All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1479: Recognized again

Shen Long began to comfort He Xiaoping on the train. "Don't worry too much. You rehearsed well during this time. When you are on stage, don't think about other things, just follow your usual rehearsal."

"Captain Liu, you can rest assured, we will also help to pay attention." The other actors of the stage show were relieved next to him. Thanks to Shen Long's intervention, He Xiaoping's appearance in the cultural troupe was smooth, and the things in the movie did not happen. , So everyone still agrees with her.

In addition, "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 This show is a bit different from the previous programs of the cultural troupe. Most of the actors in this show are men. Although they are still soldiers of the cultural troupe, the relationship between them is always simpler than that of girls.

"You are all veterans, and you should take care of the new recruits. Xiaoping, so many people are helping you, what else do you have to worry about, you are not the star, and the audience's eyes will not stare at you all the time "" For people like her who are cautious, it should be said that she can relax her pressure.

"Well, thank you, Captain Liu, thank you big guys, I will definitely play well." After saying this, He Xiaoping gradually relaxed, not as nervous at first.

After arriving at the performance site, and meeting with colleagues in other literary and art work units, the big guy came up with the final program sequence list, as expected, "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 Was put in the finale position, no matter from the novelty or scale of the show, this show should naturally occupy such a position.

Even many well-known and well-known old artists have no opinions, but instead praised their group's innovative ability. "Our literary and art workers are constantly writing new hymns for the revolutionary cause. Are you doing well."

Hearing these words, Ning political commissar couldn't help but talk. These old artists are much higher than him in terms of qualifications and positions. It would be better to get their praise.

The official performance began, and several old artists first presented different types of programs such as songs, dances, and instrumental performances. Among them were the "Cavalry Song", "Warriors and Girls" mentioned in the cultural troupe. Quality, that really burst their group into scum. As for the new program they said in their mouths, Ning Political Commissar had not seen it until Shen Long left.

"Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 After the debut, the atmosphere of the scene was brought to a climax. Many commanders saw that Sun Desheng, who had only one arm left, raised his saber and launched a charge against the Japanese devil alone, he could n’t help crying, I do n’t know who started it. Succeeded, a high slogan sounded on the scene.

Many old artists in the background also cried. Many of them have participated in the war. They have witnessed similar situations more than once. In addition to the occasions nowadays, it is inevitable that they ca n’t help it, "Hey, Although it is a general trend to gradually reduce the establishment and number of cavalry units, how can we forget the glorious deeds left by this heroic unit! "

After the performance, all the commanders and fighters on the scene stood up and applauded. The applause lasted for ten minutes. Finally, the head of the army took the lead to salute the stage to thank them for their excellent works.

The host came to the stage to talk about touching words. He first reviewed the glorious history of this heroic army, and then looked to the future; this literary performance actually required the literary and artistic workers to play a mediating role. The future is uncertain, and it is the one most worried about by higher authorities.

And this performance, especially "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 It has had an effect on the cavalry on the eve of retirement. The soldiers have been serving hard for many years and suddenly have to be dismissed. It is inevitable that they are uncomfortable and unwilling, and they also have concerns about their future. Than it is nothing.

They accepted all this with tears in their faces, and gave them applause for He Xiaoping on the stage. This scene was taken by the reporter who came to the scene with the team. Soon these photos and articles were published in the "PLA News" ", The author's writing is quite good, and describes the moving scene with emotion.

Seeing this, the superior leaders were relieved to say that our heroic cavalry troops successfully completed their historical missions during the Revolutionary War, and even fulfilled their responsibilities after the founding of the country. Even the most difficult decision They also accepted that they believe that they can still use this spirit in their new jobs and make greater contributions to the country and the people, so as not to lose the glory of this heroic army.

They also noticed "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 The role of the cavalry force in this success has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history, but this force still has its own glorious memory in the history of the PLA, and these generals will not forget; not to mention among them Many of them came from cavalry troops, and they were particularly touched by such works.

"Let XX Military Region XXX Cultural Corps continue to strengthen the rehearsal and modification of" Cavalry Company, Charge! "The gradual withdrawal of cavalry troops is a long process ~ ~ There will be many occasions where they need to perform in the future. The soldiers and the herdsmen mediate, "the generals said.

"For outstanding literary and art work collectives like the XX Military Region of the XX Military Region, we should also give due recognition and rewards. I propose that the XXX Military Region of the XX Military Region should record the collective third-class merit once for the performance team of" Cavalry Company, Charge! " Remember the collective third-class merits once, and then commend and reward individuals and deeds who have made outstanding contributions in the creation of this show. "A general from the cavalry force suggested.

All these proposals were approved, so they returned to the cultural troupe soon after Shen Long, Xiao Suizi and He Xiaoping came back to the grand auditorium of the military area to receive the commendation from the superior department.

Ning political commissar, director, Shen Long and others came to the stage wearing straight military uniforms and accepted their own awards and medals. The head of the person helped them wear the medals and waited for them to wear the medals. The commendation people saluted immediately and the head returned immediately , Followed by enthusiastic applause from the audience.

He Xiaoping is also among the commended teams. Because there are not many female performers in this show, and she is the most important, she won the certificate as a representative of female literary and artistic workers.

He Xiaoping holding the certificate was a little dazed. Fortunately, she still remembered the salute. After the return, the head praised, "Is Comrade He Xiaoping very young, I hope that I will continue to work hard and make more achievements in the future!"

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