All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1480: Walking green tea

"Look at our Xiaoping, how beautiful it is now!" After the commendation meeting, Hao Shuwen and Zhuoma teased He Xiaoping. She was wearing a military uniform and holding a certificate. She was more energetic than when she first came to the cultural troupe.

Hao Shuwen and Dolma were not jealous of He Xiaoping, because they also received the honors He Xiaoping received, although they did not participate in "Cavalry Company, Charge! ”, But as one of the creators of this stage play, they also got their own honors, and they left Lin Dingding in their dormitory.

Lin Dingding's solo actor is also a girl. There is not much room to play in this stage play. In addition, Lin Dingding has always been relying on Yan value to eat, where he is a favorite object, which has brought her life Many conveniences have also caused her to suffer from hardships and tiredness. When she first registered to go to the military horse farm to collect wind, she did not participate, so she missed the opportunity to receive the award.

I believe she must be jealous of He Xiaoping now. Jealous of Hao Shuwen, she dare not. As for Xiao Suizi ’s safe work, even if Lin Dingding is dissatisfied, it will not show. But now, all three in one dormitory have been commended, and it is still because of the same stage play that they will naturally feel more intimate with each other, and Shen Long does not have to worry about these problems. Hey, one less! If you like it, please collect it: () The update speed is the fastest.

He Xiaoping also hid behind the certificate and smiled happily. A girl like her is actually eager for love and eager to be recognized by other people. Before, she dared not, but now she finally got the long-awaited love and got others. He Xiaoping naturally smiled happily.

Perhaps compared to this certificate, and the collective third-class merits, He Xiaoping is happier to meet friends Hao Shuwen, Zhuoma, Xiao Suizi, right? She had few friends and few people she could trust since she was a child. Oh, yes, and of course he ... He Xiaoping couldn't help but glance at Shen Long. By the way, there is another less! , Update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Maybe it was He Xiaoping who did n’t dare to express her feelings yet, or maybe she thought Shen Long was too shining, and she was just an ordinary girl, so she glanced at it and did n’t dare to approach Shen Long like Hao Shuwen. Thank you, I dare not show my style in a naive way like Linding.

"Everyone has worked hard recently, and give you two days off to take a good rest, and then we continue to rehearse" Cavalry Company, Charge! ", In the future we will bring this show to more soldiers." Back to the three layers of red After the building, the shining Ning political commissar said that he knew what the award would bring to him.

Hao Shuwen and others cheered. This time they were indeed exhausted. They now just want to go back to the dormitory and get a good night's sleep. Until the sun shines into the dormitory tomorrow, they will get up again.

Shen Long did not like them. He first went to the home of the brackets, checked the learning situation during the next bracket, helped him fix a few mistakes, picked him two buckets of water, and returned to the cultural troupe. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! Remember for a second, ().

It was as if Liu Feng was not a deputy company-level cadre, but a new recruit who had just arrived in the army. Well, it seems that other than in the meeting, other people in the cultural troupe did not regard Liu Feng as a cadre.

But now, Mr. Ma does n’t dare to yell so much. Although Shen Long is still contributing to the cultural troupe, the contribution today is very different from cleaning and repairing the house in the past. Look at others ’chests. Many medals, how dazzling, the leader Ma was so afraid to speak.

"Liu ... Captain Liu." Captain Ma opened his mouth and said embarrassedly, "Can you please do me a favor? That ... I don't want to get married recently? My target is a pair of sofas." , Otherwise she would n’t let me settle down. I ’m 30 years old and a rural soldier. It ’s not easy to find an urban wife ... "

"I know you are busy, so I can only rest for two days, but I can't afford the sofa. Only the people I know can do it, so ..... so can you please do me a favor?" Mr. Ma Rubbing his hands, it seems very embarrassing. If it used to be, it is estimated to come over and pat Liu Feng's shoulder ~ ~ Liu Feng, do me a favor, just play two sofas.

In the case of the sincere attitude of the other party, if it is a small thing that he can do easily, Shen Long does not care about help, so he readily agreed, "OK, you find a place, prepare materials and tools, I will Do it for you. "

"Eh, it's done, it's done! Everything is ready, put it in the prop warehouse, will I help you with it in a while?" Mr. Ma nodded.

"No, you must have been busy lately. I'll be busy with yourself first. Tomorrow ... I will give you the finished sofa tomorrow." Shen Long followed Ma to the warehouse and checked the materials and tools. He left first, left alone in the warehouse, picked up the hammer and nails, and started to hit him on the sofa.

Shen Long stayed in the warehouse for one night, stayed up late and helped Ma Ma put the two sofas together. In the morning, he stretched out and stretched out, so he planned to have a breakfast. By the way, Ma Ma came to see him.

"Oh, Liu Feng, why did you come out here early in the morning?" As soon as I went out, I heard a sound that sounded stupid behind me. Looking back, it was Lindin Ding.

This was the case when she took a vocal lesson with Teacher Wang. Lindin heard that "Romania is famous for mules and horses." She immediately looked at the teacher with a simple face, "Really ?!"

It is said that "Columbus discovered the American continent, and the Shanghainese discovered Alaska-God is home", and she would also, "is it ?!"

But if you really think this is a naive and simple girl, then you are an out-and-out fool. A purely naive girl can't coax two watches to make a gift, and don't know when to wear that watch. .

Shen Long, a girl of this kind, has seen much more in later generations. To put it vulgarly, Lin Dingding is a walking green tea.

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