapped all the palms and said, "This is the best gift for our cavalry. This is the best gift for our cavalry! "

Needless to say, this program is definitely over, so under the personal leadership of the Ning Political Commissioner, Shen Long, Xiao Suizi, He Xiaoping and others embarked on the train to the performance site.

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