All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1481: He Xiaoping's mother is here

"Oh, Captain Ma doesn't want to get married. He wants a sofa, so Captain Ma asks me to help a couple." Shen Long said lightly, Linding's routine was not enough to see in front of his old driver.

It shouldn't be that she happened to come by, but she came specifically for herself. Why didn't she look for Liu Feng before? Because Liu Feng is useless to her, even if she does not give Liu Feng any sweetness, Liu Feng will do the things she wants Liu Feng to help, and does not have the irreplaceable resource advantages like doctors and photography officers.

But now, it ’s different. Shen Long has made this stage play a great success, and has been commended by his superiors. Of course, what this character means in the cultural troupe system. Lin Tingding is of course clear. All of them are older qualifications. Even if Lin Dingding wants to show his charm, he has no chance.

Liu Feng is different. Lin Dingding then concealed his usual dumb eyes and secretly looked at Shen Long. He is young, a cadre, a party member, and has such abilities. He will definitely develop well in the cultural troupe in the future. Although it is not as good as the leader's child, it is enough for her to give birth to some ideas. Hey, one less! If you like it, please collect it: () The update speed is the fastest.

"Will you still make a sofa?" Lindin Ding's eyes shone. After leaving the magic city, she only sat on the couch once. "Then don't you invite me to visit?" Lindin Ding is spoiled, but she has never been right Liu Feng spoiled.

Shen Long looked at it too early, so he didn't refuse. He wanted to see with interest what the old-timer in the green tea world could play, and whether he could come up with new routines he hadn't seen before. By the way, it's one less! , Update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

This is Lin Dingding's routine. In the original book, it was Lin Dingding's sentence that caused Liu Feng to misunderstand, which triggered the subsequent touch incidents and caused the model to lose his honor.

"This is not from me, but from Captain Ma. Last night, Captain Ma looked at his sofa a little bit, and became addicted. The smoke addiction also followed." Shen Long explained lightly, without being affected. .

He unveiled a set of canvas, which appeared in front of Lin Dingding, a pair of dark green and brown plaid sofas, huge and clumsy, as large and clumsy as she had been sitting at the chief's house, and slightly more beautiful than those sofas. a little.

Tintin ’s innocence broke out 100% at the moment. She jumped over and threw her body from the height into the sofa. What surprised her was that the sofa, like those of the Chief Minister ’s home, also bounced her; it was just that she was There was no chance to sit for the second time after the Chief Minister's house was seated. Although the Chief Minister's house had children, those children didn't seem to look at her. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! Remember for a second, ().

Shen Long also sat down on another sofa. Lin Dingding's reaction to him was a bit unexpected. If she used to speak to Liu Feng in this tone, he would surely bow his head shyly.

"This sofa is really good." Lindin Ding had to change his posture to show his advantages more. "Hey, I would like to have such a pair of sofas in the future."

This is a dialogue that did not appear in the original work. Liu Feng in the original work was a bit floated after receiving Lin Dingding's praise. He said that the sofa she made for Ding Ding would be better and much better.

Lin Dingding thought that if she really got to that point, she had to choose between Movado and Shanghai brand watches and marry a photography officer or physician. Having a pair of cost-effective sofas is not a bad thing. You know, this era sofa representative A certain social class

So she responded with a grin, "Really? One word is for sure." Like other young women, Lindin Ding gets along with any male. As long as she doesn't hate them, she will flirt a little bit, thinking she won't cause it. Any consequences, but she was here in Liu Feng, but it caused the consequences. Liu Feng mistakenly thought that she accepted herself, so the confession and hug happened afterwards.

"Well, if you get married in the future, I will also help you fight a pair, I am afraid that you will not look down on time." Of course, the old driver will not have this misunderstanding, Shen Long said with a smile.

This sentence almost choked Linding Ding to half death ~ ~ She meant just to praise Shen Long's good workmanship, and wanted to use this method to leave a little more impression in his heart, but it might not necessarily be To get along with him, at least arrange a new program in the future, or "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》 When the actor of the stage play had an accident and could not act, he could consider himself.

But from the meaning in this sentence, it feels as if Liu Feng doesn't feel at all to himself, otherwise he wouldn't talk about his marriage so plainly?

"It's time to eat, and if you don't go, you should have nothing to eat." Then Shen Long planned to get up and leave.

Lin Dingding also quickly got up to catch up with her elbow and pushed up Shen Long's arm. "There must be no one else going late. If you go, even if you don't have a monitor, you have to do something for you."

She used her little means habitually. Shen Long smiled and did not speak. She went all the way to the cafeteria and ate breakfast, and went back, leaving only Lin Dingding to sit there and then suddenly took out a small mirror to take photos. After taking photos, it seems to have doubts about his charm.

After eating, I came to the rehearsal room. Although the Ning political commissar gave them leave, some people still came here to practice. After all, they have just won the honor. These people are very motivated.

He Xiaoping is also there, but Shen Long can feel that her movements are a little stiff and her eyes are a little erratic, giving people a kind of absent-minded look.

"He Xiaoping, you come here!" Shen Long called her over with a beckoning, practicing in this state, but it was easy to get injured.

"What's wrong with this? What's your concern?" Shen Long asked. Is it still impossible to accept honor?

"I just received my mother's letter, and she said ... she said she would come to see me." No one else on the face of He Xiaoping was about to see the joy of his family, but he was a little panicked.

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